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I’m not posting this because I don’t totally have election fatigue.

I’m posting this because it is the first post in 7 month by one of my Independent Media heroes, StormCloudsGathering, whose brilliant vlog was taken out by Google-YouTube because the overarching theme of his work has concerned World War Three and that’s allegedly not “advertiser-friendly”.

There’s also a Category 4 hurricane which could conceivably make landfall in the wee hours tomorrow morning. The bullseye could be the town where I’ve been living for the past two years, so I’m a bit distracted – but not enough to stop me from being jubilant to share Aaron Hawkins’ summation of this POTUS kabuki dance that’s been going on.

Here are some choice extracts:


“…there’s never been a better time for a rude awakening. All around the world we are witnessing the early stages of a massive social and economic upheaval.

“Large swaths of the population feel angry, disenfranchised and disgusted with the trajectory we’re on. This undercurrent carried Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders to the national stage. It brought Brexit to a referendum, and ready or not, there’s more to come.

“(A window of opportunity is opening.)


“The circus tent is collapsing, and America is about to get a new ringmaster foisted upon them that is disliked and distrusted by the MAJORITY of the population.

“It’s unprecedented.

“You could even call it historic.

“This election isn’t going to be determined by who people are voting for, nearly so much as who they are voting against.

“They really screwed the pooch with Bernie Sanders though didn’t they?

“It was all so well planned and choreographed. The graceful loser. An emphatic endorsement. Great music and visuals. All ruined by the DNC email leaks.

“They got caught red-handed.

“In doing so, the establishment planted the seeds of rebellion in the hearts and minds of an entire generation. That generation just happens to be the future.

“Therein lies a window of opportunity.

“Discontent is the mother of revolution. Disillusionment, the motor of real change.

“As America stumbles around in that ditch, trying to figure out what went wrong, more and more people are going to realize that it’s time to stop pissing their life away at the RNC and DNC liquor stores.

“The solution is not going to come from the same system that created the problem.

“It’s not just a few bad apples.

“It’s not just democracy that’s broken.

“We’re running on a faulty paradigm.

“We have a debt-based monetary system which requires infinite growth to stay afloat, on a finite planet, addicted to oil and war.

“Time to start working outside the box. Reforms aren’t going to cut it. Divisive political wedge movements aren’t going to help.

“A full socio-economic reset is in order, and in the works.

“It is going to be a bumpy ride though, so I hope you have a sense of humor. We’re probably going to need it.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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