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Trump says he’s going to obliterate the Deep State – but what could be more Deep State than the genocidal $7 trillion money-laundering operation that was/is the entire COVID sh!tshow?

Dr Jane is stoic as she delivers a Black Pill, as a longtime Trump supporter who worked in his administration. She runs a part of Bret Baier’s recent interview with Donald Trump, in which the two discuss the vaxx and it’s devastating to watch Trump’s chaotic and frankly, stupid attempts to deflect Baier’s questions.

Her analysis of his tactics and his word choice is spot-on and very, very sad, considering that she has firsthand knowledge that Trump has been fully briefed about the death and destruction that has been and is still being wrought by the jabs.

Why, oh why is Trump covering for the vaxx and still claiming that he “saved 100 million lives” with Operation Warp Speed? It’s a complete slap in the face to his base.

He’s already being endlessly attacked by the Liberal World Order and facing centuries of jailtime over conjured nonsense, why is he unable to tell the truth about the vaxx?

The Federalist, a strongly Trump-supporting publication is asking the same question:

It remains unclear what data Trump is relying on to claim Covid shots saved 100 million lives — a contention the former president has made several times before…

Holding Big Pharma and public health officials accountable for their vaccine falsehoods is a must. And Trump’s sizable influence among Republican voters could be instrumental in achieving it. Trump’s acknowledgment of the issue and a potential conservative response could give Republican politicos the push they need to investigate and punish these entities where appropriate.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • What can a nation expect with Jesuit infiltration ? Fauci eagerly shares the fact that he is a Jesuit . True or false…trump went to the Jesuit college Nordham University ?.

  • Trump will NEVER get my vote even if he went on his knees and cried begging for forgiveness. Theft of 2 trillion dollars, and destruction of millions of businesses, and lives.

  • Isn’t it clear to you yet? They are ALL following a script including a Trump. THere is only one team in the inner circle, and there is no way out besides death. Not one of the 535 criminals in DC are going to be indicted and spend time in prison. Good luck with that.

    They are attemptin to run out the clock. Its a dog and pony….a good cop bad cop. How many fckn times have you seen this with these criminals???

    STOP looking to these politicians, CEO and media to tell the truth or provide solutions for the problems they have created. Its up to us to save us.

    All americans need to remove their CONSENT now and abandon this system. There is nothing to salvage from this corrupt system. Once it has been abandoned, we can claw back all the money stolen from the people. This applies to the States also. States are gigantic cash cows and have grossed trillions over the years fleecing taxpayers. In actuality, its worse than the Federal Criminal Government.

    • I have said all along they are playing both sides against the middle. They played their soap opera to long.

      Like they say; give a man a long enough rope & he will hang himself.

      They have lulled Americans to sleep , by the time they wake up it will be too late. I’m not a trump basher. It was the jab issue that woke me up

  • Thanks Alexandra for showing this. I feel exactly like Dr Ruby. I know Trump is trying to get support from people who ignorantly support the vax, but many of those are Democrats who will never vote for him anyway. Of course they will malign him if he goes against the death shot. Frankly, I think he should stand for something, and speak for it. But what he IS peaking for is a deep state project and I have to conclude he’s a deep state guy. It’s not the first thing to make me suspicious of him, including all his deep state appointments. After a while, I got the feeling he was all mouth and maybe even controlled opposition. If we look at his achievements, we see net zero now. The deep state will allow you to make moves as long as those moves disappear in your wake. We all saw how easily he surrendered the presidency to Biden. I believe Trump backs the CBDC, a deep state guarantee of slavery.
    You won’t find RFK Jr trying to kiss up to both sides and he may well get my vote since this is going to be a huge issue as more plandemics roll out and WHO makes slaves of us all. I think he’s an honest man and I don’t see that in Trump. Never thought I’d vote for a Democrat again, but here we are.

    • You could not have said it better. Sadly, I came to the same conclusion about Trump a couple of years ago. Biden and Trump are just the front men for two factions who report to the same manager. Bobby Kennedy is my man!

  • You are way too emotionally invested to be effective here. RFK Jr. supported lockdowns and just said 2 days ago, “we have to make SURE all future vaccines are safe.” REALLY, does anyone trust the vaccine industry here and now? You and I and everyone do not know what is happening in the background and we have to remember—Trump said it was not mandatory and introduced HCQ which has become a landslide of other incredible drugs that were suppressed by the medical industry. He kept trying to open the country back up in the face of extreme fear and brainwashing. Could there be something else going down? I think so.

  • At least she speaks the truth. She deserves a lot of respect. Whether it was good intentions or not. He was very much responsible for getting those vaccines out, Big mistake! The antibodies was a good thing but disappeared fast in the US. Trump was part of this. He hired a major higher up at Phizer who worked for his Admin and then returned to Phizer after Trump lost. Much respect for the Doctor! One last thing, she says she defending her free speech but Malone is seeing you for misinformation, maybe it was before she changed her mind on trump.

  • Dr. Jane, Trump danced around this because we have a divided society about vaccines, although hopefully those who wanted it have now changed their minds. But I didn’t see anything where he said they DID work, he said what his duty was—to expedite it. It would have been political suicide at the time to NOT do a vaccine that millions of scared Americans demanded—and took annually. Trump didn’t make the ingredients, and was promised a safe and effective vaccine. All he was responsible was to get it out quickly, which he did. To that end, he screwed the Deep State royally by rushing them. THAT was how he broke their ass. I usually like your shows, but do NOT agree with your estimation. HE NVER SAID HE SAVED 100 MILLION. If you really and honestly look at his response, it was, ” some say I saved 100 million but I don’t say anything.” Why are YOU slanting this?

    • I believe I have heard Trump claim exactly that in his rallies. Although I can’t quote his exact words at this moment, his meaning was clear. We all know he’s bragged about his actions with the vax for years. More plandemics are coming, they keep beta testing them one after the other. Is this the guy you want in office as this happens? I don’t think Alexandra’s slanting anything. I think she’s very accurately reporting that the god king is missing some clothing.

    • A-holes like you makes me hate that I am a republican. Watch Vivek speak, and tell me if he lies or if he trying to speak from both sides of his mouth.

      Where did Trump get the $2 trillion, which he gave to big pharma and most likely got back some deposit in a Swiss account? The money was STOLEN from your and my pockets.
      Oh, he was pressured? Oh, he is play 5th dimension chess ? I say shut the F up, and admit that he fooled us.

  • I prefer to take a higher “Q” viewpoint: by which I mean that “white hats” have been working to take down the Deep State for decades, but as said you cannot just tell people; that have to SEE for themselves.
    We are at war with an ancient entrenched power Cabal and mindset most sheeple live within.
    These sheeple are only too happy to condemn YOU and anyone who disagrees with the Authority they bleatingly worship. How many demanded YOU be put into camps? You be eliminated? Their minds are infected and they scream woke platitudes in your face spitting their venom from their vacuous emo baby safe spaces. These are not the warriors we need.
    These sheeple are ENEMY to anyone trying to dig out the Parasite.
    These sheeple are the idiots that will vote to support the current regime.
    Sorry to say (not): these sheeple need to be neutralized. Let them take the shots. Let them eliminate themselves.
    We know the DS has been planning these genocides for decades, going back to Malthus, Club of Rome in the 60’s. Planning conferences over and over. They had to be allowed to spring it so that FINALLY, eyes would be opened. Trump forced them to release the dogs early and created a situation like Karen Kingston points out: they contracted to make a “safe” vaxx per the DOD contract. They didn’t. They rushed it. This opens them to being sued and losing their previous vaxx no-liability. In that Trump helped rush them, a trap was set. The cost is the elimination of people who cannot educate themselves and whose fears makes them work against YOU. They are unthinking Quislings and collaborators, and their dead weight has to be removed.
    They’ve had plenty of time to educate themselves…but didn’t.
    In that regard then, of being at war not only with intentional malefactors, but also the teeming posse of lemmings rushing to their deserved oblivion…T has saved thousands of lives. The lives of those who could THINK independently…the kind of citizen we need if any real improvement is to come about.

    • Do you remember Dr Charles Leiber?
      His work was funded by DOD and NIH, hello, during Trump’s presidency. Guys working under him were arrested trying to take vials of the covid virus to China. For what? Gee, ya think it might have been to attempt to finish developing it into a killer?
      Alexandra has presented the work of 2 individuals whose research showed that the DOD was behind covid. You probably should review that. I’m tired of the old 20-dimensional chess white hat BS. I think we’ve seen quite enough as the deep state closes in beyond stopping with WHO and CBDC. Meanwhile, welcome to the sheep herd.

    • You are a self-deluded cultist who bends the knee to Orange Judas, the king of the kill shot. A man who will intimately be responsible for the death of millions.

    • Hi Nestor,

      You said: Trump had Vaccines rushed to trap them , So they could be Sued.

      No Offense but Please Do Some Research :
      Vaccine manufacturers are not Alloved to be Sued.

      And speaking how ya really like a Politician like Trump.

      But first a Side Note : On NewsBreak App story was told again How The Titanic Survivors Weren’t Believed That The Titanic Ship Split In Two Pieces Until 1985 When Cameras Finally Seen Evidence.
      From 1912 to 1985 the Titanic Survivors Weren’t Believed .,,
      Imagine being a Survivor.

      Look up

      December 2017 Law passed by T R U M P

      August 2019 Law passed by T R U M P.

      This little Evidence thing Gets in The Way of alot of things over the years.

      I’m Not A Democrat or Republican.

      Because most of the Titanic Survivors were women and children doctors and scientists blamed it the women and children being mad , crazy from going through it.
      It took 73 years Finally with Cameras for the Survivors to be Believed.

  • She’s a little PO’d at herself for being taken in by King Chump, me too . Too bad he’s dead already would love to see him swing next to whoever is playing Joey this time. Both second hand puppets on a rope will have to do.

  • Come on Dr Jane!

    I love your shows but obviously Trump meant that there were many strains of Hoaxvid when he said “many covids.”

    And I’m no “Trumper,” but I think anyone can see that.

  • Blackmail is what I’d say. The cabal are the best at blackmail. Did you forget about Whitney Webb’s 700 page two volume book titled,”The United States of Blackmail?

  • I have a hard time thinking that Trump was part of this diabolical plot that the vaccines have become. I would think that Jared Kushner and his spoiled wife were probably influencing him. I had this sinking feeling when Trump put them in charge of anything. They were definitely deep state/military industrial complex types. Still, there is no question that Trump dropped the ball in nearly every way. Why did he allow these fake health buffoons and traitors walk all over him. What a whimp out! Later he turned completely against the anti-vax crowd who had supported him without even a second thought like dismissing a maid. All he cared about were the flyover people, his unique crowd, which I get because the Democrats are such racists against regular white working class people–unbelievable. But there were plenty of us coastal types that also supported the working class, too, and it was as if we didn’t exist at all and still don’t exist. It’s a little hard to get enthusiastic about someone who chooses to make you to not exist. So the flyover deplorables didn’t exist. Then the blue state oppressed now don’t exist. On the other hand Bobby is less wooden and oblivious.

    • Jared Kushner is a Chabbad guy along with his mentor Bibi Netanyahu, a close member of the Khasarian Mafia. Trump went to Israel where we had the sublime treat of watching him kiss up at the Wailing Wall as he transferred our embassy to Jerusalem. Why so? So it will be in the proper place to support the final moves of the Chabbad/KM? They’re all just waitin’ for the Jewish messiah to show.

  • With everything we’ve come to know about these shots, it can’t be possible that they were developed in 9 months. They would have needed decades to develop them. There’s way more to this story and Trump looks like he’s dancing around the truth…what’s the real story? Another mystery. Trump was against mandatory shots, against lockdowns, he was for alternative treatment and he didn’t scaremonger about the risk to health posed by the virus. No other world leader did those things. He put Fauci in a public position so that we could see who he is, I consider that to be a trap successfully sprung. What was the thinking? If Trump advocates for the vax his supporters see the contradiction and don’t touch it. The other side don’t take it because he’s advocated for it….”I should have just told them I was against the wall” remember when he said that? The shot is a weapon, but maybe the timing was everything and Trump made them release it in 9 months, there must be more than meets the eye here.

  • President Trump did a lot of great things, but he consciously turned down Sidney Powell’s offer to investigate the election fraud.

  • You want a straight talker?

    How bout “Lara Logan for President”!

    Nothing Trump does can ever NOT be a beneficial thing (in the eyes of him and his cult).

    If y’all are waiting on ME to get the Party started, yer taking a BIG risk.

    It’s SO simple: we all get in one political party, run by (7/8s) CONSENSUS: consensus candidates (else sortition), consensus laws, rules, and regulations (else rescission); add 1000x as many Reps in the House, tele-repping from their own homes (NOT in the District of Corruption), so each Rep would represent less than 1000 people and could easily personally meet one or two families per day and have met EVERYONE in their District in less than one year.

  • doesn’t take genius to realize about Trump, does it?
    A lesson to be learnt – Stop mixing up fact with belief.
    Factual base -> Dr. Ruby (and Mike?) needs to forget about politics, follow up about blood clots responsibly and submit more evidences and proofs, otherwise, they are looking more like psyops.

  • I also thought parts of it were cringe. Does he not know about the adverse effects? Died suddenly? I just can’t figure this out about him. It is easy to say a mistake may have been made with the vaxx. Better yet, a mistake WAS made with producing the vaxx. Does anyone know was Trump vaxxed? I have vaxxed friends with sudden heart issues and they still refuse to connect the dots. One bragged that he has had all 5 shots.

    • Who cares?
      He doesn’t work for us, that’s all ya need to know
      But if you really need the count, he’s worthy of taking millions of shots (same as other corrupt puppets behind all scamdemics)

  • Hey Alexandra – Where did my comment go? Why did you censor it? First amendment ring any bells for you? My comment did not call for violence. So, what was your reason for deleting it?

    • I didn’t censor anything. I use Wordfence to protect my comment section from spam and for whatever reason, your comment ended up getting quarantined along with an ad for Japanese sex dolls.

      • Really, Alexandra? Japanese sex dolls, and they were Censored? Too bad…
        I might have been interested in a companion who will never die.

  • It is beyond comprehension how the trump train is still going. The man was not, is not, and never will be a saviour. Still a vax-man? But of course, he owns valuable shares in Pfizer! And ya think he’s going to ban “gender affirming care” via executive order? Think again. He owns shares in the pharma companies that make the drugs.

    Derail the trump train already. It’s LOONNGG past the time.

    • Oh Yeah – Tend to agree – Long over due! Shutt this shitt down – Gettoutta town and begin Anew. What are you waitn for? These vPIGZ are all bout thems- elves.
      His-tory repeats – Wakie wakie.;.Kardashn Disny WizOdOz…

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