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This special report by former intelligence contractor, Tore Maras is about the very shady way our elections are getting stolen via the DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and how we are going to fix it.

In the US, elections are, by law handled by the states’ counties. However, the Feds have found a way around this, without our knowledge or consent.

Tore Maras is running for Secretary of State of Ohio, in order for her to gain that elusive “standing”, the lack of which prevented the filing of cases challenging the 2020 Election in several jurisdictions, in late 2020 and early 2021.

Tore is on the ballot for Secretary of State in Ohio as an Independent but now, the GOP has financed Ohio’s incumbent Secretary of State, Republican Frank LaRose‘s lawsuit to get her kicked off the ballot. Yes, the GOP.

Tore appeared for her case yesterday at Ohio’s Supreme Court in Columbus but she was ejected from the court and she was not allowed to hear the testimony against her, in what appeared to be kangaroo proceedings similar that we’ve recently seen inflicted upon the J6 defendants, Simone Gold, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, Donald Trump and others.

She describes Ohio as the “Epicenter” of what she calls the “United States’ Fourth Unelected Branch of Government”, which is precisely why she moved to Ohio and is running for office there.

To make her point, she refers to her opponent, Frank LaRose and she says, “You have to ask how many of your Secretaries of State have been country-hopping? How many of them went to Israel in 2020 to tell them how awesome their elections are? How many of them are leading the charge with CISA? How many of them are observing, with Cindy McCain, Zelenskyy’s [s]election?”

Turning to the topic of the 2020 Election, Tore asks, “‘So, how did they do it? How did the Fourth Unelected Branch do it, Tore?’

“Well, this is simple: Russia, Russia Russia Collusion. It started with Obama, with the Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion. If anyone says that the Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion was only about Hillary Clinton, they are lying. It was the Obama administration, in its entirety.

“And what they did was, they used this. ‘Oh, because Russia got Hillary’s emails. Oh, because…they hacked Podesta’s emails!’ Suddenly, the Department of Homeland Security, under the Homeland Security Act of 2002 is supposed to be in our elections.”

With two weeks to go before Trump took office, Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson declared election infrastructure to be federal “Critical Infrastructure”. Interestingly, Johnson was chosen as the designated survivor for the inauguration of Donald Trump and would have become the next president if a disaster or attack had occurred.

Tore continues, “Now, I have clearly stated this Fourth Unelected Branch of Government – and I have been consistent for years – is running the show. It’s not one person, it is a whole network. They are a well-oiled machine. Well, here it goes:

“In order [for the Federal Government] to do anything with a state, you’ve got to have an agreement and if you guys look back at my articles on Big League Politics, the way they sequestered all your private identifying information was having memorandums of understanding between the FBI and your attorneys general, where the exchange was not money but it was access.

“‘Give us your information, then we can spy on our own citizens and we can collect and create profiles on our own citizens.’ Well, the same applies, here for elections…

“So, how did they do it? Memorandums of Understanding were very easy to find when it was about data collection and spying on citizens, because it was the same FBI agent to your attorneys general.

“But when it came to CISA, when it came to what Obama did, well, they didn’t stay consistent…[because] if they’re consistent in who they have an agreement with, they get caught.”

She explains that in order to obfuscate the role of the Fourth Unelected Branch of Government via the DHS and CISA in the 2020 elections, they made different kinds of arrangements with the states and/or counties.

She says, “There’s three different ways they could do it: 1) They have an agreement with your Secretary of State to own the [voting machine] networks; 2) They have an agreement with the Board of Elections’ County Director; 3) They have an agreement with your County Judge.”

She then instructs her listeners on how to question their various state- and county-level public servants about any memorandums of understanding, which they may have with the DHS through its privatized entities.

Then she shows us images of one such agreement that was discovered by one of her followers, which she is using in her Ohio lawsuit. Although the agreement was classified – and despite the fact that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had ordered all such agreements to be de-classified – this document remained hidden, albeit sloppily so – enabling this concerned citizen to find it.

It is a “Memorandum of Agreement Between Center for Internet Security, Inc. (“CIS”)/Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center [located in Greenbush, NY] and Dallas County, Texas” executed on October 19, 2018.

Tore wants us to see how they did this. CIS is a DHS/CISA contractor, it’s not CISA direct. She says, “It’s federally-funded. Huh. You’re paying them to fix your elections…Thank you very much, Texas!… You guys just helped me blow this wider than Ohio!”

In the opening recitations of the agreement, it says, “CIS has entered into an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) to provide cybersecurity, including cybersecurity services for state election entities.”

Tore says, “So, this is a subsidiary and a private-ish-type entity for DHS to provide cybersecurity. So, ‘CIS entered into an agreement with DHS to provide cybersecurity, including cybersecurity services for state election entities.’

“In other words, a Federal entity has partnered with their own employees that are in the more private area or separated organization or an affiliate or another branch – just Feds, OK? Let’s just say it that way: ‘Feds to do these elections.'”

Reading from the contract, she says, “‘The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the mutual understanding between Entity [which, in this case is Dallas County] and CIS with respect to the provision of Cybersecurity Services to Entity…

“‘V. Title – CIS will at all times retain the title [i.e., ownership] to the hardware and/or software provided to Entity [Dallas County]…during the Term of this Agreement. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Entity will return all hardware and/or software provided under this Agreement within 30 days of such expiration or termination.'”

It is clear from the technical terms of the agreement that the voting machines are connected to the internet and they can be accessed remotely by DHS.

The next agreement she shows is the same, IDENTICAL boilerplate with Colorado but in this case, it’s on CISA’s Federal Agency letterhead and the agreement is with Colorado’s Secretary of State. The CIS side of the agreement is executed, once again by one Mark Perry, who left the company in June 2020 and who is now apparently unemployed. The President and CEO of CIS is one John Gilligan, who has been with the company since 2016.

She also shows us the exact same agreement between CIS and North Carolina’s Hoke County Board of Elections – except in this case, they’re using CrowdStrike to protect the elections, there!

That’s right! the same CrowdStrike that James Comey and Peter Strzok used to cover up the Hillary Clinton email flap.

We will never have safe or fair elections using machines! We must go back to paper!

How has CIS and any other similar DHS cut-outs never been subpoenaed in the aftermath of 2020?

This is how the Fourth Unelected Branch has federalized our elections without our knowledge or consent: By first invoking the Russia Hoax and then making these confidential deals with the states through privatized cut-outs.

This is how our country is being stolen by the Globalists!

Tore recommends that we all email our County Board of Elections, Secretary of State and our County judges and tell them, “I never consented to federal agencies in any part of my elections,” and assert that right.

I wish there was a link to these documents but I’m sure it’s not the last time we’ll be hearing about this.

She drills down further into the terms of these agreements and their mind-boggling implications, that I strongly recommend that you watch!


Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The feds through DHS, Cloud Strike and other subcontractors federalized our County State Elections. They did it in secret with the state AG’s, Election Board Supervisors and County Judges. They had internet connections to each voting machine in which they could change the votes. The only solution is have PAPER Ballots, NO MACHINES. The only had these agreements with the big key counties. This is voter fraud coming from our own FEDERAL GOVERNMENT who has waged war on it’s citizenry.

  • Tore, is Brilliant, non stop, and about as hot as they come. I said many, many years ago, that all machines ( technology) are rigged and of Satan. Just like Satan, to come to us looking good and wonderful. But watch out for what he is hiding behind his back. For instance, a blood pressure machine. Very wonderful technology. But then they ad in big Pharma to kill us and steal our wealth instead of natural resources, that are a free gift from God. You dig ? Capt Joe Kelley.

  • Hi ,
    I agree with the article up to the last part where it says: We have to stop this federal take over saying that we never consented to this.
    That Right There is where the Whole Can of worms is : – I never consented to a Birth Certificate , The ZIP Code, and probably lots more than I even know about ,
    But this is Why I don’t buy a car / cars anymore, or buy a house or land,
    Cause it’s all a monopoly that’s geared against the public,
    Even cities and towns are becoming Federalized , here’s an example: through housing laws and federal funds , make it more clear: Throughout the United States in most places the town or city looses federal funds if the town or city builds single house dwellings,
    That’s why there’s nothing but Multiple Units Going Up everywhere.
    It’s all been planned and designed to bring the 1 world order.
    The WEF recently said: It’s perfectly normal to Get A MicroChip Implant for Banking Transactions.

  • Ms. Alexander Bruce,
    I don’t know Tore Maras, but if there is veracity in these CIS/CISA methods, don’t you think that Michael Lindell should be advised of this, in the event that he is unfamiliar with it? I’m Nothing and Nobody anymore, but it appears to me that Mike Lindell is putting his money and his MyPillow company on the line to ultimately rid “We the People” of the Control forced upon us by these God-cursed Tabulators & “Voting Machines”.
    Trump himself has pressed the need for ridding ourselves of these machines and Mail-In Ballots and returning to the Basics:
    One-Day Voting, Hand-Counts, and Paper Ballots where using all the Sharpies in Hell won’t matter./
    This truly is an “All Hands On Deck” moment, because if the Enemy Within manages to steal the Midterms, it may well be the last time Americans ever vote.

  • This woman talks to herself just as much as her audience, in circles which is mingled with what she calls humor. We need someone who has the ability to speak clearly to the point of matters of concern which is overwhelming at times. And why did we have to wait 5 minutes to finally hear her talk…why?

    • The platforms that live steamers use- YouTube, Rumble, etc. – require a certain amount of time before the livestream starts. Ten minutes is common.

  • Trump made operation warp speed happen. Many Americans died after they took President Trump’s jab. As far as I know he is still pushing for people to “take advantage” of his life saving (death) answer to a bioweapon released on the world. Trump is a NWO puppet. Trump went to Klaus Schwab’s WEF this year and praised the demon who wants real people to eat toxic bugs, to own nothing and assures us we will be happy as they take our God given freedoms away from us in exchange for a hard life and then death.

    I trusted Trump from the beginning but he is not the nationalist I had believed, he is just another puppet of the WEF’s Klaus schlob.

    No one is going to save us from global tyranny so our work is to fill the shoes of some savior we hoped for. Be ready to restore God’s world with the help of neighbors who are willing to listen and learn and fight with God’s love. God wins and so do we

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