Farmer’s son says farmers are being forced to destroy their crops. The Federal Government is telling farmers they will pay them 1.5X the value of their produce to destroy their crops, otherwise, they will no longer subsidize them and they will destroy them economically through taxes.

They are engineering a food shortage. We have 8 months to get our food supply together.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Well it appears the govt has some helpers too! Hey you crop destroyers. You were’t forced into destroying your crops..Crapheads! YOu morons have a MORAL obligation to do what’s right..NOT WHAT FUCKING MORALLY BANKRUPT CORRUPTED GOVT SUGGESTS OR ASKS YO UTO DO WITH MY HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS! YOU ALL ARE PIECES OF CRAP! GOD IS WATCHING YOUR ASSES!

  • All interesting points of view – however, it’s quite a leap, and ignores the fact that there’s a major water crisis in the US and many parts of the world currently. Most of the irrigation water comes from rivers, controlled by dams, which are at all time lows. Forest fires have reduced the rate of rain, as the particles interfere with the formation of clouds and hold more heat in. Then when it does rain, we’re seeing increased rainfall and flash flooding, as warmer air holds more moisture. You can look these things up. It’d still be good to build a food storage of long term items, but the alarmism that leads to hoarding and panic buying is dangerous.

    • Hey if there is a drought in the us right now., it’s most likely intentional! You need to wake up! Our weather is all controlled now. They want CA burned out of house and home and it needs to be dry to set the state on fire. You can’t get any truth if you sit there and listen to CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS..and so on! Te military has been cloud seeding since Vietnam!

    • What you say doesn’t make sense. Dams at an all time low, but when it rains it pours.! Here in Massachusetts we have had what we call a Wet Summer! Yes, we have had lots of rain. Light rain, heavy rain, nighttime rain, daytime rain. You call being prepared for a disaster Alarmism, I call it being smart. You may not feel the
      Pinch right now, but you will. please don’t become a nuasance to your neighbors because you refused to take precautions to protect your family.

  • The Lord had me to begin to prepare a few years ago. ALL of what we need to know about the past, present and future regarding anything in this fallen world can be found within the pages of the King James Bible for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand. Do you know what is to come? Do you know that this ‘vaccine’ is a mere ‘dress rehearsal’ for the last coming implant IN the right hand which will promise to cure all diseases and prolong life? Now, you know why they have been making us sick by poisoning our food, water, air and medications. We don’t have doctors today, we have pill pushers; period. Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” The sorceries mentioned here is far more than just drug addiction and the like. It involves the TV “Programming” which brainwashes and indoctrinates the mind(s) of those who refuse to search for the truth and that truth is found only in one place – the King James Bible for ALL we need to know about how we have been living in the NWO since the 40’s lies within its pages. The ‘merchants’ mentioned are, in fact, the major corporations who have taken control of all that goes on in this fallen world. The Act of 1871 made DC a Corporation, of, for and by corporations which was the beginning of the time when the people lost their voice in OUR government. Read the book: “The Devil’s Chessboard” by David Talbot to see just how they have infiltrated OUR government and have completely removed the voice of the people and have nearly taken away all of our God-given rights. TVs, and computers/smartphones are known in the occult world as ‘black mirrors’ for spirit(s) can inhabit and move freely through them; they are the “Ghost in the Machine”; a title of an album by the rock band the Police in the 60’s. How did they know to title their album with such a title? It was by ‘inspiration’ of devils. Those of us who are saved by grace get our inspiration from the Holy Spirit. In Psalm 146:9 and Isaiah 29:16 we learn how Satan/Gog turns everything Jesus does ‘upside down’. Jesus pray the prayer of intercession, asking the Father to allow those given to Jesus to become ‘ONE’ with the trinity. In Isaiah 14:12-14 we learn how Satan has a five point plan to usurp the ‘church’ and his intention to become “like the Most High [God]”; all knowing. The technology we have today has allowed Satan and his minions to become ‘all knowing. The MAN of sin, the Son of Perdition (damnation) will be revealed on all black mirrors which are, in fact, the ‘image of the beast (kingdom)’ for they both speak and live. Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Those two horns (powers) are the opposite of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, inasmuch as the MAN of sin will be possessed by Satan who, at long last, will be able to rule the world with his “Hive Mind” via technology causing the heathen to become “ONE” with him. In 1 Corinthian 15:46 we learn this: “First that which is natural – Last that which is spiritual”. Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews in the Natural Land of Israel. Natural Babylon, Shinar, Iraq. Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel and the Chosen Ones are Christians. Spiritual Babylon is ALL nations because of their ‘fornication’. When God spoke in the O.T. of the Israelites fornicating as a nation, it was their sin to go to other nations for their needs, whatever those needs may have been. Today, ALL nations have become Babylon inasmuch as they all rely upon each other for their needs, whatever they may be, and for all becoming one like another via entertainment, technology, major corporations, military, central banks etc. Why are ‘they’ so adamant that those of the poorest nations all own and use smartphones? It is because smartphones are the ‘image of the beast (kingdom)” upon which the MAN of sin will be revealed. He will be the complete opposite (upside down) of Jesus Christ. He will be extremely handsome and charismatic, almost supernatural in appearance, pulling people to him. In Isaiah 53 we learn that Jesus was not ‘comely’ nor did He have any ‘beauty’ of body or face. He was reviled and rejected. If you want to read the truth about how Satan/GOG and his horde of imposters began their march against humanity beginning in 1917 with the creation of their wealth and how they have caused all wars beginning with WW1 it all lies within the pages of Ezekiel 38 and 39. I have studied a LOT of documents to prove whom these people are: Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
    I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. May the Lord God continue to bless all of those who have been saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. I pray for the lost souls of the world; often in weeping. Take heart, a great revival will come and many will be saved.

    • Doctors from the past just didnt have as many pills but what makes you think modern day docs are pill pushers and those from the past were not? You forgot to commend those scumbags destroying food and contributing to starvation and famine just t get their sociaist check that I worked so hard for. THere is no way I could do that for a subsdidy! THose folks need Jesus CHrist for sure! They are morally bankrupt and apathetic pieces of shit!

  • I am mor even an american, but this could explain why Bill Gates is now interested in buying farm land by kilometers.

    • If you go look at photos of Bill and Melinda Gates BEFORE 2013 and compare them to the photos of them today you will find that they are NOT the same people. Why? It is because when the Gates’ were giving vaccines to children in Africa, the children became very ill, paralyzed or died! The parents were so angry that they strung up the Gates’ by the neck until dead. So, those who control this fallen world in evil today had to quickly replace them with look alikes. Melinda today is actually a man! NOTHING is as it seems today; NOTHING! There is but one place where we can get 100% truth and that truth lies within the pages of the KJV bible. (Revelation 19:13) “And he [Jesus] was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.”
      In a scientists journal I came across about 3-4 years ago, I found this article: “Why Scientists are Focused on Plant, Animal Genome”. I will quote one paragraph from the article. “You can think of a genome as an instruction book for building a living thing. Its language is a four-letter alphabet, which stand for the four compounds that make up the innards of the DNA molecule. The order of those compounds along the molecule is the code; it creates “words”. Those four compounds are the 4 base pairs. Man’s DNA has 2 strands and 4 base pairs. 3 base pairs are alike but 1 is different. In the bible, there are 2 testaments and 4 gospels. 3 gospels are alike and 1 is is different. In John 1:1, 14 we are told that the “Word” (King James Bible) is, in fact, Jesus Christ. In Revelation 19:13 it tells us this:
      “…and His name is called “The WORD of God”; Jesus Christ. Scientists have proven that God’s word is, in fact, the Lord Jesus Christ because it is He who is throughout the entire bible for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand.
      Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” The sorceries mentioned here is far more than just drug addiction and the like. It involves the TV “Programming” which brainwashes and indoctrinates the mind(s) of those who refuse to search for the truth and that truth is found only in one place – the King James Bible for ALL we need to know about how we have been living in the NWO since the 40’s lies within its pages. The ‘merchants’ mentioned are, in fact, the major corporations who have taken control of all that goes on in this fallen world. The Act of 1871 made DC a Corporation, of, for and by corporations which was the beginning of the time when the people lost their voice in OUR government. Read the book: “The Devil’s Chessboard” by David Talbot to see just how they have infiltrated OUR government and have completely removed the voice of the people and have nearly taken away all of our God-given rights. TVs, and computers/smartphones are known in the occult world as ‘black mirrors’ for spirit(s) can inhabit and move freely through them; they are the “Ghost in the Machine”; a title of an album by the rock band the Police in the 60’s. How did they know to title their album with such a title? It was by ‘inspiration’ of devils. Those of us who are saved by grace get our inspiration from the Holy Spirit. In Psalm 146:9 and Isaiah 29:16 we learn how Satan/Gog turns everything Jesus does ‘upside down’. Jesus pray the prayer of intercession, asking the Father to allow those given to Jesus to become ‘ONE’ with the trinity. In Isaiah 14:12-14 we learn how Satan has a five point plan to usurp the ‘church’ and his intention to become “like the Most High [God]”; all knowing. The technology we have today has allowed Satan and his minions to become ‘all knowing. The MAN of sin, the Son of Perdition (damnation) will be revealed on all black mirrors which are, in fact, the ‘image of the beast (kingdom)’ for they both speak and live. Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Those two horns (powers) are the opposite of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, inasmuch as the MAN of sin will be possessed by Satan who, at long last, will be able to rule the world with his “Hive Mind” via technology causing the heathen to become “ONE” with him. In 1 Corinthian 15:46 we learn this: “First that which is natural – Last that which is spiritual”. Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews in the Natural Land of Israel. Natural Babylon, Shinar, Iraq. Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel and the Chosen Ones are Christians. Spiritual Babylon is ALL nations because of their ‘fornication’. When God spoke in the O.T. of the Israelites fornicating as a nation, it was their sin to go to other nations for their needs, whatever those needs may have been. Today, ALL nations have become Babylon inasmuch as they all rely upon each other for their needs, whatever they may be, and for all becoming one like another via entertainment, technology, major corporations, military, central banks etc. Why are ‘they’ so adamant that those of the poorest nations all own and use smartphones? It is because smartphones are the ‘image of the beast (kingdom)” upon which the MAN of sin will be revealed. He will be the complete opposite (upside down) of Jesus Christ. He will be extremely handsome and charismatic, almost supernatural in appearance, pulling people to him. In Isaiah 53 we learn that Jesus was not ‘comely’ nor did He have any ‘beauty’ of body or face. He was reviled and rejected. If you want to read the truth about how Satan/GOG and his horde of imposters began their march against humanity beginning in 1917 with the creation of their wealth and how they have caused all wars beginning with WW1 it all lies within the pages of Ezekiel 38 and 39. I have studied a LOT of documents to prove whom these people are: Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
      I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. May the Lord God continue to bless all of those who have been saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. I pray for the lost souls of the world; often in weeping. Take heart, a great revival will come and many will be saved.

  • I can’t speak for farmers, but I did some reading on the changes/increases to the CRP program. The CLEAR30 program…. It sure sounds like the government really wants to incentivize plowing fields under in order to rent the land to the government. The longer the better, and the more money they will pay to do so (at least they’re trying to get approval to do so)….. All in the name of climate change……

    • The truth is that this paying farmers to destroy crops has been ongoing for many, many years. If we go back in time and see the numbers of small farmers around this country we will find that there were thousands of them. Most of those same farms today are like ghost towns; completely gone. This is why Trump gave billions to farmers over a three year period to grow more crops than the farmers said they could harvest so Trump told them to hire more people and get more equipment! Now, we are watching as Satan/GOG and his horde of imposters of the synaGOGue of Satan are deceiving the world into believing that the USA will make a comeback when, in fact, we have all been living in this New World Order since the 1940’s upon the founding of the United Nations which received its deadly wound as the League of Nations. Soon, the USA will find itself in total chaos which is why they want to defund the police and why police officers are quitting by the hundreds. When there is no help from the police anymore, we will witness the blue caps and blue helmets of the troops of NATO of the U.N. It’s coming people and it will come in the last year of the first 3 1/2 years of tribulation after the MAN of Sin, the Son of Perdition (damnation) is revealed in the USA. Wake up people; NOTHING is as it seems. Five times Jesus told us “Do NOT be deceived by any means!”.

  • Anyone stop for a moment to connect the dots?

    Fact: Bill Gates has always been open and up front about his belief that we “Need to reduce the population by any means necessary.”

    Fact: Bill Gates has been buying up as much farmland as he can get his hands on yet he knows NOTHING about farming.

    If there is any truth to this plan to destroy current crops and subsidize farms to NOT grow crops ( This has actually happened in the past – Pig farmers were subsidized to NOT raise pigs due to a glut in the market ) — Then Gates is just doing what he does best – taking advantage of a situation ( Google how he actually ripped off his “friend” by buying DOS from him for next to nothing then licensing it out to IBM for millions )

    To summarize:

    Gates buys farmland – Doesn’t grow anything – Creates a situation where millions starve ( thereby fulfilling his population reduction mandate ) And makes millions in government subsidies for doing so.

    And don’t even get me started on the number of vaccination related deaths ( which are ridiculously high. )

    Bill Gates: “We need population reduction immediately!”
    Also Bill Gates: “Let me make the vaccine that will save you all!”

    Suspicious at best.

  • This is going on globally. I’m in Australia and my wife is in Pakistan. There are signs of food shortages in the near term with primary production. In some cases natural causes but there’s deliberate actions being taken to exacerbate it too. Prices are rising steadily already and with everything else people are not noticing as they would usually. Particularly as so many are getting ‘free’ handouts Not free but stolen from their futures the way I see it.

  • The public needs to know about this and it needs to be publicized as to the severity of this. This is no joke, it is serious folks. We need to address the farmers, even if we take to the streets now.

    • It’s BS Im a farmer and NO farmer has gotten this notice. This is a LIE Farmers are not being paid to destroy them. what government would want their people to starve that’s not how subsidies work. What would I do? Plant more ,crop prices would skyrocket due to shortages.
      Please dont fall for this… He is just some dude sitting in a car He has no credible sources whatsoever Before you try to repudiate me again IM A FARMER I KNOW!!! BTW this has been going around for years and I’ve even seen post about it in Britain blaming the British government!!!

      • Tell it, cj!! Tell it!!!! Of course, it’s BS .. You’re a farmer and no farmer’s gotten this notice. This is a downright lie, to be exact. Farmers aren’t being paid to destroy their own crops; what government would want their people to starve? That isn’t how subsidies work. What would you do? Simply plant more .. Prices would skyrocket if there were shortages.
        Whatever lies this moron puts out there, don’t fall for them .. He’s just some dude sitting in a car; therefore, he has no credible sources whatsoever. Yes, you’re a farmer and you know; the dude sitting in his car doesn’t. BTW, this has been going around for years; and, yes, you’ve even seen posts about it in the UK blaming the British government.
        Keep up the good work, cj, and God Bless you.

        • this wonderful government killed three thousand of its own people (9-11) as an excuse for world surveillance (homeland security) and to commit genocide of Arabs. it created a so-called pandemic to fill a need for death vaccines. The Georgia stones show a world population goal of 500 million- currently its stands at 7.8 billion. And a farmer would be the last one to tell you that he is cooperating with evil. Or this could be some government shill saying he is a farmer. bless reliable sources like myself, not somebody supporting our government

        • It was during the Bush and Clinton administrations that farmers were being paid to NOT produce crops; not particularly to destroy what they had already grown. They just didn’t want them to grow anything. Today, we see thousands of farms which have become ghost towns as farmers during that time took the payoffs to have a better life for their families.

        • The fact that this post has been repeated under the names of cj and Eileen Kuch is very suspicious.

      • Lot’s of governments let their own people starve en masse in order to sell food for high prices internationally. History is reported with these incidents.

        THE IRISH FAMINE, with the potato crop ruined, Ireland simply did not have enough food to feed her people.
        More than 26 million bushels of grain were exported from Ireland to England in 1845, a “famine” year. Even greater exports are documented in the Spring 1997 issue of History Ireland shows that nearly 4,000 vessels carrying food left Ireland for ports in England during “Black ’47” while 400,000 Irish men, women and children died of starvation.

        Shipping records indicate that 9,992 Irish calves were exported to England during 1847, a 33 percent increase from the previous year. At the same time, more than 4,000 horses and ponies were exported. In fact, the export of all livestock from Ireland to England increased during the famine except for pigs. However, the export of ham and bacon did increase. Other exports from Ireland during the “famine” included peas, beans, onions, rabbits, salmon, oysters, herring, lard, honey and even potatoes.
        1,336,220 gallons of grain-derived alcohol were exported from Ireland to England during the first nine months of 1847. In addition, a phenomenal 822,681 gallons of butter left starving Ireland for tables in England during the same period. If the figures for the other three months were comparable, more than 1 million gallons of butter were exported during the worst year of mass starvation in Ireland.

        The food was shipped from ports in some of the worst famine-stricken areas of Ireland, and British regiments guarded the ports and graineries to guarantee British merchants and absentee landlords their “free-market” profits.

        The Holodomor’s Death Toll
        The Ukrainian famine—known as the Holodomor, a combination of the Ukrainian words for “starvation” and “to inflict death”—by one estimate claimed the lives of 3.9 million people, about 13 percent of the population. And, unlike other famines in history caused by blight or drought, this was caused when Stalin wanted both to replace Ukraine’s small farms with state-run collectives and punish independence-minded Ukrainians who posed a threat to his totalitarian authority.

        During Mao’s Great Leap Forward, while peasants were starving in the country side the government was shipping most of their grain to the Soviet Union to repay loans. Some grain also rotted in warehouses in the cities where it was taken from the communes. 30 million people died.

        There is also Hitler’s ghettos that he isolated Jews in and starved hundreds of thousands to death.
        Currently, half of India’s children are malnourished. About 350 million Indians go to bed hungry every night. Yet the government is sitting on wheat surpluses — now at about 53 million metric tons — that would stretch to the moon and back at least twice if all the bags were lined up. Persistent scarcity surrounded by such bounty has become a source of shame for a nation that has taken pride in feeding itself.

        • Well written David although just horrible to read. It is quite astonishing to think that the ‘civilised’ people of England allowed that rape of Eire to happen. Just like we in Australia allow our young soldiers to go off to far away countries and murder the inhabitants at the behest of the Anglo/American ruling class. The dealers of death always seem to get their way. Even now the dealers of death have convinced hundreds of millions of people to commit slow (and profitable for some) suicide by injection. The satanic elite have existed since time immemorial and they are just as powerful today. Why are ordinary people so utterly blind to the antics of the obscenely wealthy?

      • Dictatorships have routinely controlled their people with food shortages.
        “What government would want their people to starve?” This one, if it gets them in line. Covid/Vaccines were just a start in destroying this country’s economy.
        You might be right and the kid in the video wrong, but these monsters aren’t normal.
        Why would a government do this ?

  • This is how the communist countries control their farmers. Farmers are only allowed to grow what they are told to grow. If they grow something different they do not get paid. If they are told to leave their paddocks fallow they will get paid as if they had grown a crop of something. In this way, the government has total control of the amount of food grown in their country. In America, it will also mean the government has complete control of all farmland whether it is owned by a farmer or not. If farmers want money in their bank accounts, they will be forced to comply. This is another ploy to bring America into a communist state, in the guise of helping the environment, with the Green New Deal.

  • Could be a scare tactic. I really don’t think this will happen
    Yeah we have shortages due to rising gas prices but in the next breathe its ok. Biden is doing everything to make this a socialist state. I didn’t vote for him cause I knew hes full of shit and a weak ass man.

  • Which means if there’s any seeds left to buy, MUST BUY NOW, before the majority of the public gets wind of this news.

  • “Nothing New Under The Sun” They have been doing these sort of tactics since President Carters day! & Lets Not forget 1932 ‘Ukrainian Holodomor’ in just one year would starve to death 4 Million innocent Russian Ukraine’s


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