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A stunning list of 9/11 facts was posted to that I’ve shared below. Reflecting upon this information, one is confronted with an evil operating within the US Government so unfathomable and perverse that words fail to describe it.

To accompany this article by ZeroHedge contributor JimmyJones, I’m sharing a video based on the work of French journalist, Thierry Meyssan. For me, the jury’s still out as to how the physically-impossible effects seen on videos of the second plane’s impact were achieved.

Was the penetration of structural steel by an airliner obtained using a specially-reinforced military aircraft painted to resemble a commercial jet or by a Cruise missile or by means of an advanced 3D laser technology called FIRESIGN described in a 7-page document allegedly hacked from the Benenson Strategy Group, Hillary Clinton’s campaign advisers, released by Anonymous on October 18th 2016? Whatever technology was used to create this illusion, it is clear to me that the flimsy aluminum airframes of commercial planes were not involved.

There were no commercial plane crashes
on September 11, 2001
by Twncpcone JimmyJones
Fri, 04/20/2018

Every supposed one of the 256 passengers on 9-11 paid for their tickets in cash on THE MORNING 0f 9-11! NOT ONE used a single credit card and there are no electronic receipts from anyone or any company anywhere in the world. Why? There were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

Except for the supposed Atta and all of his massive incriminating evidence on a supposed suicide flight….NOT ONE single supposed passenger parked a car at any airport on 9-11 NOT ONE. Why? There were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the US government spends billions of dollars a year on infiltrating truth groups and forums , suiciding activists, and staging and writing media propaganda around the world is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the US military owned media outlets like GE and Westinghouse who own NBC and CBS will never expose their own crimes of conspiracy to murder is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the US government set up the Homeland security agency, TSA, Patriot Act, wiretapping, torture through confessions, and renditions….all to keep you quite and scared about 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason Rosie O’Donnell was fired from TV for mentioning the WTC 7 collapse which would immediately expose 9-11 as some form of controlled demolition is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason HUNDRED’s of so-called “terrorist training drills” like Tripod II and Vigilant Guardian were taking place on 9-11….at the exact time of the plane crashes…..was for plausible deniability because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that NONE of the voice data recorders, flight data recorders, or BLACK BOXES had serial numbers….a first in aviation history and it happened 4 times on the same day…is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

(Update: Mueller…yes that Mueller has stated that the FBI has ‘lost all the black boxes’ from 9-11! Maybe it’s with the original moon landing video that they ALSO said they have lost?)

The reason that EVERY TV interview on the DAY OF 9-11 was given my military owned media outlet personnel (watch September Clues online) is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that ALL the buildings and locations on 9-11 appear to have been destroyed by some form of demolition or Directed Energy Weapon is because there was no jet fuel because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the US government allocated only $3 million dollars to investigate ALL of 9-11(Lewinsky Scandal got $50 million) is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason NORAD stood down on 9-11 to immediately intercept the planes was because there were no planes to shoot down because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason EVERY video filming the Pentagon was immediately confiscated (80+ at last count) was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the command procedure to shoot down a rogue plane was changed just weeks before 9-11 to having to get Donald Rumsfeld’s permission first….and then was changed back immediately the day AFTER 9-11 to the pilots discretion…..was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that NONE of the 256 passengers (except ATTA) drove and parked their own cars at ANY airport on 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that NOT ONE single video exists of any person(except ATTA) at any airport in any way from any of the planes of 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that Tens of millions of dollars were made on “put options” which shorted United and American Airlines just days before 9-11 and the US REFUSES to release exactly who made those financial bets is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the US conducted a terrorist training drill at the Buffalo Intl Airport one week BEFORE 9-11 which included terrorists blowing up a plane (the exact people conducting this drill just so happen to be the ones who then conducted the “rescues” at ground zero one week later!) was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that Rumsfeld announced $2.3 TRILLION had been “lost” at the Pentagon on 9-10-01 and that the 28 accounting experts would be looking into it (ALL 28 died in the Pentagon plane attack and all investigations were immediately dropped) was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the Pentagon was conducting a “MASCAL” (Mass Casualty) exercise ON THE DAY OF 9-11 at the Pentagon involving a PLANE CRASHING INTO IT…was once again for a weak plausible deniability excuse because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the doors, fire escapes, observation decks, and ALL access to the tops WTC’s 1 and 2 buildings was closed and chained up on Monday 9-10-01…was because survivors could talk….because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason Mayor Gulliani was conducting Operation Tripod II at Pier 92 (rather than his NEW multiple million dollar bunker inside WTC 7) on Monday 9-10-01 which involved terrorist attacks on the WTC’s and then the same exact people were then in charge of 9-11….was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the FBI released the names, addresses, photos, religious beliefs, whereabouts, affiliations, professional connections, flight training schools, nationalities, personal histories, ages, visa status OF ALL the highjackers within DAYS Of 9-11 (Unibomber took 17 years!)… because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason PA Gov. Tom Ridge, who would then head a new agency called Homeland Security, said that the WTC debris would be buried at CDI’s smelting plant which was purchased just months before 9-11 in PA (no debris went overseas or to China for example!) was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

Even though it was illegal Gulliani banned ALL photography and video of the WTC’s after the attacks which clearly showed serious problems with the official stories because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason Osama Bin Laden denies any connection to wrong doing and basically says the US government and military are sick and murderous for their own gains… is because he had nothing to do with 9-11 because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason there were SERIOUS problems with ALL the videos showing planes on 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that there will always be massive problems with the passenger lists and why NONE of the hijackers were listed on ANY of them is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason there will NEVER be a single piece of verified debris from ANY of the 4 planes from ANY of the 4 locations on 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that NO engines, NO tail sections, NO seats, NO fuselage, NO luggage, and NOTHING from any of the planes has ever been found and verified through a serial number is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason there are massive problems with the take-off records of the 4 flights on 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that NOT ONE PENNY has been paid from insurance companies to replace the planes themselves is because they pay only be verifiable debris….and NONE has ever been found….is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason Bush threatened Congressman to never investigate 9-11, then delayed the investigation 18 months, then handpicked the Commission members, had Commission members quit because they said the Commission was a fraud because they were never going to be allowed to inspect the plane wreckage because of “national security”, and then told them to never “cross the line” with regards to plane investigations……is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

(Sen. Paul Wellstone paid with his life. He demanded to verify the plane debris. That’s why he was killed)

The reason that thermite and cordite tested POSITIVE and was found EVERYWHERE on 9-11 is because there was no jet fuel because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that jet fuel tested NEGATIVE at ALL 4 crash sites on 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that the WTC towers 1 and 2, which were each 110 stories high of reinforced concrete and steel covering ONE ACRE for each floor…….which was then turned into a pile of dust standing only TWO STORIES HIGH from a fuel fire ( a first in world history)…..was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason CDI, Control Demolition Inc, (A DEMOLITION COMPANY ….even though there was no piece of building debris larger than what could fit onto their existing trucks!) was paid $35 Billion to clean up 9-11 (similar to what the US government paid CDI after the OKCity bombing in 1995) and was seen in and around the WTC’s AND OKCity Murrah building for weeks and months PRIOR to 9-11 and April 1995….was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason everyone smelled cordite and NOT ONE person smelled ANY of the 12,000 gallons of toxic jet fuel at the Pentagon was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9/11.

The reason NONE of the 600 FBI agents at the Pentagon were wearing masks, even though 12,000 gallons of fuel had just been released, was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the Naudet Brothers have not been seen since 9-11, even though they were related to the fire company they just so happen to be filming on 9-11 to capture the ONLY supposed video of the first plane of 9-11…( ….is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the FAA boss destroyed the taped testimony of the 3 air traffic controllers immediately following 9-11 which basically said they could not have been commercial planes….was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9/11.

The reason 16 supposed Saudi Arabian men who averaged 5’4″ 120 lbs with ONE inch knives could highjack 4 planes without a single mayday or hijacking code being entered by a single pilot on 9-11…was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that ALL EIGHT, 6-ton, 9ft wide Titanium alloy engines DISAPPEARED ( a first in world history and it happened 8 times) on 9-11 and have never been physically verified since was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason $15 billion dollars was paid out to the US airline companies within 2 weeks of 9-11 was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the airline insurance companies have yet to pay a single penny to replace a single plane from 9-11 (which by the way they ONLY pay by debris verification)….is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason it is now against US law to investigate or even contact the exact people who took the supposed “man from the street “ films, photos, and videos of planes of 9-11… because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason you will never have ANY truly independent investigation of 9-11 is because your legal system is owned by the same murderers and there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that everything will be kept in secrecy with regards to any legal procedures, covered with terms like “national security” even though the ENTIRE PLANET supposedly saw it, and ANY court cases will all have gag orders and be closed to the public is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the families will NEVER ask for verification of plane debris from any of the 4 planes from any of the 4 locations on 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason that NOT ONE single family member gave or demanded a DNA sample or independent test from the planes of 9-11 (which means authorities could never have matched the DNA as positive from the Pentagon Flt. 77 without a sample FROM the family)….is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Exactly. I stopped reading after that ONE assertion. If that ONE assertion is true…who’d need to read the rest. While it wouldn’t be impossible, the odds would be so staggering that’d be impossible. I would honestly be interested to know if this is verified…and if so….

    “Every supposed one of the 256 passengers on 9-11 paid for their tickets in cash on THE MORNING 0f 9-11! NOT ONE used a single credit card and there are no electronic receipts from anyone or any company anywhere in the world.”

  • The value of this article would be enhanced if the claim that “[e]very supposed one of the 256 passengers on 9-11 paid for their tickets in cash…” were footnoted to show source/methodology of verification of that data. The ticket claim is potentially important, but if it is unverified, then the debunker camp will have a fun time ridiculing those who are “disrespecting the memory of the passengers.”

  • This is so sick……..
    Still wondering, why people do not find the path of self- love and self-healing on this planet.

  • Great list and by now anyone who still believes the official lie really needs awakening
    Jeff Rense put together a 34 page list of links on this subject –
    Some theories or evidence may not be totally true but try to debunk all of the obvious facts out there is impossible except perhaps a few hard-nosed sceptics who will disagree with everything despite overwhelming evidence

  • Excellent article. Also, two of the planes said to have been used in the 9/11 attacks provenly never actually flew on 9/11 according to official flight log evidence, and those two planes were still in existence afterwards, and even in service weeks after 9/11, and evidence is provided for this in the link immediately below from the dusktildawn site, and even some of the civilian airline pilots said to have been killed flying the planes allegedly used in the attacks on 9/11 were still alive and even flying commercial airliners later on after 9/11. Certainly, several of the alleged hijackers were shown to still be alive after9/11.

    9/11 – A Reasonable Interpretation of a Strange Event A Pictorial Review

    See also:
    ‘Frequently Asked Questions » If Flight 77 did not hit the building what happened to its passengers and crew?’

    Even 7 of the hijackers were still alive after 9/11; WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

    One video of the ‘attacks’ shows what appears to be an airliner, surely ‘CGI’, appearing to crash into a skyscraper and then the front of the fuselage seems momentarily to be exiting the other side of the skyscraper before exploding, but that would be impossible, as the jet fuselage would not be able to punch right through an entire skyscraper before exploding, the images frame by frame images showing that are also in the dusktildawn article above.

    The video ‘911missinglinks’ is excellent (see the Vuysu Amfasi version as the music soundtrack at the beginning is complete in that); that account of what happened may differ slightly somewhat, though they certainly suss out the ‘whodunnit’ aspect.

    See ‘Did CIA Director William Casey really say, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”?’

  • April 15, 2015

    Stop Here On Red

    What do you say when your top bomb expert demolishes the meme?
    Shows how re-bars stripped clean point away from truth?
    The local stations reporting in the afternoon, unexploded devices
    still being removed, yet no mention on the national news at six.

    What’s to think when the debris pile just doesn’t stack up?
    When the hole is too small, the brand new hardened concrete walls
    too thick and many for a carbon nose cone, the targeted accountants
    too well-placed and unlucky to make suspected wrong-doing stick?

    Doesn’t even one impossible maneuver of a question banked hard
    in its descending corkscrew still smolder in the back of your mind?
    Setting stone? Wetting a line? The shooter, never closer than three feet,
    the kill-shot behind the right ear and powder burns on the collar,

    he’s paraded each decade to upgrade our denial. It’s embarrassing
    what selected psychopaths achieve. Corporations are people.
    Chemtrails only vapor clouding uncommon air. They scritch like nails
    down the gray slate sky, these stupidly explained- away traumas.

    Signs say stop here on red. Wait for pilot car going your direction.
    I’m waiting for anyone credible to explain how steel-framed markets implode
    like volatile skyscrapers and perps all go free. How sagging backpacks
    hide pressure cookers. How the FBI lists no murders, Sandy Hook, 2012.

  • Excellent article. Also, two of the planes said to have been used in the 9/11 attacks provenly never actually flew on 9/11 according to official flight log evidence, and those two planes were still in existence afterwards, and even in service weeks after 9/11, and evidence is provided for this in the link immediately below from the dusktildawn site, and even some of the civilian airline pilots said to have been killed flying the planes allegedly used in the attacks on 9/11 were still alive and even flying commercial airliners later on after 9/11. Certainly, several of the alleged hijackers were shown to still be alive after9/11.

    9/11 – A Reasonable Interpretation of a Strange Event A Pictorial Review

    See also:
    ‘Frequently Asked Questions » If Flight 77 did not hit the building what happened to its passengers and crew?’

    Even 7 of the hijackers were still alive after 9/11;

    One video of the ‘attacks’ shows what appears to be an airliner, surely ‘CGI’, appearing to crash into a skyscraper and then the front of the fuselage seems momentarily to be exiting the other side of the skyscraper before exploding, but that would be impossible, as the jet fuselage would not be able to punch right through an entire skyscraper before exploding, the images frame by frame images showing that are also in the dusktildawn article above.

    The video ‘911missinglinks’ is excellent (see the Vuysu Amfasi version as the music soundtrack at the beginning is complete in that); that account of what happened may differ slightly somewhat, though they certainly suss out the ‘whodunnit’ aspect.

    They did just the same stunt with the so-called 6 million that they invented back after WWII. I mention this here only because this article demonstrates the massive lengths that the TPTB will go to construct an artificial truth and then defend it at all costs.

    See ‘Did CIA Director William Casey really say, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”?’

  • Just a little side note, I watched a video from John Lear years ago about how the “planes” could not fly at max speed at ground level without shaking apart. Then another video from Dr. Judy Wood, entitled, Where Did the Towers Go? I want to know where all the gold went from the vaults in the basements of #2, that alone would have taken multiple semi-trucks. Yes, the people of this country are sheep, dipped in oil, and coal, with a nuclear glow about them. I am one of them myself. Who do you go to for help when the government lines you up against the wall and says believe or die. There were no planes on 911! There were lots and lots of lies. The Nazi’s won the second world war. Just look at our “government” for proof. Same lies, different day. If you start a group, it will be invaded, talk to loud, you might have an accident. I want my old country back! Instead of this corporate monopoly we live in without checks and balances.

  • The murderers & the planners have names.
    They are still alive, free & very rich.
    Poppy Bush is the last man standing from the 11/22/63 coup.
    When will we & the truth movement reveal the 9//2001 names,
    so these kilers can br dealt with?

  • so what happened to the people that were on the planes making phone calls to their loved ones?

    some very prominent people were supposedly on those planes,such as the husband and wife that created the tv series frasier

    and ted olson’s wife was supposedly on the flight that hit the pentagon and she phoned her husband to say goodbye

    what happened to all of them?

    • A person who claims she is a veteran flight attendant wrote a fictional series of books and does interviews/blogs under the name “Rebekkah Roth” answering those questions and more. The information she has compiled (or has been provided…) is excellent.
      Whenever you dive into 9/11 research you must remember that MOST of the 9/11 research community, especially if was good and over the target, was (still is) infiltrated:
      – Some of it was simply narrowed in scope so that it’s tougher to piece together w/ other research.
      – Some of it was infiltrated by operatives who supplied researchers w/ info, gained their trust, then programmed or coerced them (often unknowingly) against other research in order to get groups arguing with and discrediting each other.
      – Some research groups were literally broken apart.
      – Some research was completely derailed and now serves as mostly disinfo – done intentionally to turn people away and also serve as a scapegoat for “crazy conspiracy theorists–look at what they’ve come up w/ now” claims by meda+establishment).

      So, it takes awhile to find the reliable research and even then, it’s not always pure and some overlapping info doesn’t always agree and not all the questions are answered and alternative theories proved.

      The essential key to understanding 9/11 truth is to start with a serious analysis of the official version of 9/11. That starts with an understanding of the official version of WTC 1,2,7 “collapse” by NIST as published in the 9/11 Commission Report.

      The analysis on WHY and HOW the towers were destructed is not comprehensive and there are pieces other researchers disagree with. However, it’s overall analysis on the failure of the NIST analysis to scientifically analyze and present not only logical but physically feasible causes for destruction are agreed on almost universally. The NIST report is fraudulent.

    • Actually one of the taped phone calls was from a purported flight attendant to her husband. At the end of the call she whispered “hoax” or a word with a similar meaning. So some people were forced to play act. Govt. usually tells them they are participating in a drill. In the case of the Olsons, Ted recently remarried a woman who looks an awful lot like his (first) wife.


  • This amazing article confirms what many have thought since the incident “happened” on 11 September 2001.

    The perpetrators of this murderous act must think that the General Public are thick or absolute idiots to believe the official report. So many dubious parts of this sad affair are so blatantly obvious, that it seems those responsible actually wanted it to be seen as a “false flag” trick.

    It is a great pity that those responsible for it (and it is unnecessary to name names, as they must be fairly obvious) can not be brought to a Court of Justice.

  • Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfawitz and Silverstein are all traitors, thieves and murderers, which I’ve been saying since days after 9/11.

    Wake up, Sleeple. It’s time to overthrow these criminals who’ve stolen America in an attempt to make it Amerika.

    • I totally agree. Anyone with half a brain should know airplanes do not disappear. I worked in the Pentagon for 4 years. Cameras are all over that building including many other surveillance systems and all the sheeples were shown was one picture of a ball of fire. I also helped with the reclamation process of picking up what was left after 3 B52’s that crashed while i was in the Air Force. Airplanes that crash DO NOT DISAPPEAR. The American People are like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed BULLSHIT.

      • …AND the ONLY person to take the NIST to court to prove fraud was Judy Wood scientist, researcher and author of “Where Did The Towers Go? One of the judges in the case asked her if she had “lost her mind” in going up against such an evil conspiracy.

      • That’s why “we” homo sapien sapiens , are also known as “HUMAN RESOURCES” to be manipulated, financialized, capitalized and used like any other resource. The entities and their minions who operate this planet and all of it’s astral realms really do consider humans to be their property who were tricked into allowing our energies to be harvested just like we harvest domesticated animals for our survival..

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