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Aaron Hawkins aka StormCloudsGathering has been laying low in recent years but he says that soon, the open internet will end and a completely controlled internet will take its place, using the “Zero Trust Strategy” — which calls for all internet users to be authenticated at all times (ending anonymity). This is scheduled to be fully implemented by 2027. But a catastrophic cyber event (like the one that the WEF says is anticipated sometime within the next 12 months) would obviously accelerate the process. The best way to predict a crisis is to create it yourself.

Since he won’t be signing on to the new internet under any condition, and he hopes you don’t either. So whatever that needs to be said should be said now.



We have one last chance to communicate over the internet before everything goes crazy. I’ve been silent for a long time, so there is a lot to be said. We’ll have to break it into pieces.

Three months into the genocide of Gaza, with over 23,000 civilians killed (by conservative estimates), it should be clear that Israel won’t be dissuaded by public condemnations, protests or boycotts. It should also be clear that the international organizations that are supposed to intervene in this kind of situation have no intention of doing so, and that the United States and Europe will continue assisting the aggressor (in spite of public outcry). Only Yemen had the courage to stand up.

Israel’s goal isn’t just to steal the remnants of Palestine. Their goal is to take a portion of each of the countries that surround them (to form Greater Israel). To accomplish this they needed a wider regional war. Hence a massacre designed to provoke the muslim world. Now that war is kicking off. Yemen and Lebanon are the opening act, but the main target is Iran.

This comes at a moment when Russia is preparing to deliver the final blow in Ukraine; an event which will set off a chain reaction of its own. With simultaneous escalations in the middle east and Europe and the world’s most important shipping lanes becoming war zones we now have the perfect cover story for the Great Reset. If the public can be convinced that the rapid decline in living standards that follows was caused by enemies abroad their anger will be channeled into military aggression.

This is the final information war of the internet as we know it. Those of us that refuse digital id won’t be allowed on the new system. Officially the “Zero Trust Strategy” — which calls for all internet users to be authenticated at all times (ending anonymity) — is scheduled to be fully implemented by 2027. But a catastrophic cyber event (like the one that the WEF says is anticipated sometime within the next 12 months) would obviously accelerate the process. The best way to predict a crisis is to create it yourself.

I won’t be signing on to the new internet under any condition, and I hope you don’t either. So anything that needs to be said should be said now. But where to start? I promised you guys one last video (and I intend to deliver), but I’ve come to the conclusion that I have to approach this one in a different way. My primary objective is to convey something that could improve the outcome for as many people as possible. As such, it doesn’t make sense to create it in a vacuum. Rather than spending months writing, recording and editing to then drop a video in final form, what if instead we open a conversation? Part of what I intend to say is already decided (we’ll save that for last), but I’m going to give each of you a chance to influence the direction and focus of the rest. So I’ve created a temporary email address for people to send comments and questions ( I won’t be able to respond to each email directly, but I will read them until that address goes down.

To start the conversation here’s a glimpse of where I am coming from: I’ve spent the past 8 years living off-grid and building a farm in the jungle (on very difficult terrain). During that time I went through a series of cataclysms including a direct hit from a category 5 hurricane and two life threatening illnesses; the last one culminating in a near death experience. I learned a few things from all that. Might some of it be useful to you? Let me know.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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1 comment

  • Yeah, I get that, not sure he does running away into primitive life in the jungle.

    Having spent the early apart of my life in the country, I know it’s not what city kids think, especially living in the forest. Been there and done that too. It’s survival mode living and more things go wrong there than a lot of preppers are prepared to deal with.

    Oh yeah, so wonderful living just shy of the elements, when even sleeping is a dreaded chore. It’s not the garden of Eden. Week end camping out wont do, but a summer on the farm would do wonders. Getting dirt and that other stuff under your fingernails and between your toes reconnects a body with reality.

    As for his proposition, it should have been obvious to everyone when rudderless social media brats agreed to CCP police state terms of internet usage. How many years ago was that? Decades?

    Sheltered Silicon Valley brats live in a fake world of make believe, close to Hollywood and its pretended moral sewage. Their over developed upper story and underdeveloped lower story, makes these folks unbalanced and unhinged.
    They are happy to facilitate government voyeur spying on everyone and licenses for our internet usage. They want to know everything about you so they can manipulate you. So what I am about to do here is turnabout fair play, and to expose them by name and deed!

    City kid Mark Zuckerberg is a club member and as such is detached from the rest of us who in fellow club member minds serve the club at their pleasure. On the other hand Jack Dorsey, like other sedentary keyboard controller geeks, was not part of the club. But he was a useful idiot for the club! He grew up detached from the earth and from manly labors. His Catholic upbringing apparently either didn’t take or it was devoid of that level of morality. Both of these Silicone Valley luminaries think they know best for the “greater good” of their make believe world, because their reality is make believe and they wish to change our reality to their reality.

    All this fits hand in glove with mRNA ‘vaccines’ and open borders, the latter of which is promoted and bank rolled by Hungarian transplant club members George Soros and his brother Paul whose birth names are Schwartz! Where did they get all their money for this mischief? Look no further than the US House of Representatives which from under the thumb of the club, permit monopolist abuse and sharp business practices that skim the cream off other peoples investments through the use of high speed, high volume trading. How else to better explain the making of millionaires in the US House of Representatives?

    Trump promised to drain the swamp, but its draining him instead.

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