Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of a Hamas leader who fled the Middle East and converted to Christianity 25 years ago. He shared his thoughts and his tactical advice for how to fight Hamas.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • sounds like a bunch of crap. the real worst in the world is mossad/Israel. Hamas is a creation of Mossad, it’s documented. It was to dilute and control the opposition started by PLO and Arafat.

    All wars have both sides controlled by the same people, whether all of the members of both groups are aware of it or not.

    There are no wars unless the psychopathic leaders of our world wide society want them.

  • Please. Since it is well established that Israel and the US created Hamas to counterbalance the PLO…then should we admit that the Hidden Hands behind Hamas must be the cruelest in their Big Chessboard game to create the Opposition, play both ends against the middle (of course financing all wars and all sides) and they could care less how brutal their minions are. they start world wars in which millions are swept away…not puny hundreds in some podunck local Truman show with raghead radicals screaming Allah Akbar…and these Masters sit back cynically saying “look over there…NO! look over here!”

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