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I’ve never seen this video before! This short clip shows a young Fidel Castro in his fatigues speaking to the camera in English – presumably to the American people – just before he gained power.

He states, “There is not Communism or Marxism in our ideas. Our political philosophy is representative democracy and social justice in a well-planned economy.”

Candace Owens comments, “Social Justice. Is that AOC? Is it Bernie Sanders? Who is that?”

Robby Starbuck, who is half-Cuban (and who just announced his political run to represent Tennessee’s 5th District) chimes in, “Tweak the voice in the backend on audio, it could be any one of these Democrat candidates. It’s the exact same thing.”

Melissa Tate, who is from Zimbabwe tweeted this video with the following text:

“People need to wake up and realize that everything that is happening in America today via the Left and the Democrat party is EXACTLY what happens preceding a country’s collapse into Socialism and Communism. I know because I LIVED IT in my own country.

“Not a single Democrat or any one in the media has come out and condemned Communism in Cuba because that’s what they are doing here! Instead, they are pretending this about COVID. They don’t want people connecting the dots with what they are doing here.

“I’m watching everything they are doing in politics, media, education and it is like Déjà Vu because I lived this before. It’s only HELL on the other side, Folks. My heart aches because I don’t want it to happen here but sadly it’s happening and Americans for most part are OBLIVIOUS. Scary.

“Now, Biden wants to start censoring your own text messages to your friends and family? You people on the Left don’t see the evil in this? You are gonna go along with this because y have been brainwashed to hate your fellow countryman because their views are different? They come for YOU next!”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Rick, with all due respect, your post is way too long. I would have been interested to hear what you had to say but don’t wish to wade through that thesis. It’s unfortunate.

  • Who Knows the Root
    of Communism? :


    — MARXISM Drives America’s Social and Trade Policies —

    “The doctrine of modern Communism, which is often concealed under the
    most seductive trappings, is in substance based on the principles of dialectical
    and historical materialism previously advocated by Karl Marx . . . Communism is
    particularly characterized by the rejection of any link that binds woman to the
    family and the home, and her emancipation is proclaimed as a basic principle.
    She is withdrawn from the family and the care of her children, to be thrust
    instead into public life and collective production under the same conditions
    as man. The care of home and children then devolves upon the collectivity
    . . . [Communism] subverts the social order” (( discover which pope wrote that,
    and when ))

    —and American civilization rapidly declines,
    accordingly (( read my essay, “Defining ‘Civil Society’
    Down by Defeating Reason with Emotion” )).

    Political affiliation falls on a continuum from
    extreme LEFTISM (( intrusive, doting maternalism )) to
    extreme RIGHTISM (( detached, uncaring paternalism )),
    where extreme leftism (s)mothers the citizenry with
    character-destroying welfare while extreme rightism
    champions independence and self-reliance to the point
    of mercilessness (( study my essay, “Trucfemism” )).

    Moderate maternalism equates with a nurturing
    concern and intrusive attentiveness (( advocating
    sharing and social interdependence )) while moderate
    paternalism equates with instructive detachment and
    inattention (( advocating private property and self-
    reliance )). The extremes of either one are
    destructive while both in moderation may contribute
    much to keeping good civil society. Today, America
    and all other Western democracies suffer from extreme

    — A Hellishly Bad Idea —

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels suffered the
    emotional pain of witnessing children slaving under
    the yoke of 19th-century industrialization. They
    turned their deep feelings into a hellishly bad idea,
    which idea to date has caused the unnecessary deaths
    of from 90 to 120 million people; and one may
    attribute to it many more millions, if one counts
    those who died at the hands of the socialist Nazis–
    the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

    It amazes what convoluted thinking leftists go
    through in trying to dissociate Hitler from leftism—
    dissociate liberal Democrats’ Socialism from the
    insane works of Hitler, as if socialists’ maternalism
    can’t employ fascist tactics (( Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-
    tung, Pol Pot )), and as if the sick feminism that
    possessed Marx and Engels wasn’t working in the
    Nazis’ opposition to capitalism (( the leftists
    especially don’t want you to know that the Nazis
    opposed capitalism )), opposition to intellectual
    freedom (( all Marxist tyrants were staunch book
    burners )) and opposition to Communism, which brand
    of socialism the Nazis rejected for only nationalistic

    It’s said that all communists are socialist but
    not all socialists are communist. Nonetheless,
    Hitler’s philosophy and his socialist movement were
    a hybrid offspring of Marx/Engels’ emotional
    collaboration ( The Communist Manifesto ) and Germany’s
    right-wing pursuit of material independence and
    restored national pride. The Nazis’ genocidal
    machinations were characteristically maternal and
    socialistic – a means to the goal of making Germany
    a workers’ paradise – while the cross-border advances
    sprang from angry rightists’ extreme paternalism; a
    drive to show the world who’s boss after the
    humiliating defeat in WW I.

    The only difference between Hitler’s brand of
    socialism and, say, Marxian Ted Kennedy’s is that Hitler’s
    planned utopia was for only the Master Race while
    Kennedy’s is for the world. One might say that the
    Nazis were selfish socialists, or National
    Socialists, and suffered a strange hermaphroditic
    blend of maternalism and paternalism—maternalism
    being the dominant mind for exterminating the Jews
    because only a feminine mind is capable of such
    emotional rage.

    All the other great genocidal maniacs of this
    century were Marxist sympathizers—maternalistic
    killers: Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, and
    more recently, communistic military leaders in
    Serbia. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned—or
    a maternal man angered.

    Maternalism is the creature that infected the
    mind of Marx and Engels. Maternalism is the same
    creature driving today’s liberal Democrats in America
    —and which drove the Nazis to insanity. Maternalism
    is the creature possessing all leftists who conceive
    philosophies opposed to Man’s innate drive to pursue
    a happy life through individual ( moral ) liberty. I call the
    mind of maternalism “emoting feminine mind.” It is
    the destroyer of civilizations.

    In my essay on Maternalism, I present this
    telling formula: Maternalism = Emotionalism =
    Irrationalism = Feminism = Marxism. The root of
    every Marxist-based theory is Maternalism:

    an emotionally irrational response
    to adverse conditions, which require
    rational analysis for remedying, but
    which rational thinking the maternal
    mind is incapable of exercising
    because her emotions are too strong
    and block sound reasoning [[ Both men
    and women have a maternal mind (emot-
    ing feminine mind) and a paternal one
    (rational masculine mind); a conflic-
    ted duality, but with one dominant
    nature that’s mostly gender-corres-
    pondent: paternal men and maternal
    women ]].

    For a socialist, his/her strong emotions
    concerning bad social conditions, such as seeing
    child slaving over machinery in a factory, demand
    immediate remedy to soothe the bad feelings (their
    drive to feel strongly about anything notwithstand-
    ing). Such a remedy might include destroying the
    factory, or denying the child’s family the meager
    but lifesaving wage, or executing everyone but the
    abused children.

    Such knee-jerk responses have been repeated again
    and again in less direct ways in our courts and
    legislatures these past sixty years; the worst of
    them being the 1964 Civil Rights Act (( it unconstitu-
    tionally abridged the rights of the majority by
    providing special rights for a racially incompatible
    minority )), the 1965 Immigration Act (( invited diverse
    races to overrun and dangerously divide the consti-
    tutionally protected majority that opposed such
    immigration )), and the Democrats’ Great Society Pro-
    grams (( confiscatory taxation of the productive major-
    ity for nurturing and growing an unproductive poverty
    class )), all of which have badly damaged America’s
    social infrastructure.

    — Karl Marx and Free Trade —

    Marxism is at the root of certain officials’ push
    towards installing the mechanism for achieving Global
    Economic Socialism: INTERNATIONALISM, which success-
    ful implementation requires that WHITE CIVIL SOCIETY
    in America be subject to the FORCED INTEGRATION of
    diverse races—using open borders, multiculturalism,
    multilingualism, and FREE TRADE to diminish whites’
    political and cultural strength; the State Depart-
    ment’s “Diversity Program,” in which it searches
    for UNDER-REPRESENTED MINORITIES from around the
    world, to plant in white communities, is integral to
    the effort (( State has announced plans on April 22
    for bringing over 3000 more Laotians )).

    Karl Marx valued free trade as a step towards
    achieving the workers’ paradise. In a speech given
    to the Democratic Association in Brussels, in 1848,
    Marx said:

    “We are told that free trade would
    create an international division
    of labor, and thereby give to each
    country the production which is
    most in harmony with its natural
    advantages [what liberal economists
    today refer to as “comparative
    advantage”] . . . [which] breaks up
    old nationalities and pushes the
    antagonism of the proletariat and
    the bourgeoisie to the extreme point.
    It is in this revolutionary sense
    alone, gentlemen, that I vote in
    favour of free trade.”

    Marx was correct in his assessment of free
    trade. The proletariat (( industrial working class )) in
    America is suffering great fear and seething with
    anger at the loss of America’s industrial base while
    a significant part of the bourgeois class of white
    collar workers is stunned by its unprecedented rout
    from the workforce, to accommodate both the incoming
    low-wage guest workers from Third World countries and
    the outsourcing of jobs to India, China, Pakistan, and the

    Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, Bill
    Clinton, and their compatriot vulture capitalists in
    multinational corporations have engineered the
    beginning of the end of America’s middle class with
    passage of NAFTA, GATT and accedence to the WTO
    governing body.

    They’re planning a North America Free Trade Zone
    to complete the plan, which necessarily will force
    America’s standard of living to decline towards that
    lowest common denominator within the trade zone–
    Mexico. If you wish to see your children’s future,
    travel in Mexico (( or in “Hispanic” parts of L.A. ))–
    but don’t get in a car accident or altercation in
    Mexico; you’ll have a very hard time escaping the
    low-culture corruption there.

    Your tax dollars are being used to defeat you—
    to support the invaders and destroy your nation for

    Wake up, America!


    • Rick, Your long list of misplaced hatred towards the Germans is an excuse to justify the Genocide of the Ethnic German People. You need to get a handle on your Racism. All of what you cited has already been discounted. There is No putting the Genie back in the bottle.

  • We need to understand what was going on at that time. He, like thousands of his fellow Cubans, were tired of the American mobsters setting up brothels and casinos in his country, living it up while the Cubans lived in poverty. He wanted to take his country back. Very noble, IMHO. So the question seems to be – especially given that we now know the main stream media is totally corrupt and treasonous – was Castro really a communist or was he character assassinated by the American media machine on behalf of their financiers?

    • Terry, You made me smile. My sister & I were saying the same thing yesterday.
      I would like to add about Franklin Roosevelt & Winston Churchill hanging around with Josef Stalin, the Communist.

    • It has been a long time since this post appeared and I only today, Oct 7/23 see it for the first time.
      With respect to Fidel Castro and the reasons you give for his coming to power. I do not have the wherewithal in a comment section to say all that needs to be said about this, but I can with absolute certainty tell you that Cubans didn’t allow Castro in because they were fed up with American mafia running rampant in the island.
      Little do you know, or you could if you were to check, that Cuba enjoyed a higher standard of living than most countries in Europe at that time. They were not languishing in poverty while Americans used and abused them. It was a prosperous, highly civilized country, compared to the complete otherworldly crap hole you see today.
      Fidel Castro was not a victim of character assasination. He did that to himself by assasinating scores of innocent people for even a hint of disapproval of his revolution.
      The reason for his uprising are complicated and lengthy, but as long as I live I will never allow anyone to blame the US for the unthinkable tragedy that ravaged Cuba in 1959.
      Cuban Americans, unlike many other influx of recent immigrants to the US, love this country and are forever grateful for the opportunities they received to be able to escape tiranny and come to freedom. It is no surprise to any Cuban that in america’s own colleges and universities, history is twisted so that the Marxist ideology can be readily consumed.
      This has been happening for decades now and American students are woefully ignorant of their own history, therefore it should be no shock that for six decades the American public has swallowed a corrupt message regarding Cuba’s history. If they did know, they would be far more horrified than they are to discover how easy it is for the masses to be deceived into surrendering all their God given blessings.

  • Every instance of democratic socialism has led to one of two places:

    1) communism/authoritarianism of some sort.
    2) abject failure corrected by some form of market capital.

    Cool clip this morning on Fox News from Cuban sector Miami warning Americans against communism and the naivete of our young people who have never experienced it. They are also insulted by the lies of the media blaming the riots on America.

  • Trudeau is bastard son of Fidel! Marx was jewish and a part of r.child family.Bolshevicks were funded and run by kazhariancabal.They slaughtered tens of Millions of humans!!Mao was trained and funded by kazhariancabal.He Slaughtered tens of Millions of Chinese.Hitler was jewish.His g.father was cabal bank of england manager.Lenin was a 33rd degree mason,cruel and murderous,he slaughtered Millions of Russians and starved or tortured more.Bela Kun was a cryptojew kazharian WHO changed his name twice to Deceive others about True ethnicity.He was a genocidal Hungarian.R.childs started settling Israel area in 1880’s.R.childs stoked ww2 to create sympathy for cryptojews so Zionism could be a movement and accepted reason to steal Arab land.Palestinians,Yemeni jews,and some African jews are true semites.Most early Israel settlers were fake kazharians,not true old testament,Moses following Torah loving jews.This is proven by genetic studies.Tom Hanks Was a Rockefellet.DeGeneres is a Rothschild as is Zuckerberg and his uncle,Jeff Rothschild,ceo of software or something.Merkel is supposedly Hitlers daughter.Queen of Englands supposedly daughter of Churchill.Trumps a Scottish Rites mason.

    • bb: yep…yep… with FDR also a 33rd degree – who hated our wwi ally, Japan, so much that had the U.S. Navy viciously blockade them into starvation in hopes they would retaliate (ultimately they did…) so he could appear righteous when publicly declaring war against Japan. Mao & FDR’s “Uncle Joe” gained quick power through FDR’s plan. (PS: “ground zero” @ Hiroshima was the Catholic Cathedral – not a Japanese military base…just sayin’….).

  • Same buzz words as we hear today! They’ve done this all over the world. Socialist revolution in America though?…they may come unstuck this time.

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