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This is a snippet from a rarely-seen 1991 documentary, ‘S-4 Informers’ produced by by Rick Keefe, featuring Bob Dean and the late Wendelle Stevens.

The centerpiece of this documentary is the “Connor O’Ryan testimony”, regarding the Above Top Secret laboratory within Area 51, known as S-4 and it takes a peek at what it was like to work in such a spooky place.

“Connor O’Ryan” is the pseudonym of an S-4 Navy Sentry who fled his post and approached UFO researcher, Wendelle Stevens in 1991 and gave details about the activities at the S-4 facility, located just a few miles southwest of the infamous Groom Lake Naval Air Base, for which Area 51 became most famous.

S-4 at that time was the most secretive and heavily-guarded part of the Area 51 complex. 

S-4 Informers’ presents testimonies and evidence about what were at that time regarded as the most classified activities in the US.

Wendelle C. Stevens
Robert O. Dean
“Connor O’Ryan”
Gem Cox
Bill Uhouse
Bob Lazar
Steve Wilson
Richard Boylan
Richard Hoagland
Phil Schneider
John Lear
Jim Dilettoso

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Alexandra Bruce

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