Clif High joins Greg Hunter with his forecast, based on the predictive linguistics algorithms that he began developing nearly 30 years ago, in 1993.
He says that hyperinflation of the US dollar is imminent, due to a confluence of events. “The fact that they didn’t raise the debt ceiling, itself has ramifications in derivatives, even though they’ve given us this kick-the-can-down till December move. Then, we also have the Evergrande bond process…
“They’ve put all of their bonds and everything into the dumpster and they’ve got the dumpster fire really rolling and it’s going to be pushed into a building with other dumpsters; those will all catch on fire and that building is basically filled with gasoline – and that is the global derivatives markets that are based on real estate that are tied to Chinese real estate.
“So there will be some derivatives that won’t be affected but insofar as I’m able to see, there’s maybe two-thirds of this larger mass of derivatives has a tie through some mechanism back to the Chinese bond market. So that’s going to hit us very hard.”
Clif continues, “I tend to think that we’re in a rhyming phase; that we have these rhyming phases that hit us in the beginning of every century and that we’re rhyming with whatever occurred in the 1913-1945 period of the previous century and that we’re right about 1933, with the bond crash.
“In that period, it was the bond linkage between the US and the City of London that caused the global depression, the Greater Depression, that started in 1932 and it culminated in 1933…so if we were to put ourselves on that scale, then sometime in January or February, we would see somewhere in the course of normal events the complete collapse of the bond markets in the Western World.
“I expect that it will happen quicker because the Chinese influence is so massive and has so much more over-leveraged than we had the previous century. On top of that, we also have these over-the-top legalistic constraints and problems with our own spending processes here, in this country.
“And so, inflation itself is now starting to hit those spending processes, so some costs are, for instance 5 and 6 times higher than the Federal Government will allow their subcontractors to pay. And so this is beginning to impact supply chains and is affecting, for instance the bottom line, ergo the bond status of those companies and it just keeps rolling on and on, in this snowball fashion once it has begun.
“Bear in mind, it was the sovereign bonds in 1932-1933 that initiated a global bond panic that impacted commercial bonds, as well and it was the commercial bonds that died in the ’32-’33 period of time that basically wiped clean the financial structure and allowed, for instance for new innovations, such as collective insurance companies to arise and the collective health system like… Kaiser-Permanente, which developed in response to the collapse of the otherwise organized hospital system of that time.
“And so we see all of these echoes. We’ve got the Government creating the same kind of problems at our hospitals now…and as the old system of hospitals collapses, they’re going to attempt to rebuild something new and better by taking over that old capital investment in buildings and so on. So we’re in that same kind of chaos that existed in 1932-33, only it’s accelerated. It’s hyperized, so to speak by modern communications and the sheer mass of people we have today.”
Referring to the official report that 68% of the hospitalized people in Wales are vaccinated, with the hospital workers also being vaccinated, Clif says “We’re in…a civilization-level breakdown. This is the same kind of civilization-level breakdown and problems that initiated and led into World War Two, except our level is a little bit greater, because it is global, at this stage. So, I think we’re akin to the breakdown of civilization at the end of the Bronze Age, where it just stopped…
“We’re in a situation now, where we’re going to live through this die-off. The die-off was predicted in those early datasets about the ‘Sun Disease’ that I started getting in 1997. It eventually resolved to a number…sometime in 2004, 2005. And it came down to 1.248 billion people would die.
“Now, there were some temporal markers in there that are now manifesting but as always, they don’t quite manifest quite the way that the data had suggested to my mind then. So I had this image in my head from reading the data at that point, in the early 2000s, that the Sun Disease was going to go through celebrities and the Royals and the Powers-that-Be like like a scythe. That was the imagery coming through; that it was like wheat being harvested.
“Now, we see that…the disease, itself is not causing that – but the vaxx is. And so, we get into the same position where, indeed, the celebrities, politicians, all of these people, they will be passing fairly soon, over the course of this year and next, in large numbers. We’re already seeing an outrageous…increase in deaths.”
Clif refers to two major studies that have shown that people with vitamin D levels in their blood above 50 nanograms per milliliter, do not fall ill or become infected with COVID. “Even if you’ve been injected, vitamin D is even more necessary then, because vitamin D will close down, through an electrochemical process, it will close the ACE2 receptor down to where the spike protein can’t come in and attach. So even though your body is making these spike proteins, you can ameliorate the damage that they would otherwise cause by keeping vitamin D levels up over 50 ng/ml.”
Clif says that World War Three was the manipulation of the ruble and getting the Soviets bogged down in Afghanistan, which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and that we’re currently in World War Four, which is not a war between nation-states but a war of the power elite – the Globalists – against everybody else, with the intent to kill 95% of the global population, which they intended to do over the course of ten years.
“Because of the introduction of spoilers to their plan…the main one being the election of President Trump and the subsequent actions he took, in spite of its seeming craziness at times; they were deliberate, they were planned, they were strategic, those actions have derailed this march to this vast death rate.
“We still, according to my data, anyway will achieve something close to a billion people dying from…these lethal injections. But it’s not going to be as horrific as it would otherwise have been the case, because Universe would not have this happen unopposed…
“We’ve been dominated for 6,000 years by a death cult that has gotten its peak of power very recently. At its zenith, it is now starting to crash and we are starting to rise. This is the nature of cycles within Universe and we are just here now to participate in this…
“The Deep State are failing at the election audits, they’re failing at the money, they’re failing on their disease-control, they’re failing to keep the Australians down and that is pumping up people in other countries…
“The mere fact that we are thinking about the Deep State in those terms and we can even identify people with this construct of the Deep State has them just totally weirded-out, because the only way it can work is if no one knows it exists.
At 57 mins, Clif starts talking about his datasets that predict the Australian government will be involved in a situation involving the word “massacre” will be applied, which he says could mean any number of things that he can’t discern, due to the rampant censorship of the internet today.
But regardless of who instigates this massacre, he says, “I do know, because of its duration values, the formation sets of words that do come around it and their intensity values, that this ‘massacre’ word will be used as a motivating factor within the political change that is seen basically, in the datasets as ‘sweeping’, going very rapidly through Australia.
He says it could even manifest as a mass-resignation of members of the Australian government, with zero bloodshed and it could be very beneficial from a human point of view but a “massacre” from the point of view of the Deep State.
Or, he says, it could manifest as a massacre of citizens by police – or vice versa. In all three cases, the event would have a politically-motivating, long duration value. He doesn’t have any more detail in his datasets than that but it is evident to anyone that the situation there is escalating in that direction.
Clif explains that ever since the Treaty of Westphalia, the Deep State has been controlling the silver market, because it was the medium of exchange of the people and therefore, a way to control them.
“We’ve had a consistent effort by a small group of people that eventually went on…to form and own the central banks and these people have been attempting to control the value of silver relative to a day’s labor…Their real goal is to maintain a currency that is related to a human.
“And so, we see them now, with the Great Reset attempting to create a currency that is tied to your global carbon credits – and they want to have this currency, because it’s one dollar…to one slave. And we’re the slaves and they get to own us through this currency mechanism, as they do now with their debt slavery.
“This is coming to an end. Fiat currencies break down repeatedly and we’ve been through this. The Petrodollar has been sustainable because of the warfare model supporting it but also, because of the digital technology growth underlying its spread but we’re now at the pinnacle of that. It cannot continue any longer. A few days, maybe a few weeks…and the breakdown of it is going to free silver and gold from this 150-(at least)-year suppression of its natural price.”
Clif still believes that we will see $600 silver and that we may see it within months if not weeks. It could even start as soon as this week, because his datasets predict an event occurring between October 4th and 10th that triggers an “emotional release” on par with the response to the collapse of Afghanistan a few weeks ago.
Clif predicts that China will crash in a massive, spectacular way. He says nothing is actually working in the Belt and Road, all of their African projects are failing, the train projects through the ‘Stans and Russia are also failing, due to the standard of work incentivized and fostered by the CCP.
He says, “Here is the CCP’s problem: They are a criminal gang. As a result of being a criminal gang, they have no moral authority and they have no moral attachment to their social order. So like a criminal gang, they have no interest in doing anything for the people. So in China, there is no money spent on public drains…This is why all their cities fail and flood, is because they don’t have a public infrastructure plan as we would understand it.”
He says the people are forced to bribe their way into obtaining plumbing through the CCP and that there is an invasive and insidious “bribery tax” that is formalized, incentivized and exacted by the CCP, at all levels throughout their entire system that is draining the whole society and this results in shoddy “tofu construction”.
He says they’re building buildings with 2-inch rebar that should be 50 feet long and holding up 2 storeys and you can take the rebar and snap it with your hand, it’s that brittle. And you can crunch your hands into the cement columns in the brand new rail stations along the Belt and Road – and the rail tracks that are supposed to be carrying high-speed rail are torquing and twisting because of the poor quality of the steel. This endemic, systemic problem is bogging down the entire nation.
He says the Evergrande fiasco could take down 70% of the Chinese real estate market and it will destroy their bonds completely for a period of time. The resulting distrust and rejection of the yuan, which will be on the order of the Weimar Republic and will cause precious metals to increase, because the CCP will have to at least partially back their currency with gold, in order to maintain power.
Clif says the sweet spot in all of this for the US is if we reconstitute ourselves as a Constitutional Republic, that there will be vast acceptance of the Constitutional Dollar, globally because we’ll have this 4th generational warfare goal of being moral on all of these various, different fronts, contrary to the CCP.
Just in order for the CCP to capitalize the currency they’ve got now, Clif says they’d need to have the yuan backed by gold at $200k per ounce. But they could well collapse before they get there.
Finally, Greg asks him, “Is the Deep State winning?” and Clif shakes his head, “No. We, the People are winning, the Deep State was always going to lose, they only exist through deception and we win through words and the hearts and minds. We don’t have to have bullets and any of that. It’s a weird kind of a war. World War Four is good that way, even though there are people that are dying.
“The Deep State is losing. Every single one of their actions are desperation and they’re…rapidly breaking down into the individual groups and then individuals, fighting to save their lives.
“In that sense, it’s good for us that we’re winning but it’s a gotta-slog-through-it time of the war.”
He says it’s Red October and it’s Dark November and December. “It’ll be very black.”
Covfefe = coronavirus Iron (II)
Cov has always been an acronym for coronavirus. Iron (II) is the medical term for the iron in the body.
Lack of video controls is aggravating.
Some browsers and websites work, others displaying this video do not.
I want to reduce quality as low as possible to avoid using up my data.
I want to listen at 1.5 speed.
Sometimes I need to x out of the ads then scroll up within the video to display the controls. Other times no controls no matter what.
Great summary!!!
Ironic that the DC politicians all are taking Ivermectin to fight COVID and keeping it from the people while falsely mandating these poison shots into the population.
Enough is enough!
Please fix the player at Rumble.
Can’t access video controller
I see no problem on my end. It might be a local network problem that clears up.
Amazing new study on Ivermectin pills solving Covid, but ALSO attacking cancer-causing parasites, and attacking cancer cells directly.
Push Gov DeSantis to declare Ivermectin over-the-counter. His Surgeon General agrees. It will soon the New World Order vaccines.
It will STOP the NWO vaccines.
Sorry, editing prohibited.
War is hell and we are in it.
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” – William Blum
How come people are not stoping these vile creatures, the CDC , FDA, NIH, Fauci, and his bitch, Bill Gates and the Melinda Gates Foundation I remember what he did in India, and Brazil, Africa etc. How are they allowed to get away with there Genocide. Big Pharma, WHO Unicef, world Economic Forum , DARPA. . Why are they still allowed to carry on, now Fauci is raving about the FLU Jab. What planet is he on. Thanks for listening
They are being dealt with by the US military who answer to Trump. Some have already had military tribunals and been executed. They have had their funds and gold seized. This is why (those that are left) have crumbled, as stated in this video. You will find out when this comes out hopefully this side of the year 🙏
I was fooled by qAnon. Please provide proof.
Meanwhile, Ivermectin can stop the fear and take down Big Pharma.
Q is on the money
The video kept disappearing. I had to go to bitchute to watch it
Amazing new study on Ivermectin pills solving Covid, but ALSO attacking cancer-causing parasites, and attacking cancer cells directly.
Wake up to Deadly Remdesivir
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, always gave me goosebumps, now I know why!!!!!!!
We must win
The world is at stake corrupted by those Mfkers
Whatcha going to do about it?
What are WE going to do about IT, ‘fraidycat? 😉
‘Project Looking Glass’ Yes, someone posted a 11 minute short version of it. Rather cool. Find the post/comment on the video here titled: ‘Bank Conspiracy of 1860’ post/comment was jt
Learn how to spell, you dweeb. You’re the one full of BS.
Poor DoodalBug, you are embarrassing yourself !!!!! Just go back under your “Stone”
I have a strange hobby ok. For example very rare clear as day dreams ,very rare dream’s. In disappeared.,a Mr Bruce Campbell from Illinois/ Jacksonville. I saw what happened to him. He was ritually murders by his brethren on the side of the Illinois river next to the railway bridge by the limestone quarry. He was a mason and he was dressed in his pyjamas.Why heaven showed me this I do not clearly know. The weirdest thing was it happened four years before I was born! Four weeks ago I had another real dream. In it a narrow tourist boat was attacked by a group of military style soldiers. The boat contained about forty people. The ‘ soldiers’ sprayed the occupants with machine gun fire. Cliffs words are eerie. It was the boat incident. It’s in the pipeline of events..Heaven knows what it’s doing. P.s. I’m an electrical/ mechanical engineer who has spent most of his life ignoring these strange dreams. Bruce Campbell’s execution loosened up my god given vision.The boat incident that Cliff describes is a turning point.
I knew my dream was important. In these types of dreams I usually mistake myself being in them until I realize I’m just an observer. After the firing stopped I realized I was completely alive and unaffected…’s usually then when I realize I’m seeing,not participating..
I don’t do ‘ mystic meg ‘ stuff or ever claim to be clairvoyant. I do not watch mystic mumbo jumbo on youtube. I do however watch a woman called Amanda Ellis . God is with her but my interpretation of her ‘ seeing’ differs sharply. She’s not a techie. Recently she described a future event/ time point where she saw what she described as a wormhole ( she’s not a physicist or astronomer) that opens over the earth and how it’s six sided honeycomb strutchure will enable us to travel back and forth through space,with much bee and worker bee symbology. She is a woman of integrity and honesty but I personally believe she is being duped by higher-ups in the spirit world. I could not avoid commenting on the strutchure of graphene. Her interpretation was a positive ‘ day of judgement’ scenario. My interpretation of her vision was of vaxed souls being killed and their spiritual essence being stolen by evil saturnian time bandits. I should just stick to Volts,Amps and Resistance and concentrate on my day job.
I love Cliff ,although it would be far less disturbing if I stuck to pootube trivia ,Gregg’s Planes and FRANLAB.
Phil, Interesting dreams. What Amanda Ellis describes as a “worm hole” I would describe as a ‘Rift,’ can be observed in the North skies more so. People who study the Heavens/Constellations speculate that it opens up at the moment of the ‘New Age.’ The Heavens continue to position itself as its leaving the constellation Pieces and going into Aquarius. ‘Luminaries Mysterium’ title by an Australian whom has a beautiful documentary of the Sky/Heavens, what we know & don’t know. He goes by the name Wayki Wayki, its easier to ‘Bing’ the title, many people uploaded it. It has a huge drawing of the Sun smiling. Worth the long hour.
I’ve been living on a boat on the sea and working on em for about four years.
At the full moon at end of January 2019 I reckon the moon skipped a beat , My silly ,rare dreams are noticable by me thinking I’m dreaming as a participant then the realization I’m an observer,bullet proof but unable to influence anything and invisible to everyone else.I stay away from most media and Psy / spiritual stuff.)
The deep state has Human bodies and Reptilian souls
We’re all that closer to their one world victory, which multiple books of prophecy show lasts only 3-1/2 years before being torn apart and removed from the face of the earth.
Cliff keeps me straight up? Thank you all..
I wonder if this is just more Gerald Celente/Peter Schiff type of BS. I remember back in 2009-2010 when those guys were on TV predicting imminent collapse of the dollar + hyper-inflation that never happened… at least not that I could notice.
Unlike Peter Schiff and others ,Cliff does not have all his money invested in his statements and I’m sure deep down Cliff would liked to proven completely wrong about his research. He’s not investing in a vitamin D factory or selling snake cures. I really really wish he was wrong,but sadly his analysis is a accurate. His posts are long,difficult and take some concentration which does confirm he does not want to be a media star / egocentric idiot. Come on he s real,the guy does not even dress up for his interviews!
Accurate analysis is right! Scary right!
I disagree , I’m a trucker , trucks are NOT breaking down everywhere infact they mostly can be repaired quickly on the highway itself , do you see many trucks being towed ? Didn’t think so , this guy is full of it Clif High is high
BTW many jabs are placebo ,
And Joe Biden is dead
This new Joe looks nothing like ole pedo Joe , not even close , Rothschild military tribunal happened in 2017 they are long gone , guilty in 3 hours by a panel of 3 all executed assests seized 24 quadrillion , pope gone arrested on 80 counts of child abuse and murder , these are aliens , reptillians in human meat suits , that’s why Trump invented space force because the guilotined many separate the head from the body , and off to space w the head , hard to believe but it’s true , what you see are clones on TV or people in real life masks , the technology is unreal
Good info but the government won’t find itself guilty. This is top down corruption and they’ve been bought off.
That is precisely why the #2 amendment was made.
You all know this is coming down to a gunfight. They are laughing at your lawsuits as the judicial branch is corrupted.
A good man. I wish him every success.
I am in a mixed vaxxed and unvaxxed family. I have yet to see my adult son and his wife show any signs that anything with the vax has changed. I am going to visit and I said I was bringing some nutraceuticals. Ok, he said, but I didn’t get any indication that he was worried about being part of a break through infection. I guess now even the term is gone, and I think the vaxxed believe it’s an epidemic of the unvaxxed that has nothing to do with them. The same is true of my sisters. They remain clueless. We, unvaxxed people, are being blamed, mandated, and banished from social gatherings. So the whole issue is alive with us. I don’t think the vaxxed are even thinking about it. They are basking in Fauci’s love fest. They can celebrate Christmas as usual–no problems. No wakeups that I see.
Married to a virologist/immunologist who worked for Public Health for many yrs and helped to develop va xxes. He now knows the truth about them and will NOT take any of them. He remembers personally when Fauci was guilty of crimes against humanity back in the 80s. Look up Fauci and A Z T scandal where thousands of gay men died from it. That is just for starters, Fauci has a very dark history of killing tons of people. Va xx destroys blood cells but will take several yrs – also it gives everyone blood clots but not all of them will be apparent immediately. Suddenly someone drops dead from blood clots which will look like a sudden stroke or heart attack, etc. so no one knows it’s from va xx. This is all outlined by virologists and doctors who have done their research. See Stew Peters he does a great job of reporting on all this and shows pictures from microscope etc. There is also a spider looking thing that no one knows what it is and it actually crawled off of the slide under the microscope! Also the va xx has a spike protein that spreads to un va xxed through contact. Keep your vit D levels up to at least 50 ng/lt (50 on a lab test). MMS will keep spike protein from replicating look up MMS online and order some. Nano soma will help you produce endogenous vit D and has been demonstrated and documented see the research on it. (Don’t use N S and M M S together – use only one).
The spike is a break down of cells after damage. Things causing damages is graphene and Parasites inside vaccines.
Unfortunately that is planned that way. With emergency use. The amount given in each shot is not regulated. It’s an experiment….
My guess
The booster will be devastating
Winter will have many sick and dying from the flu, since the jab destroys T cells and clots up red blood cells.
I hope your family survives.
But that is not the Fauci plan.
Interesting Arab quote Clif made 54 min. in “When you don’t punish the guilty you are punishing the innocent, the victims.” Clif goes on to say “when you don’t have justice, and no justice too long, you have”….. This is how I see WW2, that in fact it never ended. Clif was careful to say “victory for Europe” What we have here folks is ‘Judgement Day’ there is a reaping going on! Dividing the Wheat from the weeds.
Watch Cassandra Crossing and know “Public Safety” is prority #1 on this world, and you can abuse it every time you want as we see now