Newsbud’s Kurt Nimmo created this video report, which I’ve transcribed below about how the shadowy Tavistock Institute in London has been instrumental in causing the US to enter World War I, the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, the “free trade” agreements that intentionally decimated the Middle Class, Fake News and MKULTRA.
He says, Tavistock’s “legacy of lies and manipulation in the name of war and a totalitarian world government is alive and well today. Every day, we are slammed with fake news, guiding us along a pre-arranged path, toward our ultimate enslavement and the prospect of never-ending war and conflict.”
The global elite rely on a number of organizations to push their agenda. Many of us know about the work of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission the Bilderberg Group and a handful of others.
The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations is included and instrumental in this collection of subversive organizations, however we rarely, if ever hear about its role in mass-brainwashing and shaping of public opinion.
As I covered in a previous episode, the elite are active on several fronts to reduce world population and basically turn the planet into a lockdown, high-tech prison, where a demoralized and reduced population is completely under the iron-fisted rule of a world government. This long-term agenda would not be possible without first conditioning and brainwashing populations into accepting and even celebrating their loss of freedom and servitude.
The control agenda of the Tavistock Institute was first exposed in 1969 by author and researcher, John Coleman. His monograph, ‘The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America’ revealed deep connections between this organization and the ruling elite.
Tavistock emerged in 1921 at the Wellington House in England. This seemingly innocuous name served as a cover for Britain’s War Propaganda Bureau. David Lloyd George, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was given the task of setting up the British War Propaganda Bureau. George appointed the writer and fellow Liberal, MP Charles Masterman to head the organization. Members included HG Wells and Rudyard Kipling. A number of writers were put to work, cranking out pro-war propaganda to promote and demand participation in the so-called “Great War”, now known as the First World War.
According to Coleman, the Tavistock Institute at Sussex University in London is owned and controlled by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, also known as the Chatham House. This is the epicenter of the British establishment. Its meetings are secret, like those held by the Bilderberg Group. The Royal Institute for International Affairs is said to be based on the King Arthur myths. Financial backers of this organization included the Astor family. Its American equivalent, the Council on Foreign Relations was funded by JP Morgan, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, John D Rockefeller and others.
The Wellington House role in the effort to manipulate both British and American citizens and demand their unwavering support for mass murder and sacrifice was headed up by the Viscount Baron Rothermere and Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, the first Viscount of Northcliffe.
Northcliffe was essential to the brainwashing project. He owned the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror newspapers. Rothermere was the chairman of the Daily Mail and General Trust. According to Coleman’s research, Tavistock received its funding from the British Royal Family and later the Rothschilds, to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. It also received funding from the Rockefeller family trusts and the Milner Group.
The Royal Family played an instrumental role in guiding the agenda, according to Coleman’s research. At least two Americans were involved in this project of mass-manipulation of the public, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays.
Lippmann, who would later introduce the concept of “Cold War” was a notable member of a Council on Foreign Relations, established in 1921. He played a significant role in the Woodrow Wilson decision to get the United States involved in the war in Europe, despite having promised not to. Edward Bernays, known as the “Father of Spin” was a master propagandist and public relations wizard. He was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays called the effort to brainwash the public “psychological warfare”.
In 1937, Tavistock based its operations on German philosopher Oswald Spengler’s book, ‘The Decline of the West’. Spengler argued the West is in rapid decline and ruled by what he called “Caesarism”, the state’s prerogative of violence. Spengler said humanity would ultimately return to a more animalistic state; a sort of advanced primitivism.
Spengler’s analysis is hardly a match for the Tavistock agenda implemented by the elite, the British royal family and Globalist one-world organizations. Tavistock took what it wanted from Spengler, the theory that civilization is doomed and must be replaced with a different system – not the primitivist social utopia imagined by Spengler but rather, a one-world, Globalist, totalitarian government, set on reducing population and controlling all aspects of society.
At its core, Spengler’s thesis holds that alien hordes will arrive in America in increasing numbers, thus leading to a fall of Western civilization and its culture, law and ethics. This legacy is linked to the Roman Empire and Medieval Western Christendom, that emerged from the Middle Ages to experience a number of transformative episodes such as the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and the advancement of scientific knowledge.
In Europe, large numbers of Africans, Arabs and others are flooding the continent, resulting in social and political chaos, as two widely different cultures clash. This highly-disruptive force has resulted in severe political polarization and the rise of nationalist groups, opposed to continued immigration and asylum status.
Wellington House board members Rothermere, Northcliffe, Lippmann and Bernays also praised a book by Correa Moylan Walsh ‘The Climax of Civilization’, published in 1917. Walsh argues civilization has reached the end of its centuries-long use of natural resources and is plagued by irreversible social and moral decline. The author discusses topics that would later be taken up by the Club of Rome.
The massive propaganda effort undertaken by Tavistock during the First World War went into overdrive in the United States. By far, most Americans opposed entering the war and Tavistock and others work to change this.
In Britain, it only took a couple of years of relentless media propaganda to turn the British people from opponents of the war into enthusiastic advocates and participants. The same model was used to get the United States into the war.
Propaganda warps perception and introduces new terms to demonize a shifting array of opponents. For instance in America, the Tavistock propaganda effort labeled war opponents as “isolationists”, a term that would later be used by Roosevelt to manipulate the nation into fighting the Second World War.
Propaganda portrayed isolationism, which is in actuality peaceful and mutually-beneficial relations and aversion to becoming entangled in the affairs of other nations as nothing short of treason.
At the time, President Wilson preached the idea of a one-world government. He managed to lower, if not destroy tariffs that protected the American economy and worker. This so-called “free trade” now centered to the Globalist ideology resulted in American workers and companies being displaced and ruined by foreign trade. Most notably, British products that were made in India by cheap labor and exported to the United States.
In order to make up for this lost tariff income, the US passed the Federal Income Tax Law in 1913, thus passing the responsibility to pay for the lavish spending habits of professional politicians and their benefactors, that is to say corporations and banks. As Coleman notes, this mandatory taxation is a Marxist concept, not included in the Constitution.
Wilson’s lowering and removal of tariffs eventually resulted in the creation of globalist trade agreements under NAFTA, GATT and the World Trade Organization. These trade agreements between governments and transnational corporations have resulted in dismantling the Middle Class, a key objective of Tavistock and its Globalist supporters.
Ushered in by Bill Clinton and his wife, not only displaced and impoverished American workers, it also produced a destructive effect on Mexican agricultural and small business operations, which in turn helped produce a surge of illegal aliens crossing the border in search of work and handouts by the state.
In addition, this supposed “free trade agreement” provided a mechanism for large corporations to invest in China’s growing economy. In return, China was allowed to access American markets. This further displaced workers who were unable to compete with what amounts to slave labor in China.
Tavistock and the Wellington House also pushed for the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The same year, an income tax was forced on the American people. The destruction of the US economy and the gradual impoverishment of the American Middle Class would not have been possible without the creation of the Federal Reserve, which controls and manipulates the money supply to benefit the 0.1% through ongoing upward distribution of wealth.
Both Lippmann and Bernays were involved in this banker cartel consolidation of wealth and assets. They established the National Citizens League, a rather transparent oxymoron under the direction of Samuel Untermyer, a prominent New York lawyer will push the Federal Reserve Act and associated legislation, including the Clayton Bill, before the Federal Reserve Act could be signed by Wilson.
It was gone over with a fine-tooth comb by Colonel Edward Mandell House and the British oligarchy represented by the banker, JP Morgan. In 1957, Dr William Sargant of the Tavistock Institute, who reportedly worked in tandem with the CIA on its MKULTRA brainwashing experiments at the time, wrote a book with an improbable title: ‘Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing – How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians and Medicine Men Can Change your Beliefs and Behavior’.
Sargant explains how alien beliefs can be implanted in the human brain through induced fear, anger and excitement. He writes that of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common is temporarily-impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility. This results in what psychologists call “herd instinct” and it is most prevalent during war, epidemics and all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and opens up the individual to mass suggestibility.
Jim Keith, the author of ‘Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness’ describes Tavistock as a collaborative effort of British Military Intelligence and the psychiatric establishment. Keith writes that Tavistock’s influence reaches the mass corporate media, corporations, governments and the psychiatric establishment. Coleman has said the moral, spiritual, racial, economic, cultural and intellectual bankruptcy we are now in the midst of today is the product of a carefully-planned Tavistock program.
In 1928, Bernays wrote in his book, ‘Propaganda’ that the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of the country.
This legacy of lies and manipulation in the name of war and a totalitarian world government is alive and well today. Every day, we are slammed with fake news, guiding us along a pre-arranged path, toward our ultimate enslavement and the prospect of never-ending war and conflict.
I believe we are heading into a new war, the ultimate conflict; the final push to have us accept either through directed propaganda or physical violence by the state, a suicidal showdown between the US, Russia and China. If we survive this engineered war, we will all be swept into bondage, for as Henry Kissinger so aptly noted, “If the orchestrated crisis or a number of them piled one upon the other are effective, the American people will run to the state and beg for protection.”
Just wanted to share a link , on the Tavis Stock Institute.
The above link is where I got the Tavis Stock Institute link.
Half the story. You’ll never understand the truth absent the word of adonai. The entire story is in the book they told us was not true or lame . No wonder truthers without yeshua only have a part of the picture . You will be destroyed without his protection and wisdom . He uses the foolish things to shame the pride of man
Samuel Untermyer is also a link to Cyrus I Scolfield and the Scofield reference Bible used to dupe fundamentalist Christians into believing in the rebirth of ancient Israel’s glories in modern times will be the work of God. So successful has this been, that nearly all Evangelicals are distracted by it and give unwitting support to it at the expense of historic accountability to the express written commandments of Christ and the best interests of their own nation.
This may not make sense here to the profane, but it is clear to the adepts who’ve done their own homework, which of course anyone can do with a modest amount of study and research.
For instance I have been telling people for years to study WWI, its precedents and antecedents so that they might understand this for what it was, the stupidest war in history, that it was not at all what it was made out to be, but something else altogether and that Wilson was the biggest sucker who ever was POTUS.
He should have been tried for treason and sent to the gallows.
I’m bothered by the lack of comment interaction regarding your work. I feel I don’t have the right to say much since I don’t have the means to donate to you. However, I’m going to on this one. My reference point may come across a bit odd but what I’m about to say is showing itself to be true. The “essence” of these control freaks came from somewhere other than earth. As pointed out in the “Right Use of Will”, this essence is the result of the war in the heavens many eons ago. The “Will” of creation is what this essence lives to control…. Globalism is exactly that! Abdicate, “deny” your “Will” to an engineered social construct is the insidious nature of these “Father Warriors”, is how they are termed in the “Right Use of Will”. This is Mother Earth and the Father Warriors will lose their strong hold when the human species operates from a heart felt “Will”.
When you conclude with the assertion we are heading into WWIII, you deny President Trump’s no war stance. In that statement you become what you are exposing. For shame. For that I am not Tweeting for you.
This article was mostly a transcription of Kurt Nimmo’s voiceover, as I explained in the intro.
That’s why everything he said was in Italics.
The opinions and research are Kurt Nimmo’s.
I agree with you that Trump is anti-war!
My article is like the equivalent of a retweet not equating to a full endorsement.
This analysis is 50% truth, 50% bunk.
Most of Tavistock’s achievements can be traced to those British employees sent into American Universities, media, business and government with propaganda ideas like population control, 2-worker families, gay rights, transgenderism and many other issues that bent American beliefs into the desired mold of the elite.
The MK Ultra statement is bunk as that was almost entirely an American creation based on Nazi stuff.
The statement that Woodrow Wilson’s early 20th century economic policies led to NAFTA, etc is a wild over-reach, completely ignoring the historical issues that created them, like the creation of the EU, stagflation, closed or high tariff markets, etc.
While it’s nice to mold reality to our liking it isn’t truth.
I would have articulated some things more clearly than Nimmo did but I still don’t think it’s “over reach” to say that the same Globalist ideas promoted by Wilson are inherent to NAFTA and similar Globalist schemes. The point is that the Globalist agenda that we see today has been in operation since at least the WWI era.
The MK Ultra statement is NOT bunk! This is the statement: “In 1957, Dr William Sargant of the Tavistock Institute, who reportedly worked in tandem with the CIA on its MKULTRA brainwashing experiments at the time, wrote a book with an improbable title: ‘Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing’.” How is that bunk?
In William Sargant’s Wikipedia article, it cites the work of authors Gordon Thomas, Jonathan Marks and Annie Collins, who found links between Sargant and the infamous Dr Ewen Cameron and how the latter often sought Sargant’s advice.
My info and source on Tavistock put them ahead of the MK and Monarch programming projects and involved instead of the precursors to those programs.
Undoubtedly, TS has been intimately partnering or had a knowledge of all things CiA since its founding and prior to that w/ OSS.
But my source does not say that they partnered in MK Ultra. Rather, that it was NAZI scientists and American scientists and psychologists instead.
I regret the word bunk and I did not mean to inflame the post with my reaction. Keep up the great work! Happy New Year.
I transcribed Kurt Nimmo’s words, which were: “In 1957, Dr William Sargant of the Tavistock Institute, who reportedly worked in tandem with the CIA on its MKULTRA brainwashing experiments at the time, wrote a book with an improbable title: ‘Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing – How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians and Medicine Men Can Change your Beliefs and Behavior’.”
When you complained, I found the sources for Nimmo’s allegation in the works of 3 highly respected investigators into MKULTRA, all of whom had said that Sargant was deeply influential upon and in communication with the infamous Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron at Magill University.
Sargant (of Tavistock) was involved with Ewen Cameron, not necessarily with all of MKULTRA. When you’re trying to write a brief piece, you don’t spell out every last detail. Do you have any idea what it takes to do what I do?
It sucks enough to be de-platformed constantly and to be subsisting at a poverty level with this blog, when it used to pay very handsomely (before the age of Trump) but to now be unjustly dragged by readers like you is extra crappy! But apology accepted.
Very interesting, the next thing the British Crown and State are up to is EU Defense Union. They are the architects of it. Check out Anne Widdecombe’s comments on this vid at 26.20. There was total silence from all the parties during the election process except a few nuggets like this from the Brexit party. The EU is militarising!