The latest video by Greg Reese.



The people of Brazil are united in protest against the Great Reset.

In 2017, Luis “Lula” [da Silva] was convicted on charges of corruption and money-laundering and sentenced to 9 years in prison.

In April of last year, he was released by the Brazilian supreme court to run against Bolsonaro. He is supported by the World Economic Forum.

Translating (video of Indigenous Brazilian protester): “Lula was not elected. Lula stole my vote, stole from my people. We will not create war. We will not spill blood. We will fight with peace. This son of a b*tch, Alexandre de Moraes, because he stole our votes and gave them to another criminal, Lula. They reversed his sentence in order to win – criminally, by stealing and diverting our votes. This was dishonesty. Shadiness. Criminal.

“In my country, there is no place for them.” End translation.

Alexandre de Moraes is the Minister of the Supreme Court of Brazil, who just ordered the banks to block the accounts of anyone supporting the historic protest.

If people all over the world took to the streets like the people of Brazil, then the imminent global tyranny would be eradicated and this is why the media ignores it.

They’re hoping you jus stay home and watch it, like a movie, until it arrives at your front door. And it’s too late.

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Alexandra Bruce

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