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The Epoch Times reports that two teachers at a California school coached a 12-year-old into a trans identity behind her parents back. The school also legally changed her name and pronouns without informing the parents.

The teachers had coaxed the student to join an “equality club” which was really a disguise for a so-called Gay-Straight Alliance club (“GSA”).

These teachers had been recorded at an event in November bragging about how they disguise the name of the LGBT club so they can indoctrinate kids without any obstacles.

The school reportedly called the parents in for a meeting where they informed them that their daughter is trans. The teacher then proceeded to call Child Protective Services on them when they didn’t use the “correct” name and pronouns.

These teachers unions must be abolished, and these teachers must be fired and sued into bankruptcy.

I’ve been saying for some time that the weaponization of gender dysphoria is part of the war on the West and now, a trans NYU professor named Kay Gabriel just crystallized this in a Zoom call, when she explained how true trans activism is part of a larger effort to bring about a “Communist Revolution”.

As Professor Gabriel says here, “The dominant, Liberal, Bourgeois reframing of Trans Liberation as ‘Trans Rights’ and ‘Trans Recognition’ is based on that of Gay Liberation, transformed into rights and recognition,” which Gabriel says is “insufficient and it’s not going to get us what we want or what we need.”

She calls for an “economic transformation” into a “Communist horizon,” which she describes as a world in which “everyone has what they need,” which she says, “would be achieved in time through processes or events that we would have to call revolutionary, because it requires the abolition of society as it currently is. When we demand that society be re-arranged in certain ways, this is a part of the [Communist] project!”

I didn’t know what Communist Horizon meant, so I looked it up and it’s part of a book series called “Pocket Communism” by Jodi Dean, in which she “unshackles the Communist ideal from the failures of the Soviet Union…[offering] nothing less than a manifesto for a new collective politics.”

When Disney collides with Communist unicorns and participation trophies, everybody gets to be Cinderella.

America has been fully invaded. Earlier this week, Senator Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal (D-CT) left no doubt that the Democrat Party has fully embraced Communism when he was on Yale University’s campus to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the Communist Party USA, to offer his congratulations and to present the award-winners with certificates of special recognition from the United States Senate, saying, “I am really excited and honored to be with you today and share in this remarkable occasion.”

As Tore Maras reminded us a couple of days ago on her podcast, the Communist Party is illegal in the United States, according to 50 US Code §842, the Communist Control Act, which was passed in 1954 under President Dwight Eisenhower.

As he signed it, Eisenhower announced:

The American people are determined to protect themselves and their institutions against any organization in their midst which, purporting to be a political party within the normally accepted meaning, is actually a conspiracy dedicated to the violent overthrow of our entire form of government. The American people, likewise, are determined to accomplish this in strict conformity with the requirements of justice, fair play and the Constitution of the United States. They realize that employment of any other means would react unfavorably against the innocent as well as the guilty, and, in the long run, would distort and damage the judicial procedures of our country. The whole series of bills that the Administration has sponsored in this field have been designed in just this spirit and with just these purposes.

Let’s enforce this law.



QUESTIONER: Why do we say that “Trans liberation calls for a Communist Revolution”?

KAY GABRIEL: Starting with a big one! Um, OK, I’m gonna leap on this first but then, I promise, I’ll take a back seat.

The dominant Liberal Bourgeois reframing of Trans Liberation as “Trans Rights”, “- Recognition” is based in the supposedly successful pattern of, say, Gay Liberation, transformed into rights and recognition, realized in some of the states – not everywhere.

We make the claim that not only is this insufficient but that pouring our energy into this thing is actually not going to get us what we want or what we need.

This kind of economic transformation that would be a kind of Communist horizon, right? A world in which everyone has what they need – so why does this immediately matter to trans people? Well, what do trans people, in our particularity have to say or to offer that expands the universalism of a Communist society, right?

Which is to say one that would be achieved in time through processes or events that we could call “revolutionary” – that we would have to call revolutionary – because it requires the abolition of society as it currently is.

When we demand that society be re-arranged in certain ways, this is a part of the project!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Too sad for words that they’ve lost their way falling fast into an abyss that will never again see the light of day. Teachers and influencers are judged to a higher standard because of the many they take with them in their teachings.

    How did we ever get here? Parents failing to teach their children the principles of life as taught in God’s Word. The further one wanders away from God, the darker it gets. (Isaiah 5:21)

  • Yes you four little brain-dead children, think again. You think you have it worked out, how great it will be when China takes over. LoL, you will be the first ones exterminated. I’ve been to some pretty bad places (22 countries) be careful what you wish for. Here you are accepted over there, bye-bye..

  • The entire microcosm of everything wrong is encapsulated in that stupid show The Kardashians, if you are so unfortunate or stupid that you still watch that electronic box.
    Kylie Jenner, a spoiled billionaire with a habit of decorating her face with monarch butterflies, as if she’s advertising Project Monarch. The woman’s entire family is nothing but a project in mind control: the father becoming another mother, the women so materialistic and narcissistic that it’s every young girl’s dream to be just like them. The throwaway boyfriends and husbands, the rampant miscegenation (whether you agree with that or not, it is a pattern desired by, someone), the spoiled idiocy. These are the heroes looked up to, and they are on the air to persuade people that this is normal and desirable.

    • You nailed it, CrapTV just like “The CarDashions” it’s got plenty to do with mind-control and for people with 1/2 a brain.

  • So, You Don’t Believe That We Are in a Spiritual War…..
    By Anna Von Reitz

    Today, I ran into a man, an Apologist for Joe Biden, who was making outlandish claims about the “successes” of the Biden Administration, and as I listened to him, it occurred to me that he had lost his mind. Literally.
    He was, for example, touting the fact that unemployment claims are at their lowest ebb in fifty years.
    He didn’t even hear me when I pointed out that massive job losses and layoffs for more than a year prior means that Unemployment insurance payments are exhausted and the long-term unemployed are simply dropping off the edge of the table, disappearing into the Abyss of uncertainty, homelessness, and misery beyond —- no longer a part of a population that can be tracked by the statisticians.
    He was looking ahead at some grand and glorious economy spurred on by Uncle Joe, smiling broadly and vacantly, as he continued to make these off-the-wall suppositions about reality. He was a Class Clown guy, so happy and vacuous that he reminded me of his idol and gave me the same uneasy feeling that the lights were on, but…..
    Maybe he’d fall asleep in an easy chair, or morph into an ax murderer. One can never tell….
    I was, meanwhile, staring at a modern day Great Depression with millions of jobs lost, millions of homes lost, millions of people displaced, food scarcity, soaring actual unemployment, runaway inflation, record loss of industry, education scores in the tank, suicides at all-time highs, chronic disease afflicting 60% or more of the population, and my restless mind wandered on….
    It’s clear that I was looking at a completely different scene and drawing profoundly different conclusions from the same base data. I kicked back from my desk, leaned back in my chair.
    Just like “Joe’s Employment Miracle” that doesn’t exist, and the Unicorn Virus, people are losing their ability to sort fact from fiction. The BBC’s motto, “Listen and obey.” echoed in my mind….
    There’s some of you out there who don’t believe that we are in a spiritual war, a war that aims to tear the very fabric of our minds asunder and reduce us to an infantile docility and fake “happiness” based on telling us lies we no longer have brains enough to discern— but look around at the Joyous Zombies skipping happily to their next appointment, and think about what you are seeing.
    People lined up around the block to take “vaccines” that admittedly don’t prevent any disease, don’t prevent spread of any disease, but do cause heart disease, blood clots, organ failure, immuno-suppression, and a host of other known nasty side-effects, including death. And they think this is okay. They walk right into the propeller blades.
    Yes, they think everything is hunky-dory. Never better.
    And the delusion and the denial grows day by day.
    This is what happened within the Jewish Community in Germany right before the cattle cars. When “unthinkable” things appear, people discount them, refuse to believe in them, fail to take action, and then….. history tells us what happens.
    The tragic baseline of this story is that when something doesn’t make sense, our minds skip over it and try to fill in the blanks, try to avoid the cognitive dissonance, and also try to evade any unpleasant conclusions. We have a built-in bias in favor of continuity, whatever we experienced in the past, we unconsciously project into the future. And we rationalize things constantly, trying to make sense of insanity.
    What happens when the unthinkable happens? This. This is what happens. People go spinning off into Unreality, because what is obviously happening can’t be happening. But it is.
    And what makes it worse, is that the Rats we watch more closely each December, have been telling everyone who they are and what they believe and what they are going to do for at least forty years that I know of —– and almost nobody believed them.
    In 1980, they erected the Georgia Guidestones, and proposed reducing the human population to 500 Million —- about 15 of us would have to die for every 1 that lived.
    Here’s Prince Philip telling you back in 1988: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”
    Here, they told you all about spike proteins in 1992 at the Barcelona Olympics:
    Twenty years later, in 2012, they told you all about dead babies and Satanic rituals at the London Olympics:
    This is what comes from having a social and political elite that is scientifically and mathematically illiterate.
    This entire insanity took root in their ranks because of a 1968 book called The Population Bomb, written by Paul R. Ehrlich, a Stanford Professor, who couldn’t do math to save himself; Ehrlich predicted that by the late 1980’s we’d all be eating dirt as a result of overpopulation, and it was the fear engendered by this execrable book that became the driving force behind the legalization of abortion, the “One Child” program in China, and many other actions that in retrospect led to moral decay and decay of the family.
    As I write, only 18% of households in America have married parents bringing up children.
    No actual scientists took The Population Bomb seriously, but the social and political elite did — and this resulted in the “politicization of science” — and the downfall of scientific integrity.
    Science became a religion, with Darwin and the Law of the Jungle leading the way to lawlessness and brutality and a thoroughly debased view of Mankind; the new religion of science, like the old religion it mocks, is full of ignorant but popular beliefs, and it has become the favorite whore and money-maker of the politicians
    Medicine, because of its profitability, and it’s connection to both blood and drugs, has suffered most of all.
    Together with Richard M. Nixon’s 1971 action converting our benign non-profit medical sector into a fire-breathing profit-driven behemoth selling drugs and sickcare instead of healthcare—- this has resulted in the current wholesale destruction of reason, common sense, and decency at all levels of world government and academia, too.
    You can no longer trust scientists any more than you can trust priests, but you can turn your Shinola Sensor on “High” and smell the reek of Washington, DC, from fifty miles away.
    When asked what Washington, DC, now smells like, a horrified visitor said, “It smells like rotten meat. The whole city smells like a slaughterhouse.”
    And to date, not a single news source — or scientist — has asked why.

  • You gotta be fkn kidding!! Automatic passport and American status revoked, and this Fruit Loop should be sent to China, N. Korea, or Cuba (on their own dime)…immediately! America has been infiltrated by scumbags everywhere!

  • First of all, that is not a she. Secondly, that was the biggest bunch of cud-chewing drivel I’ve heard since Biden’s last speech. And watching those poor little things keep looking at themselves on computer and trying to primp without anyone noticing it was hilarious. There was more empty space in those 4 skulls than in outer space.

  • these trans activists think a communist system will give them the rights and equality they are looking for. They couldn’t be more wrong. The pyramid cap will run this NWO Utopia and it will turn on the trans as it will everyone with restrictions that will make earlier colonial slavery look like a tea party. A Technocracy is in the works and being trans will likely be a set of demerit points on a person’s social credit scoring!

  • The mental health of the nation is in crisis .
    The launchpad is the education system the targets are the youths .
    Help stomp out these mentally defective educators by defunding higher education and save the youth of the nation. The students are better off under educated than brainwashed by failed commie losers we might have to cut public education off at kindergarten level. Build back better comes to mind.

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