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During last September’s anniversary of 9/11, Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo spoke with Fire Marshal Rudy Dent, a 32-year veteran of NYC’s fire department and the NYPD, about his incredible first hand experience of the lies surrounding WTC 7.

Fire Marshal Dent is a highly trained investigator who’s often called upon to be an expert witness in court. He has the power to administer the oath, take testimony, and issue subpoenas.

In this clip, Dent thanks Infowars and the Alternative Media, as “All we’ve got” to defend ourselves against the Criminal Mainstream Media. In no uncertain terms, he states here, that, “9/11 was a false flag event and the people who planned it need to go to jail for treason.”

It is a beautiful thing to watch the massive hoax, which is the official story of 9/11, finally starting to become unraveled before the eyes of the US public. I couldn’t agree more with Fire Marshal Dent.

The Peoples of the United States, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria will not be made whole, until the pestilence, which has seized the US government is brought to justice – and this includes their propaganda arm, too.

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Alexandra Bruce

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