You Are Free TV reminds us that November was the 3rd Anniversary of The 2020 Election coup, she tells us that Big Mike Obama is set to run for President in 2024. Meanwhile, Israel will openly use their Iron Rod DEW weapons, thereby raising global awareness that carbon-based laser weapons are now being deployed in warfare.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Does anyone actually believe that “Michelle” is truly a Female? After what we have learned about Barack’s sexual proclivities, is there any justification that would cause him to marry a Female?
    Even if so, what sort of Female would consort to marry such an obvious sexual aberration as Barack Obama has shown himself to be? No, “Michelle” is as much a Female as I am. Woof!

  • Carbon is truly awesome, here in S Korea, most food, vegetables are grown in Plastic covered Greenhouses, that trap carbon and produce abundant crops! Before this technology was grown, fresh vegetables were so very sparse, when not n season, and not really available in mass for such reasonable prices, if they were even available at all! In N Korea people starve and are much smaller and lighter weight because this food producing method is not used in mass, maybe it is not used at all. North Korean men are pretty much the weight of Middle school children in America and most of the world!

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