This video reveals the scary connection between the NXIVM cult and the complete corruption – and ownership – of the Democrat party by the most powerful Mexican political party, the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).

When we look at the estimated one million migrants expected to crash the US border this year and with Democrats refusing to enact the will of their constituents, instead giving free healthcare to all illegal immigrants, it’s clear that they are acting on behalf of someone else. Who might that be?

Mexico is often described as a “narco state” under the control of criminal cartels and this is partially true but in spite of its rampant corruption, Mexico is a rather wealthy nation. According to the UN, it has the 15th largest economy in the world out of a total 192 countries. Consequently, Mexico’s establishment Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has a lot of dough in their bribery budget. (Mexico’s current President Obrador is from the opposition party, Movimiento Regeneración Nacional).

Jeffrey Peterson joins 412Anon on the Patriot Power Hour podcast to inform us that the enormous influence of the PRI on the Democrat Party is one of the most overlooked of all news stories. Peterson is an Internet pioneer from Arizona who founded the leading bilingual English/Spanish social media site, QuePasa. He’s spent a lot of time in Mexico City on business, where he learned its ways and became friendly with leaders, like President Vicente Fox.

Peterson says, “I’m not sure in American history, if there’s ever been a moment where an American political party has been puppeted by a foreign government, particularly Mexico.”

Peterson advises researchers to look into his former colleague, Marco A López, Jr., former Chief of Staff at US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), currently the senior adviser to Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim and potentially the future Governor of the State of Arizona. Peterson says if elected, López would be the first Governor to be wholly owned by the PRI.

“Marco is serving as the connector from the Mexican PRI into the United States Democratic Party at the highest level; Tom Perez and others…connecting the interests of the Mexican PRI from its chairperson, who is [from] the Salinas family…

“You start to understand that connection that comes down through Arizona and through Janet Napolitano’s group of supporters, called the ‘Arizona Mafia’, you have the Mexican PRI puppeting the United States Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi and everybody else.

“It starts to makes sense why, with their many, many millions of dollars and unlimited budget, the Democrats are opposing the border wall. They’re opposing everything that Mexico wants to oppose, because they’re being funded by Mexican interests – THAT is where you’re going to find a lot of the answers and where nobody else is looking…

“There’s a lot of pressure to steer that story away from the Mainstream Media. As patriots, we should see our focus on that particular phenomenon. Forget about the fact that we don’t agree with Democrat principles…take it a step further. What about the Democrats being controlled by a foreign political party, alright? That’s where we need to be looking…

“They’re flooded with this Mexican money and it’s more than you think. We need to stop making the mistake of assuming that Mexico is a poor country, it’s not. These guys send bank transfers of tens of millions of dollars offshore and work them back into the United States all the time – they’re using law firms in New York City, they’re using political consultants in DC, They are very, very well-funded. Mexico’s building an airport right now that’s got a $20 billion budget…that’s a lot of money that the Democrat Party is tapping into, one way or another…I don’t know why more people aren’t looking at it. They should be.”

There’s a reason why Nancy Pelosi is worth $126 million on a $187,000 per year salary. Peterson says, “If more people start looking at the Mexican PRI-Democrat Party connection, through Marco López, through Janet Napolitano’s people, who by the way are very close to Pelosi, all the answers that you need are going to start falling into place, all this strange stuff that’s been happening, including…a lot of the conspiracy theories out there are going to start making sense. When you view them from the perspective of the Mexican PRI, which is a more viable political force than you think it is.”

Where Peterson’s story gets even more interesting is how many of his business contacts and friends, including his former BFF Marco López shunned him after he casually rebuffed efforts in 2014 by Emiliano Salinas, his friend and the son of a Mexican President to enroll him in the NXIVM cult. All of his “friends” pulled away from him and began to attack him. As the only breakaway member of the “Arizona Mafia”, he began to connect the dots: These PRI-corrupted politicos were ALSO involved with the NXIVM cult – and that their fundamental sympathies had shifted.

He says, he doesn’t care if people are Democrat or Republican but “When you’re an American and you start working for a foreign government, that’s where I draw the line. I love my country too much. It’s just totally wrong in my mind, to be an American-born citizen, someone that has built your whole career representing the American people – then all of a sudden start representing the Mexican government under the table. Ethically, I couldn’t stomach that, so that’s why I started talking.”

His brush with NXIVM is the straw the broke the camel’s back, that caused him to walk away from the Democrats but it was only later, when details of the NXIVM case came out, Peterson realized that the cult was using Mexican drug cartel psychological operations tactics – in Upstate NY!

I set the inpoint here to their discussion of Arizona Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema, who Peterson describes as an “Ethical, good person” but, “the amount of pressure that’s on all of them [Arizona politicians] in terms of the money that’s coming at them from the Mexican apparatus, it is an enormous amount of pressure to toe the Mexican party line. It’s very difficult for them to go against that…

“The Democrat Party that I used to be a part of is a broken party. Don’t let anyone tell you that they’re not broken – they’re broken and fractured. Their donor base is messed-up, their politics is messed-up, their leadership is messed-up…the biggest source of influence they have right now is the Mexican PRI through those Arizona people. I call them the ‘Arizona Mafia’.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Nice to meet another person with spine, and principles.
    Highlights the problem of individual wealth. Imagine, if individual wealth were to be seen as undesirable, and dangerous?
    Wealth would have to be dispersed among the local group, and groups becoming wealthier than other groups would spread it out among other nearby groups?
    Our biggest problem right now, is too many people (and the quality is getting dumbed down). With the attitude I’m talking about, with respect to wealth, being applied to population reduction, individual families would group, live in small extended families, share smaller numbers of children between larger numbers of adults…. 500-year plan, we get egalitarian population with its numbers under control, and we get rid of the despotic, secretive overlords, without anybody having to kill anybody. It’s not too late for this

  • For sure, I am not denying China, Qatar, or Saudi Arabia…and I have no reason to suspect that the PRI is *not* throwing its weight and cash around as described.

    But to say that this business with Mexico is the first time we have been Pinocchio in the Game of Puppets makes me think that either the writer has a lack of information and experience or else (if they *are* aware of Israel’s relationship with the U.S.) they have dedicated a lot of mental energy to separating the countries in their mind to the point where the similarities aren’t as obvious as they would be to the average bear. Either case makes me a bit skeptical of their information and their analysis.

    Plus I watched about a dozen Kinison clips last night and couldn’t resist pointing out that Mexico isn’t our first puppeteer. If the reporting is accurate, though, Mexico might be the first country to put most or all of its eggs in the Democratic Party’s basket – as opposed to the time-tested process of shoveling money to both sides in case of election flukery. Seriously big money seems to avoid exposure to that sort of risk. If it costs them more to play both sides, they just pass the expense on to their customers.

    Thanks for all the interesting info you post on FKTV.

    • I was quoting Peterson directly. I don’t think he’s into geopolitics and I think he was too busy being a little tech lord in the early 2000s to be aware of Israel.

      Personally, I was surprised to hear that the PRI is acting like Israel, Qatar, Saudi, etc. As I said, we hear about cartels paying Nancy Pelosi but never anything about the PRI.

      Of course, the US has had other countries on the payroll for decades, sometimes with foreign aid or via NATO and CIA bribes, etc.

      I think the main difference is today is that this kind of foreign bribery of US officials is no longer the exception but the rule and there is barely a statement or a vote our congresspeople make that isn’t paid for.

  • So, the whole Russian collusion BS, is to cover up the real collusion with Mexican cartels and the Demon crap “party”. ” It just goes to show, that you don’t never know”. One thing I do know is that “we” the people have “too much” government working against us, not for us. They are paid for by foreign interests. Their only interest is to stay in power, and collect big bucks, from anywhere, or anything. Too many laws, with too many secret loop holes. Well, that’s my simplistic way of seeing things. Make it a better day,,, please? And thank you.

  • Peterson says, “I’m not sure in American history, if there’s ever been a moment where an American political party has been puppeted by a foreign government, particularly Mexico.”

    In the voice of former preacher Sam Kinison (RIP):

    • Nobody’s denying that.

      We’ve all heard of AIPAC and the influence of China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and even of Mexican drug cartels – but I’d never heard of the influence of the Mexican PRI.

      It appears that NOW the influence of Mexico has come to the fore, which is what we’re witnessing at the border. During Dubya, we saw the influence of Israel, driving the invasions of Iraq & Afghanistan.

      • We also know who was responsible when Bush 41 lost his 2nd run. Guess that’s why 43 played ball.

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