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This video replaces one posted by Jake Morphonios of the End Times News Report which was taken down, along with thousands of others n the YouTube purge of March 2018.

Morphonios has been doggedly assembling more testimonies, images and video which together form a strong refutation of the official story about a single shooter in Las Vegas.

This video was posted by Nick Vegas. It shows evacuation drills at numerous hotels and references reports of shootings in several hotels, as reported by René Downs, Gio Rios, Orora Monroe, Rocky Palermo and others.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • At 10:30 on video, why when police are all crouched behind a police car, is there a plain-clothes gentleman walking out in the open right next to it??

  • Whoever ‘they’ are, ‘they’ have gone tooooo far. This is America. Mercenaries are banned from the streets merely due to public opinion. So we have those who are OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS doing the bidding of lies, open gun fire, cover-ups, misdirection, overt killing topped off with OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS remaining in silence now for over 7 weeks… W T F ??
    Public safety goes hand in hand with forewarned is forearmed, and ‘they’, especially OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS are deliberating undermining the safety of the citizenry…damn I despise LIARS!
    So where is Heller, Amodei, Sandoval, Cortez-Masto, Laxalt, Denis, Hardy, Gustavson, Titus, Sheryl AND ALL THE LAW AND ORDER DEMANDERS in this Battle Born state of Nevada??
    Oh!! I know, they went out into the desert for some serious sand breathing…sickening lack of responsibility by all.

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