I somehow missed this arresting video released last year that’s gotten 3.7 million views. It features Ian Furgeson, who works for a cell phone company in Georgia and is currently being trained on the 5G technology that he will soon be installing.

He says,  “You’re not going to know what I did to you for another 15-20 years…Feel free to name your tumor after me.”


I’m a tower climber. I climb cell phone towers and install the cellular equipment that allows you to keep scrolling.

I’m currently in 5G training and I was already concerned about this technology before getting in there and actually learning some of the science about it. So, let me give you some of the science about it.

The radio frequency that our towers currently emit it’s non-ionizing radiation with a long footprint over the ground, so it’s able to dissipate and spread out.

[4G] is currently being broadcast anywhere from like, 1.5 to 2.5, 2.8 GHz. Up close, if you take radio frequency close, it superheats the water molecules in your brain, eyes and testicles.

So, it’s a very real thing, you could render yourself sterile or with a splitting headache for days. I cooked the top of my skull and it left me useless for the rest of the day. That’s at short-range, at a relatively low power.

The way 5G is gonna work is it is going to broadcast…[at] 30+ GHz, they’re estimating, which means 15,000 times stronger than what we’re pushing out right now.

And it’s gonna actually go then it’s gonna go at a steeper peak. It’s gonna almost be broadcast straight at the ground, to hit more receivers that, again are then gonna transmit it outwards.

The plan is to install these small cells on the billboards and streetlights, sides of buildings in the corner of your office building or in the hallway of your apartment complex, so that they can get lightning-fast speeds.

Well, here’s the thing: the RF that we’ve been broadcasting isn’t really damaging to you, though they can’t tell the long-term effects, but because it dissipates over distance and it’s not a concentrated thing, the radio frequency we’re broadcasting now has a really long wave trough, so even if you’re getting hit with it, you’re not absorbing a lot. That’s why if I take it close-range, I eat it but you don’t feel it down off the tower.

It’s not gonna be that way with 5G.

It’s gonna be in the corner of your office. We’re talking about putting a 38-band MIMO antenna in the back of every car so they can talk to each other and self-drive.

The 5G, its waveform is much tighter, where 4G, 3G, 2G have fairly long wave troughs, so that we can reach distances and have a greater footprint coming off the tower, it’s not necessary with 5G. It’s gonna be broadcasting what’s called a millimeter wave. It’s much more tightly-focused, with much closer wave troughs, so when it does hit, you just get blasted.

And it’s not miles away, hundreds of feet up on a tower anymore, it’s in the corner of your office, which means that this millimeter wave is going to be able to directly affect the cellular membranes, the bonds that hold your cells together. It’s gonna be in your face. It’s gonna be behind the back seat, where your car seats are.

Not to mention what it’s gonna do to your brain and your eyes and your testicles or ovaries, just from the superheating that radio frequency will do at a close range – but because it is so powerful, so compact and tightly-beamed, it’s really going to be able to break down the bonds that hold your cells together. And that’s how you get tumors.

The rub of it, America is that you’re not going to know what I did to you for another 15-20 years and by then, it’s gonna be too f***king late. It already is. They’ve got trillions tied up in this 5G push. People are screaming for faster phones; who want to be able to scroll at the speed of light. There’s no stopping it.

What am I gonna do, right? This is my job, you know. I got two kids to take care of, I got my own chemo treatments thirty years from now that I’m going to have to deal with. So, yeah I’m gonna install it.

America, I tell you what. I feel like I’m fixing to pull your feelings out for the gold before I put you in a gas chamber. America doesn’t care. They want faster phones. You’ll care eventually but it’ll be too late. May God bless you. God bless America. I wish you the best.

Feel free to name your tumor after me. I’m real sorry about what it’s fixing to do to the babies, the fetuses, the little babies that are developing in utero, surrounded by water. The consequences to the next generation are untold.

We’re talking about what we’re fixing to do to our own vision, our own reproductive organs, our own cognitive abilities. We’re talking about the breakdown of our cellular bonds that are going to lead to tumor growth.

I’m talking about what it’s going to do to the little baby brains and eyes that are trying to develop in the womb. What we’re fixing to do to toddlers and infants that are born; they’re still developing.

So the question of the day is, Ian what do you think about 5G?

I’m frightened and saddened because I’m going to install this. I’m going to install it everywhere and you are all going to feel the effects of what I’ve done to you.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I use to build these 5g towers for t mobile. Thats all they build around eastern Pennsylvanian. Once i took the rf test i knew right away this was wrong and quit. Im not afraid of hights. My entire thing was the knowledge they provided to me and all the other ppl that took the same test as me the same day were blind to the bull. Not me i c straight through their lies. Ive also done undergroumd fiber optics. Thag is actually where the communication runs through not these 5g towers. We the people need to stand up against this tyranny. Its the furthest from a conspiracy. Either stand and fight or die from margurg and bleed the bloodbath the media is keep talking about.


  • There are so many things wrong with what he wrote that I can’t even begin to contemplate where to begin.

    I’ll start with this statement:

    30+ GHz, they’re estimating, which means 15,000 times stronger

    That would be a no… Frequency and strength are not related in this way. The energy of a photon is greater as the frequency increases but what we are talking about here is watts.. This is all about watts not about photon energy. The thing about 5G that does make it stronger is the fact that they will be using phased arrays to create a focused interference pattern that is directional which will increase the intensity of the signal considerably.

    Ok… let’s move on now shall we?

    Well, here’s the thing: the RF that we’ve been broadcasting isn’t really damaging to you, though they can’t tell the long-term effects, but because it dissipates over distance and it’s not a concentrated thing, the radio frequency we’re broadcasting now has a really long wave trough, so even if you’re getting hit with it, you’re not absorbing a lot. That’s why if I take it close-range, I eat it but you don’t feel it down off the tower.

    Actually… every white paper I have ever seen referenced by a person who has an issue with 5G are actually studies performed on current cell phone frequencies. There has been a proven link between cancer and cell phone usage with the current cellular bands and the irony here is everyone who is trying to shut down 5G doesn’t realize that they are already in significant danger with the current technology but they don’t have the background in physics to understand what the white paper is saying and what technology they are talking about. They assume because the title indicates there is a link between cancer and cellular frequencies that it must be about 5G.

    “Not to mention what it’s gonna do to your brain and your eyes and your testicles or ovaries, just from the superheating that radio frequency will do at a close range – but because it is so powerful, so compact and tightly-beamed, it’s really going to be able to break down the bonds that hold your cells together. And that’s how you get tumors.”

    This is bombastic fearmongering from someone who doesn’t know anything about the topic. He is echoing what he has heard but he has a very basic understanding of what he is talking about and he is mostly wrong. Skin penetration depth of any RF frequency is inversely proportional to the frequency so his statement about it being able to break down your cells is absolutely ludicrous. The frequency that they are going to be utilizing won’t even penetrate a millimeter into the surface of your skin. And guess what?? I am not just going to sit here and expect you to take my words at face value unlike this rf installer that isn’t an engineer but rather a technician who climbs poles and installs wires and antennas. I am actually going to link you to a peer reviewed papers on the topic that shows what I am talking about.



    I’m getting tired of people who don’t know what they are talking about fearmongering.

    The real issue with 5G is the fact that everything is going to be connected to the internet. You are going to lose your privilege to drive and you are going to be spied on in a way that far exceeds what they can do now. They will be able to snoop on you with HD sound and quality with 12 ms latency. The issue isn’t your health… the issue is your pending loss of your remaining liberty and freedom. I am pretty certain it is the powers that be that started this fearmongering campaign to take the focus off of what the real dangers of 5G are.

    • Where did u get this from an ai chat gpt? Bc nothingbubsaid was truth. Learn before u speak and think before u learn. You are all welcome to question me on anythi g about rf and i will give u the straight facts

  • Nobody i know is asking for faster speed. . You drank the koolaid bro. We are all ready to put down our devices and move out of the cities and cut some firewood.

    • Found so much truth in this. Thank you for ur comment ppl need to read this. Everyone in the world needs to hear this. 💯 i pray 🙏 for u brother

  • Ham radio book of 1993 said radio Amateurs get more leukemia than the general population so I gave it up. That study was probably done before mobile phones came out. Now nearly everyone has phones and put them up to their heads. Amateurs often have the aerial on the roof or on the car. And don’t have it on every second of the day.

  • The entire spiel about consumers wanting faster phones to justify the 5G network is baloney. It’s just the telecommunications industry reading off its talking points and putting words into our mouths.

    There is a very simple solution to the problem of deliberately overpowered cell phone towers that we’ve been putting up with for years which have been blanketing us with much more microwave energy than is needed to support cell phone communications. Get a scoped rifle and shoot the emitters on the towers in order to damage and disable them. Forget shooting road signs. Shoot the emitters of microwave energy on the towers. It could become a national pastime. Go out at night with an infrared scope and shoot them. The police would find it hard to catch you.

    The emitters of microwave energy on the cell phone towers are sitting ducks. Nothing can protect them from being disabled by a round from a rifle. Nothing.

    All of us are fed up. It’s time to take action.

    Maybe then the arrogant telecommunications industry will get the message to reduce the electricity being supplied to the cell phone towers, so that our health is not compromised by their operation.

    • Chem Bust some towers it really works. You will have normal rain again and those chem-trails will also break up you just have to make them. They are going to literally save lives if enough people get on board with gifting.

  • It is too late.

    We live in a cowardly age where people want, want, want no matter the price paid by all others and by themselves in the end., Our collective greed and unchecked/unbalanced desires brought us the fax machine, the Internet, faster and faster computers, wireless – and with all of that – surveillance, cameras at every angle and every street corner, drones filming our every movement, and very soon, armed satellites and space weapons systems aimed at us AND them.

    And yet, despite all of this easily provable facts, the herd looks downward into their phones and tablets while skynet is deployed above them, cascading metallic dust that kills, bacteria, viruses, nano robots that become internally embedded in our bodies and more.

    The answer is simple really: I’m just a wacko conspiracy theorists – just one of an army who dare to try and fight back, publish and investigate the truth and more.

    Yes, most of us also have mortgages to pay, kids to raise and everything that the above coward states as his reason to continue in his job, knowing that his work will kill and/or enslave, mankind.

    How’s the weather where you are? Cojones?

  • I keep trying to share this video onto Facebook but it won’t let me. Facebook keeps saying ‘something went wrong but we’ll try again’. Yeah, sure.

    • Yes, it let me share the post but it has blocked the URL and put up this big warning flag.

      Neither 5G nor 1G-4G have ever been adequately tested on humans.

  • Alexandra,

    Thank you for the email. Can you please do me a favor and make a correction to the speaker who made the following statement:

    “[4G] is currently being broadcast anywhere from like, 1.5 to 2.5, 2.8 MHz. Up close, if you take radio frequency close, it superheats the water molecules in your brain, eyes and testicles.”

    He should have stated “GHz” not “MHZ.” Can you please correct this? The statement should be corrected to state

    “[4G] is currently being broadcast anywhere from like, 1.5 to 2.5 to 2.8 GHz. Up close, if you take radio frequency close, it superheats the water molecules in your brain, eyes and testicles.”

    It is so important to spread accurate information on this topic–I have concerns others will parrot this if not corrected. Yes, microwave radiation (0.3 GHz-300 GHz) is harmful to all forms of life (microbes, insects, plants, animals, and humans) based on >10,000 peer-reviewed studies and govt. documents.


    • Yeah, there is a lot of factual errors, i.e. mixing up frequency and power, etc. And I do not get this man’s cry “and I am going to do this all to you by instaling all those antennas in your vicinity…”. Don’t get me wrong – I am definitely against 5G (I lead Stop5G protests in my country), but we shall rather listen to guys like Olle Johansson, Martin Pall or ladies such as Devra Davis, Magda Havas…

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