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The Bible refers to a Great Flood and the destruction of most life, except that which was saved by Noah. The Hindus have their own version of Noah, called Vaivasvata Manu. As with Noah, all living beings on Earth are said to descend from the creatures he rescued from a Great Flood. The Hopi and the Maya also believe that the last epoch ended in a Great Deluge.

Whereas the Bible and the Native Americans see these ages in a linear progression, the Vedic traditions see this last cycle of destruction as part of a vast cyclical continuum, which repeats infinitely.

In the Sanskrit traditions, there are 4 ages or Yugas on an endless loop: 1) The Satya Yuga (Golden Age); 2) Treta Yuga (Silver Age); 3) Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age) and 4) The Kali Yuga (Iron Age).

Little-known is that the ancient Greeks and Romans had similar mythologies about metallic ages. Hesiod, The ancient Greek poet who lived at the end of the 8th century BC wrote the epic poem Works and Days, in which he makes the first recorded reference to the five successive “ages” or “races” of man in Western history. His account does not refer to the ages as being cyclical. It describes a mostly linear descent from mankind’s original exalted, heavenly state, into successively degraded and debased versions. Here is a very brief summary of Hesiod’s epic poem:

The Golden Age was before the time of Zeus. His father
Cronus reigned over the Golden Age, when men lived among the
gods and there were no rules because everybody did the right
thing. It was always Spring. Peace and harmony prevailed and
humans did not have to work to feed themselves; the Earth
provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age but with
a youthful appearance and eventually they died peacefully, as if
falling asleep. Their spirits were said to live on as “guardians” of
the mortals.

The Silver Age. Zeus overthrew his father Cronus and ruled over
the Silver Age and subsequent ages. Zeus created the Silver race
of man to be inferior in appearance and wisdom to the last. He
divided the year into four seasons. Man had to grow his food and
seek shelter, but still, their childhoods were long and they could
play for a hundred years before growing up. They lived only a
short time as grown adults and spent most of that time in strife
with one another, due to their childish foolishness. Zeus destroyed
this race for refusing to worship the gods. Nonetheless, after
death, the Silver race became the “blessed spirits” of the

The Bronze Age. Zeus created the “first recognizably human”
Bronze race from the hardwood of ash trees. War and violence
was the purpose and passion of the Bronze race. An odd detail
about this race was that they did “not eat bread” (Hesiod didn’t
say why). Their weapons, tools and even their homes were forged
of bronze. This race of men was destroyed by Zeus with a Great

Hesiod says that the nameless spirits of this destroyed Bronze
race dwell in the “dank house of Hades.” A tiny handful of virtuous
people survived, as recounted in the tale of Deucalion, the
ancient Greek Noah, in which he and his wife Pyrrha survived the
flood by following the instructions of his father, in a story that is
basically the same as that of the Biblical Noah and of his
Sumerian counterpart, Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The Heroic Age. This is the only age that improves upon the era
that preceded it and it’s the only age that does not correspond
with any metal. The demigods of this Age fought at Thebes and
Troy. When the Heroes died, they went to the Elysian Fields, an
area of the Underworld that was the final resting place of the
virtuous. The Heroic Age frankly seems out of place in this scheme
and it’s apparently a tribute to Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey.

The Iron Age. At the time of Hesiod’s writing in the 700s BCE,
the world was already in the throes of the Iron Age. Earthly
existence was one of toil and misery. All manner of evils came
into being during this age. Piety and other virtues disappeared
and most of the gods who were still left on this Earth abandoned
it. It was said that Zeus would destroy this (our) race some day.
My favorite detail about the degradation of this age is that
“babies will be born with gray hair” (!)

During the Hindu Golden Age (Satya Yuga), people are said to be over 30 feet tall, they’re totally virtuous and wise and their lifespans are of 100,000 years.

With each succeeding age, both the people and the Earthly environment become increasingly corrupt and less beautiful, their lifespans and statures shortened.

My favorite prophecies about what life would be like, as the Iron Age (Kali Yuga) inexorably plunges humanity into unimaginable depths of debasement were made by the Hindu-born Buddhist holy man from the 8th century, Padma Sambhava aka Lopon Rinpoche aka the “Second Buddha.” He noted trivial things that would indicate that humanity had definitely reached new lows: “People will eat standing up, and even running…guides to enlightenment will be sold on street corners.”

I think that’s pretty good evidence that we’re fully in the Kali Yuga! I wonder what Sambhava would have to say about the five 24-hour drive-thru burger joints within a two-block radius of where I used to live in Los Angeles!

According to the Hindu Holy books, the Puranas, the Kali Yuga will culminate in about 427,000 years, when we can expect the following:

…increasing desertification and extremes of heat and cold.
Gradually, plant life will become extinct, and animals will also die
off, so that in the end of the Kali Yuga, humans will be reduced to

…finally, at the end of Kali Yuga, an avatar of Vishnu called Kalki
will appear to destroy whoever is left. Then a new Satya Yuga, or
Golden Age of spirituality will begin again.

This short video gives a brief description of each Yuga, the corresponding lifespans and statures of humans during each epoch, according to ancient Sanskrit texts.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Is there some one who can explain what unrestrained sinful sexual practises are?
    And what are not sinful sexual practises?
    This could be very important, because life base on sexuality.

    • Sex that does not occur between consenting adults who seek the same pleasures.

      I’ll add a caveat to that definition. Consenting adults is not a coerced adolescent who has no hope of eating unless the sell their bodies (Thailand, et al), who have been sold into sexual slavery by desperate/uncaring parents and are owned and know nothing more or innocents who are preyed upon by the filthy rich (reason for that saying) who are simply sexual criminals hiding behind an image screen.

      • Elle,

        Sexuality is a basic impact, where male and female can become one INSIDE one human being, never mind a male or a female being.
        This is the path for growing into oneness with the one spirit.
        This path is found by the question: who/what am I?
        It is the perceiver path and not the observer/believer path.

  • Is there some one who can explain what unrestrained sinful sexual practises are?
    And what are not sinful sexual practises?

  • I was looking through your archive about giants. I wonder if there is any link between the ‘red haired’ giants and the antipathy that some people have with red hair today.

    • Debbie,

      I know some red haired woman and man. According to me, they seem to have a certain dominancy. In fact this could be beautiful, when there is a dominancy of love instead of war. Where can appear a strong antipathy by the ones who do not love. In fact a truth meets always antipathy.
      The symbol of any giant is dominancy.

      That is why Jesus said something about the needles eye.

  • The giants became smaller, where they became able to pass through the house, finding one self at the back door, as the last “small” one.

    The human material body is such a house,, where an inner void is the place for being at home.
    The observer has become the perceiver.

  • It is said:
    every one is on the path.
    The path is the goal.
    Any path has a goal.
    It seems so that here the showed goal is to vanish.
    After the iron age, appears the helium age.
    The helium age base on a steadily fusion for becoming one.

    As it is said to me:
    Sannyas ist the courage to fall into the soil and to disappear.
    Where I discovered that this soil is universal love energy.
    The impact of black holes inside universe and inside human universe is the same.

  • This works especially well when viewed through the prism of parallel universes separated by quantum moments of time.

  • These similar synchronous belief systems all spring from Sumer that gave Assyria and Babylon its memes. Certain Tribes of Israel returned after the Babylonian Captivity (about the time of Hesiod) to finish writing sacred books that eventually became the Old Testament with many of these more ancient memes; that then later entered into sacred Christian and sacred Islamic scriptures .

    There are 26 secret names for GOD according to Jewish mysticism.

    “EA” is the only way to spell the cuneiform symbols for EA . I believe it is one of the 26 secret Names of GOD .

    The non-canonical ancient “Book of the Great Angel Rezial” impresses monotheism by referring to the ONE GOD. This is a translation from that Book: “Of sacrifices in the first house [Beth Achad] through the first priest [Kahen Achad] is the name of the one God [El Achad]… . Rezial even uses Ezekial’s reference: “The first word is El Achad”… .

    The core Jewish reference to GOD [Adonai Ehod] is identical to El Achad of Ezekiel and Rezial and hence EA may be the term for One GOD-HEAD found in all derivative belief systems, including specifically Greek and Hindu/Buddhist pantheons.

    Therefore, Adonai Ehud (AE) also known as El Achad (EA) ought to enter into the scholarly lexicon of any analysis of mankind’s religious-cultural history; mythical or factual.

    Happy 2018 to all,

  • Loved the Greek historical synopsis. I think you ran this video last year? (Or I saw it somewhere else.) Eating standing up and running from the Hindu perspective? We all seem to find ourselves eating while standing these days. However, I snapped to the memory of all the Ultras (races) I’d aided in the 80s-90s with the runners streaming by snapping up bananas and water from the aid stations.

  • Thank You for the succinct history. In the past I read this information and I became lost in the translation and the wordiness only to toss the book aside. I never really got it.
    My mind is spinning with newly acquired thoughts and ideas among the deeply held beliefs.
    I continue to delve into Manly P. Hall teachings. Last night I came upon his teaching on life after death:

    Manly P Hall – ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’ – YouTube Highlight
    Dec 9, 2014 … Manly P Hall – ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’ Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is best know…

  • In terms of advanced civilations, one over the another, the Indian continant/culture never experienced an ice age; no break in its technology, science, industry, agriculture, language, (sanity) etc.
    All the mountain ranges in the rest of the world run north to south allowing the polar glaciers to cover the surface of the earth – except for India. The Himalayas run east to west and are have the greatest altitude, TALL! Indian has an unbroken civilation and culture. This is all spoken of in the vedic texts which are rewriten every so many thousands of years by Veda Vyas. Every habitable planet in the universe has an ‘India’…a continant that never experiences ice age devistation. This is where enlightened teachers, masters settle and impart their knowledge of God, universe, science, …
    The so-called ‘mythical’, advanced city if Dwarika India, was discovered submerged off the north western coast. A date of 12,000 was given, but the city is older then that. The world’s anthropologist’s are still snooping around in the middle east when greater, longer histories are seen in the ice age free continent of India.

    • I’d never considered that! It makes a lot of sense. I’ve thought for years that Indian culture appears to retain a strong memory of antediluvian times, as reflected in its mythology.

    • Yes! Last I heard, the Indian authorities had been holding out on allowing a detailed exploration of the Dwarika site. Have you noticed that nothing on Earth is more than 12,000-yrs-old according to the mainstreamers in archeology? 12,000 years is ancient to them. LOL! When someone with real observational intelligence states an older date for any site it becomes suspect and ridiculed by the mainstreamers. Dwarika’s current dating, like so many sites, is a joke. It’s vastly older.

  • This is hardly a venue for entering into a long analysis of pro’s n con’s. My general answer to the linear vs cyclical critique is that cyclical has observable continuity in life around us whereas linear has no grounds for any ‘beliefs’ Darwin’s personally disavowed speculations might have in present day science.
    The Vedas origins came into being as long verbal singing presentations , memorized word for word and passed on generation to generation. They were not committed to written form until this present iteration of human civilization, how ever one chooses to consider that timeline. The Vedas are considered ancient when contrasted to any other philosophical/spiritual/religious perspectives.

  • The problem with Hindu accounting of history is that there is no accounting of Hindu history outside of Hindu writings which more or less ends with Shiva, doesn’t it? Outside of Hindu history it seems to trace to Nimrod and Semiramis where all mystery religions began in history. I’m no expert, so I’m open to instruction. If Shiva is the end of the line looking back, then it is from a human perspective just one mystery religion among many without empirical evidence, quite unlike other claims to divine origins connected with real historical human founders. I think this is why Hindu view of history is circular while Judaism, Christianity and Islam is linear. Personally, I have no interest in being recycled in this hell hole until I am finally worthy to become, metaphorically speaking, an impersonal hair follical on the face of Nirvana.

    • We’d be seen more like follicles on the body of Brahma in our current state and cycle but yes. It’s not linear. It’s never “the end” in Hinduism. It’s cyclical – but it’s also always Now. Hindu cosmology expresses the infinite multidimensionality of Creation. That’s why physicists dig Hinduism.

      Christianity doesn’t want us to be distracted or led down the wrong path by all of this profusion of possibility. It wants something very simple and very wonderful. It wants us to be Saved. Redemption, like this is not offered anywhere else.

      Something different is offered by Buddhism, which was founded by a Hindu prince, so is almost like a leaned-out, “Protestant” Hinduism, without any elephant god, etc.: The Four Noble Truths 1) Life is Suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; in short, clinging desire is suffering; 2) The Origin of Suffering: the craving, which leads to re-becoming, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight; craving for sensual pleasures, craving for becoming, craving for death; all of these create suffering; 3) The Cessation of Suffering: to stop suffering, cease this craving, give it up, relinquish it, gain freedom from it; 4) The way to achieve this freedom is through the Noble Eightfold Path; A) right view, B) right intention, C) right speech, D) right action, E) right livelihood, F) right effort, G) right mindfulness, H) right concentration.

      In other words, it takes a lot of work for a Buddhist to get to Heaven, i.e., to be “saved”.

      • But I posted this more as it relates to how it might fit into the discussion of giants, from recent posts. That there may be a historical basis for giants memorialized not just in the Bible but also in these Eastern faiths (Buddhism has the yuga cycles, as well).

    • I think you have a misconception that Hindus and Buddhists want to come back here. They don’t. They strive to “Do the right thing” (dharma) and avoid temptation (karma) in order to NOT come back here. But they figure that they’re imperfect and will probably get sucked into coming back. The super-motivated devote their entire lives to the pursuit of liberating themselves from this temporal world of illusion (maya) and to getting off “the wheel of karma”.

      In contrast, Christianity says in Ephesians 2:8: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–“. (New International Version). By accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you’re done. Christ offers to bestow upon you what the Buddhists and Hindus bust their hind-ends for lifetimes attempting to achieve.

      • What would this Earth be like today if Jesus had never paid his visit? Hard to imagine since so much myth of the Western World is built upon it, something like the value of fiat currency.

        • John,

          yes Jesus has paid with his life for being on earth.
          Where his words are not really perceived and misunderstood, where a religion appeared.

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