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It’s likely that the early 19th century persona of Santa, his sartorial style and his occupation as a reindeer herder, flying with his flock of reindeer are based on Sami folklore.

The Sami people, formerly known as Laplanders and numbering today a total of 100,000 are the only “indigenous” people of Europe. They inhabit a large area of northern Scandinavia, throughout the current national boundaries of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.

Here’s a short documentary made about the Sami made for Austrian TV.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • While wandering and looking at Christmas decorations I came upon a few Santas in their sleighs led by reindeer up on rooftops.
    In the past I figured that was the way Santa made it to your chimney to deliver your presents. And then there was St. Nick who magically entered your home to fill your stocking. It was an interesting idea, the magic mushrooms.
    Life is harsh in the wilderness. Living without our customary creature comforts would break rather than make most of us. It may be our creature comforts that are making it harsher and destroying their way of life.
    Great Holiday posting. Thanks.

  • National Geographic did a huge layout on the Sami–quite a while back. As white people go, they are quite beautiful. Their skin appeared to be as fine as silk and almost as white as the snow. The pictorial layout was impressive. Sure many of you saw it.

  • I see often such motion pictures, where I ask: why are they living this way?
    I guess, the answer is: while they are used to it.
    I also know that there is much suicide in the coldest places.
    Again: why??

    • Aham,
      meanwhile I noticed that my mail adress does not work. Sorry. I will send you a message when it is well again. Ok? A happy new year and all the best wishes

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