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We’ve been talking about the automation of government censorship online, as the Internet of Things seeks to become an online facsimile of reality. Apparently, it’s not enough to digitize everything and to make every last thing into a node on the Global Information Grid (GIG). Cyberspace is not enough. They want absolute AI control over meatspace as well.

Deborah Tavares, ceaseless anti-genocide activist tells Sean from the SGTReport, “Everyone that is listening, you must engage [in resisting the 5G roll-out] while your minds are still able to, because we’re literally at a point where we will not be able to engage, we will not have control over our bodies or our minds.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Not acepted excuse.!!. President Biden, Disclaimer my Information..?!. of It’s or Information the also that and colaborador in case killing Shooting new…?!. Not MORE treatment for my benefit..!. o nasty people..?

  • EMF is not a problem. Humanity now has more EMF than ever and people are healthier than ever, GMOs are a problem, a deadly problem. To focus on EMF is a Monsanto tactic to divert attention from GMO issues. Don’t be fooled.

    • No EMFs/Microwave Radiation is not a distraction from GMOs and the harm they can do.
      That is absurd. There are many methods of harm in this world and both of those are included in this assault against Humanity. Nothing though presents a greater threat than MW radiation and “vaccines” though, these days…but let’s not forget Monsanto’s Roundup that made it into food, particularly wheat.. All a apart of an ongoing Genocide program.

  • Fluoride in the water, chemtrails in the air as well as lithium being sprayed on us. Then we have the GMO’s being fed to us, plus the wi-fi cooking us from the inside out, now the coming 5G network set up to make sure we are baked to a crisp. As well as being fed parts of aborted fetuses. Yes, we have problems thinking clearly, or for any duration of time. I have one question, when was it made legal to experiment on the people of the U.S.ofA. in the name of “science”? And how do I go about taking that privilege back? Because I did not give “MY permission, even if the government did. I think it’s time to make a change in the corporation of the U.S. for the stock holders, from the CEO’s.

  • Yes, it is possible to manipulate the DNA by electromagnetic waves, where the body now has to obey the manipulation.
    Concerning health……….. It is needed to discover the impact of oxygen, where by oxygen is a transforming of illnesses are possible.

  • I really feel uncomfortable about the huge cell phone tower they installed at the end of my street a few months ago and they’re still digging up the roads. No sooner does one road excavation finish but another one starts. My friend who lives south of the city has suddenly started having migraines having never suffered from them before. And another friend has had three psychotic episodes that began with an inability to fall asleep, again having never suffered in this way before. I’ve been getting persistent thoughts for about a year now that ‘say’ go to the desert…and then I get an image of a desert in my mind. Weird

    • Maybe you should go to the desert. It might be safer than the city. After all THEY are trying to concentrate people into the city where they can be controlled & monitored.
      It’s possible your thoughts are a subconscious survival thing or even a message from God.

    • Debbie,
      Maybe you should go to the desert. It might be safer than the city. After all THEY are trying to concentrate people into the city where they can be controlled & monitored.
      It’s possible your thoughts are a subconscious survival thing or even a message from God.

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