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Legal analyst and researcher, Katherine Watt discusses the Department of Defense’s vaxx “Killbox” and the legal framework that enabled the militarization of public health and the rollout of a bioweapon being marketed as a “vaccine”.

Katherine discovered that the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) were stopping the US legal system from stopping this crime against humanity. The IHR are the wedge that has been preventing people from accessing the courts and which have been preventing the courts from hearing those cases.

The IHR have been the key to waging this world war in a covert manner, via the militarization of public health and the merger of the public health apparatus with the military apparatus that made the COVID vaxxine into a military operation.

Military Countermeasures (MCM) are used during a Public Health Emergency, which is legally akin to a State of War, such that all kinds of emergency powers get stripped from their normal places – like courts, legislatures and state governments – and are given to the Executive Branch; into the hands of the President and the Cabinet Secretaries.

The creation of this juggernaut was gradual and built piece by piece when suddenly, in January 2020, it was all pulled out and we were told they had the authority to do what they proceeded to do.

One of the biggest benefits to the malefactors, as well as the biggest obstacle to the truth movement is the inability or the unwillingness of people to fathom the evil that has overtaken our institutions.

“This has been going on for centuries. It’s basically Globalist central bankers and lots of related organizations trying to get complete control of human beings through banking programs and through military programs and they kicked it into higher gear in 1913, with the Federal Reserve Act and then, they kick the public health aspect of it into higher gear starting in the 1930s and ’40s.

“Before the 1960s, they mostly did it through orchestrated armed conflicts and financial depressions and wars, which are very loud and messy and destructive to infrastructure and it makes it difficult for them to have plausible deniability and legal impunity for what they’re doing.

“So, in the mid-’60s, they got much better at inducing suicide and homocide by fraudulently labeling poisons as medicine or as vaccines or as prophylactics and telling people that submitting to that poisoning process was their civic duty. We saw that in COVID, with the shorthand for ‘Do this or you’re gonna kill your grandma.’

“And the way that the pharmaceutical method is useful to them is primarily that plausible deniability is much easier and legal impunity is a lot easier. They can achieve the same goal of killing lots of people without their fingerprints being all over it…

“The US Congress passed a law [in 1969] to set up the chemical and biological program and in that law, which is 50 USC Chapter 32, there are very important key terms, including “protective”, “prophylactic” and “defensive”, which is how they justify doing it, by claiming they’re not going to do biological research and weapons except for protective or prophylactic or for defensive purposes – which is a false characterization, because all biologically-active products are intrinsically aggressive and toxic and lethal…”

The World Health Organization’s pretext for having the authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern is to “protect international trade from disruptions caused by disease outbreaks”, but it is actually a legal system for transferring sovereignty from the nation-state to the WHO and to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which happens automatically when a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC – pronounced “FAKE”) is declared.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I’m probably sitting at 90% that there is NO white hats coming to save us from the evil cabal. Some way some how We the People are going to have to save ourselves

  • Thank you for this in depth explanation of the Globalist agenda. As well as giving us something to counter with, strengthening local municipal, county and state laws. But most of all just getting the word out and educating the population. Although it is difficult to convince a fool who is determined to believe a lie. Non the less, each of us need to do our part.

  • Wow! Watt is a virtual fount of information!
    This video needs to be shared everywhere possible; the entire WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!

  • It is important that the people start talking about FALSE FLAG OPERATOONS AS A CRIMINAL ACT FROM THE GOVERNMENT.

    Once most people learned that the Gulf of Tanken, WWI, WWII, JFK, the cold war, 9/11, Anthrax, Schools shooting, covid,..are more or less lies/crimes by the government and its agents; then, all the mainstream media, and the government lies WILL FALL ON DEPH EARS.

  • It’s very apparent how this approach has worked over the last few decades. While the people invested in the stock markets war and medical corporations continue to reap huge profits the rest of the world get poorer. This desperation is what keeps the system running and the fake economy and fake elections are the end result. We are coming to a point where the people who are controlling this will be upended.

  • I would like to see more information from Sabrina Wallace if you Alexandra Bruce can dig something up for your viewers…Thanks

  • This is a war and these people will be stopped and criminally prosecuted. Don’t take any poison from the enemy.

  • Email ….Before 1/22/2024 5pm ET and send this to demand we exit the WHO and state “Stop negotiating WHO pandemic agreement” These negotiations are in regards to what is essentially a trade dispute masquerading as a health issue that is beyond the competency of the World Health Organization. Health care is NOT an enumerated authority of the federal government. You have zero lawful authority regarding health. Health care is an issue that must be controlled by the 50 states as directed by the people of each state. These negotiations MUST be terminated immediately. Before any international agreement is to even be considered, a full reckoning of mistakes made, and crimes committed over the past five years MUST occur. No treaty, agreement, framework convention, amendments to the existing International Health Regulations or any other international instrument is needed, nor is one desired. Any agreement in the form of an open-ended “Framework Convention” MUST BE REJECTED. I DO NOT SUPPORT AND I ACTIVELY OPPOSE FURTHER INVESTMENT IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL, HOSPITAL, EMERGENCY, INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (PHEIC). The search for “pathogens with pandemic potential” and the plan to build a global laboratory network to facilitate genetic sequencing is a thinly veiled disguise for bioweapons research. The use of Midazolam, ventilators, Run-Death-Is-Near, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, and most other pharmaceutical interventions has been an absolute health and financial disaster for everyone except the pharmaceutical industry. Any discussion of, or any attempt to control or even monitor our unalienable right to free speech must be opposed and destroyed in its entirety. The WHO, the FDA and the CDC are the true source of the “infodemic” and they are the greatest providers of mis, dis and mal information.The mRNA platform and the coercion used to implement it has been such an absolute disaster that those who promoted and implemented it are guilty of crimes against humanity.

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