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Actor James Woods joins ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ to react to reports the DNC ordered Twitter to remove the actor’s tweets, telling the government, ‘I am not afraid of you.’

He tells Tucker he plans to sue the DNC and he calls on others to join.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I’m concerned this twitter stuff is just a planned distraction. Nothing about twitter is going to change the dystopian oppression the gov has over all of us.

    Has learning all these things about twitter removed any corrupt people? Has it corrected the stolen elections? Has it removed the corrupt politicians and career DC hog wallowers.

  • First movie I ever saw James Woods in was
    The Onion Fields.
    He got addicted to Twitter, Well Thank God Your Kicked OFF ,
    Now ya can live without Twitter ,
    Twitter is Way Overrated ,
    It’s Not Worth putting up a stink wanting to be on Twitter.
    I mean come on seriously it’s Called Twitter !!!!
    Hello , I can remember years ago Twit was a major Insult , a put down,
    Now ya got a Twit who writes , what do ya call a Twit who writes ???
    Bingo !!
    Give the lady her Prize !!
    Exactly A Twit who Writes is A Twitter !!
    Use A PlatForm for social media while the items laugh at those who are Twittes who twit to go twittering ,
    Come on Remember the movie back to the future , the guy called McFly , do you honestly think McFly would Twitter ??
    Never did none of those social media sites,
    CIA said: Facebook was The Greatest Tool Ever Invented To Spy On The Public.
    Why keep giving the Elites information of what we Think.
    They just Use It , to control us in their minds, and yes I mean in their minds, even china is coming around and saying enough is enough with this scamdenic lockdown rules ….

  • In my humble opinion, that is Not Kanye West. Kanye, has been replaced. This is a psy op. That’s not Kanye’s voice. And why in the hell would he wear a full facial mask? So he won’t catch anything from Alex? Lol ! Second point: Elon is a mind controlled, well, sort of like an MKUltra . And in fact, he most likely was MKUltra as a child, and then given all the open doors and financial aid and so forth. Since he’s doing exactly what he claimed he wanted to stop ( censorship and banning) makes it quite clear to me he’s a psy op. Definitely mind controlled. Capt Joe Kelley.

  • I never got blocked by Twitter.

    So what am I doing wrong?

    Maybe cuz I have so few followers.

    Everybody go follow alanforcongress on Twitter. Actually there’s a LOT of good stuff there. And if you need to red pill someone, the last version of alanforcongress in the Library of Congress archives is a good place to start.

  • Do more research mudk is not a globalist he did not go to WEF but Biden did bill gates did China did fo more research on Klaus Schwab head of WEF

  • Thank you Alexandra. I appreciate your work so much. the Ground Crew Warrior’s Reader’s Digest.

    It strikes me as oddly ironic, that James Woods, after being pummeled to a pulp by the controllers because of his speech, he uses the words, “For the first time in my life, I am speechless”. Huh. I’m glad it’s a pun of sorts and that he has the strength to keep speaking.

    God damn them anyway.
    No. Correction.
    Not God damn them.
    God rest their souls.
    They obviously could use the nap time.

    The controllers of the controllers are not human. It goes off planet. I am an advocate for The Allies of Humanity. Would it be easy and appropriate Alexandra, to give The Allies Briefings a spot in your categories list?

  • Between the Brunson brothers and Musk, let’s get this garbage out of our government! It’s time for SCOTUS to put up or shut up, let’s see who owns them.

  • Wow!! What a bunch of BULLSHIT! Elon Musk?…..’saving America’? JOKE!
    Musk is a wolf in sheeps clothing; he IS…….ONE OF THEM! An EVIL GLOBALIST!
    What we are witnessing, is Musk’s ‘power play’ to be ‘Top Globalist Dog’. I guess that people do NOT PAY ATTENTION when these Psychopaths IN-FIGHT. So, people think that Lord Musk throws the Peasant Slave’s a FEW MORE bread crumbs, that the other Globalists do, they now ‘believe’ (‘belief’ is NOT THINKING!) that Musk is now ‘on their side’/their ‘friend’?
    Anyone who BELIEVES that Musk is ‘on our side’…..needs to go and get TEN FKN BOOSTERS! You’re too stupid to be allowed to walk this planet any longer.

  • He’s been blocked on Twit for 8 months, but many of us have been blocked for over 2 years. I had hoped people would be reinstated after the takeover and I occasionally check just to see, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

    • Elon has already said he will reinstate anyone who has been banned unless they did something illegal on Twitter. I believe he has already started reinstating folks so you might want to check to see if your account was reinstated or if you can sign up for another account.

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