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Owen Shroyer shows us the most stunning moments in yesterday’s Impeachment Inquiry hearings at the House Oversight Committee, including the star turns by Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep Byron Donalds.

Tony Bobulinski knocked it out of the park with his opening statements, accusing Hunter and his uncle, Jim Biden of lying under oath about their business dealings with Chinese conglomerate, CEFC.

Bobulinski said, “Hunter Biden gave his transcribed interview to the House Oversight Committee on February 28 and lied throughout his testimony.” He cited three examples of perjury from Hunter Biden’s sworn testimony last month, accusing Hunter of lying about: 1) the timeline of his business relationship with CEFC; 2) his father’s interactions with his business associates; and 3) the threatening text he sent a Chinese businessman in which he demanded payment and said he was sitting next to his father.

Under questioning from Rep Jared Moskowitz, Bobulinski said he believes Joe Biden committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

“Do you believe [Joe Biden] should be impeached?” Moskowitz asked.

“I do,” Bobulinski answered. “I know he committed high crimes and misdemeanors. I was involved and saw them happen.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Comer said that there will be no impeachment proceedings, because of the minority in the Senate, so nothing would ever happen. However, he can proceed with a criminal referral to Justice. Well, good luck with that- our entire system was hijacked by Deep State operatives in 2020, so there is only INJUSTICE to those not involved with this elitist group of criminals running and ruining our country.

  • Biden always was an empty suit who would say and do whatever his masters wanted him to say and do. When he was Senate judiciary gate keeper, he openly oppossed any jurist appointee who believed in “natural law”. Openly boasted that he would not allow any judge who believed in natural law to become a federal judge. This is how he and they hollowed out the judicial system!

    Because I have talked about this for decades and nobody listens, suffer my redundency. If there is no natrual law, there is no natural man or woman, no natural relationship between them, that natural man is not recognized nor does he exist in the federal law and court system. They succeded in cutting the ties between a natural mankind and a natural Creator for the purpose of prohibiting any place for divine law in the US court system. From that watershed era of American law, the federal court then replaced G-d’s laws with it’s laws that define man and woman and their rights.

    The US state became G-d.

    Wonder no more about what happened to your rights, to our social order. The pulpits of America were of little to no help in preventing this calamity that has destroyed family and our collective sense of who and what we are; our purpose and meaning of life. But, we were blessed by a warpspeed wake up call that brought home the new world order to millions who at long last realized that Obama-Biden-Pelosi had tattooed “property of USG” on all out butts by federal law and mandate which Trump dutifully facilitated with a whimper of protest.

    Now having laid the foundation for my question of how is the US Congress going to enforce whatever they are debateing in this or any hearing when the nations top law office is controlled by Chicagoan Merrick Garland, a lifelong bitter Russiaphobe who is resentful of what his ancestors suffered under the Russian Orthodox Czars and Czarinas. Payback is his reason for living. The US Senate convicted the Cuban national Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas over his failure to secure US borders, sent the prosecution referal to Garland where it gathers dust for lack of prosecution. Garland, who controls the FBI, also controls who and who does not get prosecuted and he like Mayorkas belong to the same club that is in control of our nation.

    I’ts hard to take seriously this dog and pony show as more than an election year entertainment extravaganza because if no chnage in the political weather is forthoming Americans will do what they always do under duress—eat more popcorn, drink more sodas, watch more electronic artificial life.

    • “The US state became G-d.”

      Which is clearly….anti- Constitutional.

      Totalitarians SEEK to have the power of God.
      For one, and only one, reason:

      And is not.

      Two different things.

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