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Truthstream Media strikes again, with excellent social commentary about the state to which not just the airline industry and the rent-a-cop personnel have slunk – but you and me.

They ask, what if everybody had stood up and exited the United plane?

The other shoe may drop faster than we think and we may have to start thinking like this – or rather, deprogramming ourselves – sooner rather than later.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • buy a stun gun! Cost is only $20 or so. No bigger than a cigarette pack. Sold on line everywhere. Situations like this will become more common every day. Think about it! Be prepared! NOW!!!

  • Is that relevant? NO. It simply muddies the waters about the FACT that he was bludgeoned by Federal authorities and dragged off the plane incapacitated. Whatever his reasons for not wanting to give up his seat are his own and those should never have ended as the various videos clearly show, with the actions of these mindless bureaucratic Federal Nazis working for the corporate Nazi airlines.

    Had the slave-minded-I’m-not-seeing-this-happen individuals on the plane just stood up and said NO this scenario would have taken on an entirely different timbre. Imagine videos of that going viral?

    A little perspective–Thanks Truthsteam.

    • sorry Alex. The comment was bumped and then, somehow, posted twice. Please delete this one. It was a reply to the post below.

  • WHAT IF…? It seems so simple, doesn’t it? All we have to do to end the tyranny of the kingly rule of the deep state oligarchy is to refuse to fire their weapons, en masse. Every slave can lay down their arms, stand up, and fold theirs across their chest and say, “Hell no, I won’t go.” But it will never happen. There is no hope for humanity. We are on a trajectory of self-annihilation. Only a few are going to escape alive by being in Christ and leaving this planet with Him at the Second Coming.

    Rom. 9:27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel [referring to ALL who believe in Christ, not just a national Israelite] be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:
    9:28 For he will finish the work, and cut [it] short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.

    Matt. 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake [the “remnant” of Rom. 9:27] those days shall be shortened.

  • The victim in this case was no longer a doctor. He lost his license to practice medicine… he was not on his way to see ‘patients’.
    Needless to say, he is staill a victim.

    • Is that relevant? NO. It simply muddies the waters about the FACT that he was bludgeoned by Federal authorities and dragged off the plane incapacitated. Whatever his reasons for not wanting to give up his seat are his own and those should never have ended as the various videos clearly show, with the actions of these mindless bureaucratic Federal Nazis working for the corporate Nazi airlines.

      Had the slave-minded-I’m-not-seeing-this-happen individuals on the plane just stood up and said NO this scenario would have taken on an entirely different timbre. Imagine videos of that going viral?

      Thanks Truthstream.

  • The woman is right – some travelers should have offered up, or IF there had been any real men on board, they might have stood up for the guy. I will next time, if I ever fly again.

  • So…. what shall we do, next time something like this is happening in front of OUR eyes?
    Suggestions? Let’s try to make a plan, let us think, be creative…

    One thing that comes into my mind is: if I were there, then I too would have a hard time to stand up. Maybe my love would say softly ‘No… keep silent!’ Thinking of kids etc. which for sure is understandable.

    But maybe there are a few altnative options:
    1. one could stand up and order everyone: ‘ALL RISE NOW’
    2. start calling ‘NO NO NO….’ and invite others to join

    Let us come up with more options…. creative ones… peaceful ones…. and share them…. Ghandhi would know a few 🙂

  • A disgrace. Corporate America showing it’s true colors.Did the police get punished for their brutal behavior? Did they get fired? This action just cost the air carrier millions of dollars in lost stock and lawsuits.Thank God for the video camera.Just outrageous. They could care less about the needs of their customers. Overbooking must end!!!

    • Just an FYI. The figure I found was 4% drop in stock, about 1 billion dollars. Don’t know if it’s accurate but that was the figure. In my opinion, it was not enough of a loss another sign of rampant slave conditioning.

  • This when You know your Brain washed the reason this happened is anyone that brings up how screwed up things are is shunned for being a conspiracy nut . Its because you have been brain washed and you don’t care that you are you watch television every night Its Called TELL a Vision PROGRAMING for a reason .. Every time you turn the rotten box on you become a willing participant to your own demise..

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