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Based on his communications with federal whistleblowers internal to the Biometrics Services Section of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Pete Santilli corroborates Tucker Carlson’s claim that the J6 footage had been run through Facial Recognition software to identify the individuals who broke into the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021.

In this video, which Pete made a few days later, he was more direct. He said:

“The Biometrics Services Section of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, the entire team that did the facial recognition for January 6th, the initial breach, determined there were military people, there were Joint Terrorism Task Force people. The majority of the people at that initial breach, that caused the barricades to come down were, in fact Feds – including Ray Epps…

“Tucker Carlson has been threatened. They shut Tucker Carlson down, because there’s video tapes that if Tucker Carlson releases it, that hasn’t been generally known to the public, it’s going to reveal the military personnel that need to be – if I find one of you, if I find one of you wearing civilian clothes, I’m going to personally come to you. Personally. With a bunch of my friends. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. You guys remain anonymous.

“Or, you know what you can do? Come forward and do the right thing. ‘Cause you broke the freaking law. You did. And if you were told that, you know, you were able to skirt Constitutional Law, we need to have General Milley arrested, tried and convicted, Pelosi arrested and tried and convicted for Treason. It’s a military coup right now.

“If you’re in the military – get the word out, Folks – we will either expect one of two things: You’re either going to come forward or when we find you, we will have zero mercy. Zero mercy. And that’s not a threat, either.

“‘Cause I know a bunch of people, if you think you’re a Special Forces Operator, I know a whole bunch of them. They’re hiding in the freaking hills. They know who you are. They’re going to deal with you.”

Pete says, the majority of those who were alongside Ray Epps, at the first breach, who knocked down the barricades at the Capitol steps and who were the first to break into the Capitol, they were Federal Agents who were there as provocateurs, which Pete says made it difficult for the DOJ to find anyone to prosecute.

He was told there were Special Forces Operatives at the Capitol in uniform, along with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force members in plain clothes. In addition to these Federal Agents, there were also Ukrainian Azov Battalion (Nazi) members associated with John McCain and Lindsey Graham going back to the 2014 overthrow days and this is why the FBI would not release the facial recognition data to Tucker Carlson.

Pete says there are internal whistleblowers who are prohibited from discussing this openly and would have to do so under oath and in court. Sadly, many of the judges are corrupt and don’t want these facts to come out, so they’re not calling these witnesses – such as US District Court Judge Tim Kelly, who is currently presiding over the Proud Boys case.

Despite the fact that the FBI accidentally revealed data which shows they have been lying and despite the fact that this is now out in the Mainstream Media – and that the House has vowed to investigate the matter – Judge Kelly, who had suspended the trial last Wednesday has now resumed the trial, to which Pete says, “I’m going to have to call it what it is: that Judge Kelly, at this point, is now complicit, as part of this Color Revolutionary attempt to overthrow the United States of America by not doing the right thing .”

At the same time that the truth about January 6th is blowing up in the Fifth Column Traitors’ faces, the Silicon Valley Bank crisis is being artificially engineered to change the narrative. It also distracts attention away from the ecological disaster in East Palestine Ohio, it distracts away from Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s comment last week that Americans kids will fight the war in Ukraine, it distracts from Russia’s recent victories in Ukraine, it distracts from the Chinese-brokered Saudi-Iran diplomatic deal, it creates an artificial crisis to “solve” that makes Biden look competent, it creates an opportunity to raise the debt ceiling and it creates an opportunity to further the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

Pete says we’re witnessing the controlled demolition of our financial system to usher in Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14067, which outlines the implementation of the CBDC.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Tucker Carlson said that he didn’t have facial recognition capability, he did NOT say that there was facial recognition in his report. WTF?!?

      • Yes Alexandra, I get that. And it is great that there is a team that have such facial recognation software and have IDed some FBI personnel. I am just hoping this will move forward and be revealed publically. With the corrupt judiciary we now have the prospects seem iffy.

    READ that article!
    Those are the people that Joe Biden works FOR!
    He said so, in that 2018 public meeting where he said, “…and the [SOB] got fired!” At that CFR gathering, he told the audience that, I (Joe Biden), “…work for him!” He was sitting next to and was referring to his “boss” Richard Haass, the President of the Council on Foreign Relations.
    People should be asking, how did an ex-VP of the U.S.A. come to work for a man/group with the goal of merging all nations into a global government?
    So, let me ask, how many members of that private, left wing, globalist “think tank” has Biden selected and Congress approved to fill high-level positions in his Cabinet & our Executive Branch?
    20? 50?? Try more than 300!!! And you won’t be informed about this because their members (more than 1,000) are in charge of the MSM and they never explain what I just did.
    Please read that article and message me if you have questions.
    Twitter: @Nalejbank

  • This whole thing seems and seemed fishy!

    So there was not any regular normal everyday people that went inside the capitol building?
    So they were all undercover actors or agent pervocatuers of somekind?..

    So I take these people being interviewed by some of these alternative media people are just THAT, fake capitol protestors being charged with fake crimes?!..
    I really think we are being deceived!!.even in the alternative media!!

    • They weren’t ALL undercover actors. He’s saying the majority of those who tore down the barricades and who were the first to breach the Capitol Building were.

    • There were two sides to the Capitol Building that protesters entered the building. On the west side was the violent breach incited by Ray Epps and other FBI provocatuers.
      On the east side is where the video showed by Carlson comes from. A completely different situation where people came in and milled about and were essentially taking a tour of the building. So there were two events that day one violent and the other peaceful.

  • The overthrow of the land of the free and home of the brave is underway. The lawless jesuit army running rampant and in high places is hard at work. The lamblike beast (USA ) is staring to speak like a dragon. How does a nation speak? By its laws. The freedom & rights in the American constitution are being repudiated by a vile underhanded power that ruled with an iron first during the dark ages. They hate the freedom of conscience and personal liberties. They want a return to the papal global communist domination of the world and oh my how they wield their dark power everywhere… but I guess their time is now. But the Word of God says it’s short. Hold fast your faith.
    Rev14, Rev17, Rev 18.

  • You are the best! In a real democracy this should be front page of any real newspaper, yet we live in digi-tatorship tightening the screws on we the people.

    2021 InsurrectionGate

    The 2020 election was a coup, allowed by all election certifying authorities1, especially Trump’s back-stabbing vice-president Mike Pence 2, who should be in jail for violating the Constitution by certifying the election in spite of the massive evidence of fraud at the time, but is free promoting his self-forgiving book, “So help me God”, a perfect title for an un-repented useful globalist minion.

    6 Jan 2021. The fabricated deadly “insurrection”, without guns and victims, was necessary to put pressure on the judges. In spite the FBI tried to delete thousands of messages and destroyed 338 pieces of evidence from the trials, the Mar 2023 leaked video, hidden by the commission (mason Democrats+RINOs) since the beginning, completely debunked the narrative,.3 Obama made propaganda more legal with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. FBI, CIA, DOJ, Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Schiff … all knew Trump was innocent but they smeared him without any consequence.

    Jacob Chansley (aka Jake Angeli), the “Qanon Shaman”, was an ex navy discharged for mental illness, an asperger/autistic man who easily followed orders (just like Greta Thunberg)4, an actor5 and climate change activist. He was interviewed by Nancy Pelosi’s son-in-law, Michiel Vos, just before being politely led in, escorted and even opening the doors for him, by the Capitol Police, under the orders of Nancy Pelosi, who since the day before, had refused several requests of National Guard back-up asked by the Chief of the Capitol Police. Conveniently for the lack of proofs, Shaman didn’t go to trial because he pleaded guilty. 6

    Dr. Ron Paul: “The goal of the Jan 6 Committee is not to seek justice for the ‘crime’ of trespassing and putting feet on Pelosi’s sacred desk, but to make sure that Donald Trump is never allowed to run for President again. That is the reason hundreds have been unjustly arrested and held in terrible conditions for non-crimes. The purpose of the Committee has been to prop up the false narrative that somehow a few rowdy protesters who broke into the Capitol Building were the equivalent of the storming of the Bastille.”7

    Note: police officer Brian Sicknick who was presented as a victim, died “naturally” 2 days later. Photos showed a healthy fit 42 year old man. Capitol police had the first COVID clotshot 6 Dec 2020, and the second probably before 6 Jan. He wasn’t a victim of the mostly peaceful manifestation but of those who ordered the police to let the people in, the same ones ordering compulsory haccination.

    In sum, the insurrection was promoted by Pelosi and minions (very few broke things and opened the way, the rest just followed peacefully, incentivised by planted fake “leaders”.

    Trump had to go, no matter what. Even if it meant voting fraud in the open. If that happened in a “serious” country like the USA, imagine the rest of the world. COVID was a global putsch. The satanic elite will stop at nothing until global government.

    “Stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?”8 The answer is obvious: it can’t. We need to outsmart them at their own game: democracy.

    7 points few are aware of:

    1. The root cause is freemasonry. They are the deep state. They infiltrated all levels of power. We need a law forcing them to publicly disclose membership to secret societies under obedience to a higher rank, whose orders are above patriotism.

    2. They forge currencies and buy media, listed corporations, puppeticians, etc. We need freedom of legal tender and currencies based on real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, flour, canola oil, whatever real and unforgeable):
    1 of 5 (don’t miss the 5th):

    3. What are their plans and how to beat them:

    4. Why is the system rigged and how to solve it:

    5. Decarbonization is anti-science:

    6. They want to kill us all:

    7. This is a spiritual battle between satanists and rest of the world. Without prayer, you are doomed to fail. What we see in the material world is the expression of the metaphysical realm.

    • Just making sure you’re aware of this.
      READ that article!
      Those are the people that Joe Biden works FOR!
      He said so, in that 2018 public meeting where he said, “…and the [SOB] got fired!” At that CFR gathering, he told the audience that, I (Joe Biden), “…work for him!” He was sitting next to and was referring to his “boss” Richard Haass, the President of the Council on Foreign Relations.
      People should be asking, how did an ex-VP of the U.S.A. come to work for a man/group with the goal of merging all nations into a global government?
      So, let me ask, how many members of that private, left wing, globalist “think tank” has Biden selected and Congress approved to fill high-level positions in his Cabinet & our Executive Branch?
      20? 50?? Try more than 300!!! And you won’t be informed about this because their members (more than 1,000) are in charge of the MSM and they never explain what I just did.
      Please read that article and message me if you have questions.
      Twitter: @Nalejbank

    • Keep hearing about this “massive evidence of fraud” But, still have never seen any. What a joke, you guys need to take off the tinfoil

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