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After our mini trial run of Globalist totalitarianism during the past 4 years, a growing number of people have become aware of Directed Energy Weapons and of their possible deployment in California 5 years ago, which until now has not really been a topic for polite discussion.

A growing number of people don’t care if they’re labeled “Tinfoil Hat” conspiracy freaks and they will openly voice their opinion that such weapons may have been used against innocent civilians. For example, I was bowled over when I read this recent Substack post from Sasha Latypova:

I have gone through several years of severe “wildfires” in CA/NV…

Locally, nobody was confused about the true causes of these fires – over 90% of them were caused by Pacific Gas and Electric company’s equipment blowing up (delayed maintenance is up to 60 years, but PGE is mandated to buy “green” extremely expensive energy), as well as many cases of arson. Paradise, CA fire was most likely a result of some sort of weaponry being tested and deployed.

The funniest part is that Alex Jones does NOT think that the Maui fires were caused by Chinese space lasers!

He rightly says that you don’t need a multi-billion dollar space laser to start a brush fire. A $1 lighter or matches plus some gasoline could have achieved the devastation that we saw.

Further, he says that based on a recently-established pattern in Canada, Italy and all over the world, where arsonists have been arrested for causing major forest fires, he believes that an Extinction Rebellion-type ecoterrorist was paid to do the arson on Maui in collusion with the utility companies for the purpose of forwarding the Globalist agenda.

Maui resident and Hawaii State Senate candidate, Sheila Walker joins Steve Bannon to talk about the anomalous fires that have devastated parts of the island and destroyed historic Lahaina, the old capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

While she says it had been windier than normal, it wasn’t windy enough that people had to remove their patio furniture indoors, as occurs from time to time. To her, the unbelievable damage that was done in the town of Lahaina cannot be explained by high winds and a low pressure system.

“They’re giving us explanations but they don’t sound that plausible, especially when you see the disaster, especially when you see the results,” she says.

There was zero warning of any kind from authorities and there was zero evidence of any preparedness, whatsoever for such an eventual “brushfire”. People ended up being trapped and their only choices were to burn or jump in the ocean – if they were lucky enough make it that far. There were reports of people – and pets – being “flash-charred” by this fire that was so hot that it melted steel.

National and local politicians have said little to nothing to address the lack of preparedness infrastructure, about which Walker tells Steve, “That’s what happens in a one-party system in a [Democrat] state.”

Speaking of which, Maui Police Chief, John Pelletier was a captain in the Las Vegas Metro Police during the Las Vegas Shootings (!)

Walker says there’s a tsunami warning system on the island that is tested on the first Monday of every month. The people know that when the sirens go off unscheduled, they need to take cover. “There’s no reason why they shouldn’t have been going off, everywhere, all over the island, all day long,” she says.

She tells Steve that she was in Manhattan during 9/11 and that the pulverized remains of  Lahaina’s buildings reminded her of the devastation she saw at the World Trade Center.

“It’s the same kind of ash quality where everything is disintegrated to nothing. There was nothing left. It’s just pulverized into particles…they’re having a lot of problems identifying the bodies, because a lot of people are just turned to ash and there’s not much left of them…

“It’s the same dusty ash…it’s the same cars that the engines are burnt out, the handles are burnt-out but the shell is still there. It looks absolutely the same to what I witnessed during 9/11.”

Some readers are familiar with the work of materials scientist, Dr Judy Wood, whose 2010 book, ‘Where Did the Towers Go?’ proposed that the many anomalies observed in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers were evidence of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).

“Toasted cars” was a term coined by Dr Wood to describe bizarre phenomena at Ground Zero for which she felt that normal words were inadequate, like this toasted car, flipped upside down in the blast shadow of the Towers’ collapse, next to the offices of Amex.

Walker appears to be familiar with the work of Dr Judy Wood but she tactfully avoids saying so directly, so as not to scare off the Normies. Walker tells Steve about an eerie “ash” or “smog” that descended over the island during the days leading up to the fire, which obscured her view of the nearby islands of Kaho’olawe and Lanai.

Walker says this smog was not brown like the the topsoil dust that can get kicked-up on the flat part of the island due to lack of rain, nor was it like the “vog” (volcano fog) that can drift over from the two active volcanoes on the Big Island.

She says this weird ash had a “different consistency” that was so eerie, she took several photographs and remarked about it to her friends. She tells Steve she thinks this strange ash was somehow connected to the disaster that came later. I believe she’s indirectly referring to chemtrails.

There were reports of heavy chemtrailing before the massive Northern California wildfires of 2017 and 2018. The chemtrails were rumored to be for the purpose of making the air more conductive, to be used in conjunction with cranked-up 5G and SmartMeter radiation and local HAARP arrays to reduce houses into neat piles of ash in their own footprint, while nearby trees are unscathed.

During the massive Northern California wildfires of 2017 and 2018, many people pointed out the undeniable correspondences between the images we saw there and those seen around Ground Zero; of melted steel, melted aluminum engine blocks beside unburned paper, wood and trees.

In the Santa Rosa fire, there were reports of over one dozen cars that were flipped over onto their roofs in one night. What kind of fire flips 3,000-pound cars? What kind of building collapse can toast cars half a mile away, under the FDR Drive?
Dr Wood says the flipped cars and other anomalies were the result of levitating electro-magnetic field effects and energy interference described by Canadian inventor, John Hutchison and known as “The Hutchison Effect”.
In 2007, Dr Wood sued NIST for fraud in the investigation of 9/11 and John Hutchison filed an affidavit to legally testify to the numerous similarities between The Hutchison Effect and the evidence from the 9/11 attacks.
As for the melted engines mentioned by Sheila Walker above, Dr Wood had also noted many engine blocks in flames after the Twin Towers’ collapse and she commented, ‘Is there something attractive about engine blocks? Why not gasoline fuel tanks?…Why doesn’t the paper burn?”
Dr Wood’s hypothetical answer was that a Directed Energy Weapon of some kind was used to powderize (“dustify”) the primary steel and concrete portions of the WTC buildings, while burning and bending aluminum, yet leaving paper and many other materials unharmed.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Investigate Maui- Help our Citizens!
    • Cars incinerated, glass melted, molten aluminum rivers – even cars not in the fire zone surrounded by homes not touched by the fire were.
    “Fire can melt glass, however, glass has a melting point of 2552 to 2912 degrees Fahrenheit. This means most sources of fire will not burn hot enough to reach that point”. No grass or forest fire gets that hot. An average surface fire on the forest floor…, reach 1471 Degrees Fahrenheit”. All the glass from all the cars and homes was melted.
    • Trees and their leaves, not burnt up as they would be in a forest or grass- organic fire. The water sucked out of them by radiation
    • Blue things survived as per the physics of Direct, the physics of DEW.
    • There is a known Air Force ‘Directed Energy Dictectorate ‘in Maui.
    • Many many, children are missing. Where are they and their parents?
    • Perfected siren system turned off.
    • People blocked from escaping.
    • Metal on boats moored in the ocean disintegrated, wood not burnt.
    • No fireboats shooting unending water into the fires.
    • Firetrucks could not get in, not alerted in time. Why was there not fire equipment there?

    1. Eric West Hawaii Real Estate reporting:
    This link is Hawaii R.E. channel, go to his ‘videos’ and ‘ community’ link for boots on the ground updates: .

    2. Robert Brame- Forensic Arborist about the heat and physics

    3. The Physics of Direct Energy Weapons and why blue colored things survived.
    4. Stand Together Hawaii for information from the Hawaiians:

    5. . “It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. The other major location is Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.”

  • Have that ‘all too familiar feeling’ that focus is around MEANS rather than WHAT it means…

    Like HRC email thing where CounterIntel Ops successfully directed discussion around HOW WikiLeaks got the damning info rather than content of that info basically revealing some rather morbid stuff being quite the culture of leaders in World Govt.

    Rat’s ass is given to whether JFK was murdered with a rifle, grenade, nuke or NERF gun… Who off’d him & Why is a bit more relevant.

  • I come down on the “directed energy” caused fire side, as I have lived through these fires in California and they are different. I mean once upon a time fires had a predictable pattern. They generally moved uphill and followed the ridge lines–year after year fires followed the same pathways dictated by wind and terrain. But more recent fires are completely unpredictable. In my last big fire experience, I was about to go up north to visit my son. I went and looked at the fire from a local ridge, and talked to people also watching the fire–a couple of ridges over and a giant mushroom cloud. The fire is going to the beach everyone said.. so typical of historical wind driven fires–jumps the freeway, heading to the beach–story over. I got in the car and headed north. But wait… the fire became erratic–it went down hill and wiped out the small community of the lady who was taking care of our dog. I had told her the fire won’t hit you, don’t worry. It ended up jumping the freeway multiple times, same story of melting things in its path, same story, same story. Also, rebuilding for the people who lost their homes wiped out the local community.

    So, I am watching and I see a pattern. I also notice the special language the locals have about native people, the ocean, the trade winds, the richness of this ocean based culture. We do not want to lose this ocean culture that gave us so much of our recreational ocean things–I mean isn’t surfing Hawaiian? We do not want this culture replaced by people who swim in swimming pools only and are oblivious to the world that is Hawaii. So, let’s make sure these people are not driven off their land–super important.

  • This subject has deep and far reaching roots – It involves more than fires, HAARP, jabz, gmo’s, 5G, chemtrails, D.E.W. and ignorance.
    When Billy ‘boy’ Gates stated: “Next time, they will pay attention!” This is precisely to what he was referring. Or, should I say, threatening the people with.
    The idea of not having any sort of compassion or love in their heart, is grounds for dismissal. These monsters are disgusting as well, appalling. How many more senseless murders need take place, before the world wakes up to these evil marauders who have no regard for any life on any planet.
    Start with those who have been elected – Get them all out of office. Then work the way up the ladder to those other criminals who wish to control the world, it’s treasures and we the people.
    This is unacceptable and needs to, have an immediate stop to it!

  • No Buck Rogers space age technology needed when dry hurricane force winds combine with wildfire.

    The political leaders failed to foresee that happening under their watch. Hence whatever they did, if anything when the conditions were ripening failed. An early emergency with swarms of activist patrols would have been useful.

    People who do not live in the tropics have never seen this first hand. Tropical vegetation looks green, but it is very combustable. Palmetto is not only highly flammable, its oils provide explosive fuel in super heated air.

    Once high winds combine with wildfire Katie bar the door its off to the races. I seriously doubt if even fire lines would have helped in this fire. Conditions at the time were ideal for self loathing arsonists and/or saboteurs to vent their rage in the absence of citizen watchers.

    • The hurricane was 500 miles away. The winds were weather manipulation of course. There is no more ‘ natural weather’ going on. Cars NOT in the fire zone were incinerated. Listen to Robert Brame an arborist of 48 years, he has been to all fires in the last 7 years.
      Car engines were turned to dust, Glass melted, NO GRASS FIRE can get hot enough to melt glass0 2450-2900 Degrees F . Leaves on the trees did not burn. There was no ‘grass in Lahaina!! Look a the cars! Nothing near them to burn! Tree leaves did not burn but glass melted. A 5th grader can see that is not what any organic fire does, the first thing to go up in flames is the trees.
      2. Robert Brame- Forensic Arborist about the heat and physics

  • Gotta stay in middle as there are too many hypes from all sides.

    I’ve got a feeling they aren’t yet able to deploy secret weapon in such a mass scale, but they are rather taking advantage in any way they can according to clown agenda 2030.

  • She says that a few days before the fires the atmosphere was cloudy, that there was something in the atmosphere, making it very hazy. This is classic weather engineering. They coat the skies with these aluminums and heavy metals and other products. This is absolute Geo weather engineering And probably a direct energy weapon hit. these fires on Maui are not natural. None of this is natural. All of the chaos that she describes in this video about how there was no warning there was no help anywhere and hundreds of people are dead. The sheriff in charge there was also the guy in charge when the Las Vegas shooting happened and we all know about that. That was a huge cover-up and a huge chaotic moment as well. Do you think that’s by accident? We are told there are no coincidences, and this is not a coincidence either These people are sacrificed. I would go so far as to say this was the globalist demonic cabal sacrificing these people.

  • Something is not right in Maui. There is a Lockdown there now, an “Information Lockdown”, as the survivors continue to suffer and one must show the Feds that are there now specialized ID or a Doctor’s medical reason to be allowed to enter. There is no FEMA or National Guard there, only what has been described as “Governmental Feds”. People bringing in supplies and aid are not being allowed to proceed. Though I have not done a professional crime in 26 years, my criminal instincts have never left me, and have saved me from rolling up into a “Set-Up” situation loaded with Cops. It’s like a chill runs down my spine, and I’m feeling it now. This is from a woman who was there: “There was zero warning of any kind from authorities and there was zero evidence of any preparedness, whatsoever for such an eventual “brushfire”. People ended up being trapped and their only choices were to burn or jump in the ocean – if they were lucky enough make it that far. There were reports of people – and pets – being “flash-charred” by this fire that was so hot that it melted steel.” They had no warning whatsoever. “Walker says there’s a tsunami warning system on the island that is tested on the first Monday of every month. The people know that when the sirens go off unscheduled, they need to take cover. “There’s no reason why they shouldn’t have been going off, everywhere, all over the island, all day long,” she says.
    I’m going to leave the Directed Energy Weapons & Jewish Space Lasers out of the equation for now and ask one simple question: “How do you rebuild a 100-year-old tourist town?” Answer is, “You don’t.” I think that I know what this is: A Governmental “Land Grab”. Displace the inhabitants, destroy their homes, property, and pets, make them truly miserable, then offer to nobly “buy them out” for a pittance, give them just enough to be able to go someplace else. The “Elite” will buy vast swaths of property to build mansions on (Oprah Winfrey has already done so, before the holocaust!) I’ve called myself a “Professional Criminal” in the past, but I am nothing but a petty piker compared to these Government “Elites”. This Maui scheme is evil, and I have seen enough Evil in my time to recognize it. I don’t give a Tinker’s Damn about Ukraine, but somehow, I actually have feelings for these Maui people and would help them if I could.
    FJB and this Government! Let’s see if I’m right, a “Governmental Land-Grab” for pennies on the dollar of the property value.

  • there is one video showing a crying fireman who HAD TO GET COVID injected in order to keep the job. THIS IS THE BEGIN. The covid injections PROGRAM people not only on molecular level, they do it on a MENTAL LEVEL AS WELL. Did you notice HOW many people just forget everything, do not respond, interrupt midden in the sentence and then do not finish it?? If it’s true that the fire started randomly ( I do not believe in it, seeing all the images), then the HUMAN REACTION was also planned, via the injections.

  • JUST THE FACTS: The winds were NE to SW. The recorded windspeed before the fire hit 25 mph at noon and receded. The Dora Hurricane was 500 miles ‘south’ of Hawaii. Maui is north of Hawaii. In order to melt metal the temperature needs to be roughly 2800F. Fast Fires travel at 14 mph. The Maui fire was claimed to be traveling at 60 mph.

  • fire all ‘authorities’ down there, NOW! GET YOUR LAND in YOUR HANDS, and I’m speaking not you OPRAH et al. $’s!

  • infrastructure failure????????? Did she actually inspect ANYTHING on the scene which now can’t be accessed by ANYONE except for the few ‘authorities’??
    To get the disceased confirmed via DNA IDENTIFICATION everywhere is NOW SAMPLING OF INDIGENOUS material BEFORE and AFTER THE covid GENETICALLY MODIFYING injections! IT is on TOP of stealing the land of those ORIGNAL people and replacing them with cyborgs.

  • Re: Ed Dowd and Sheila Walker.
    Did these 2 well-respected personalities actually SEE the destruction on site? Did they actually see the numerous videos from drones and copters? From what I gather, they are only reporting on what others have told them. We who must rely on info that comes to us through internet sources, all of which may be questionable, are subject to deception at all times it seems. But, for my part, the footage that has shown the kinds of destruction we see in Maui are VERY similar to other areas- very mysterious destruction patterns that do NOT fit the descriptions coming from these 2 on War Room. Whatever their reputations and expertise is, it is not in this field. Neither is mine, but my opinion is as worthy as theirs. We need real witnesses, because this can’t go down as some kind of natural disaster if it really wasn’t. In my opinion, there is something very sinister going on, but it is all very likely to be blamed on climate change.

    Are these images here real? Check out the clean streets. All of the damage is contained within the footprint of the building. Wouldn’t the wind have scattered fire debris? There are other images of vehicles where their tires have melted, even metal wheels.

    This is the aftermath of a “wildfire”, from a “hurricane” caused by (?) (global warming, or something). Right.

    Keep digging, like you always do. Love your work.

    [added later]
    p.s. My apologies. I should have read your text comments first. This letter may be redundant for the most part.

      THAT IS ALL ONE NEEDS TO KNOW. A KNOWN DEW IS IN MAUI.It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. The other major location is Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.”

  • Re: Ed Dowd and Sheila Walker.
    Did these 2 well-respected personalities actually SEE the destruction on site? Did they actually see the numerous videos from drones and copters? From what I gather, they are only reporting on what others have told them. We who must rely on info that comes to us through internet sources, all of which may be questionable, are subject to deception at all times it seems. But, for my part, the footage that has shown the kinds of destruction we see in Maui are VERY similar to other areas- very mysterious destruction patterns that do NOT fit the descriptions coming from these 2 on War Room. Whatever their reputations and expertise is, it is not in this field. Neither is mine, but my opinion is as worthy as theirs. We need real witnesses, because this can’t go down as some kind of natural disaster if it really wasn’t. In my opinion, there is something very sinister going on, but it is all very likely to be blamed on climate change.

    Are these images here real? Check out the clean streets. All of the damage is contained within the footprint of the building. Wouldn’t the wind have scattered fire debris? There are other images of vehicles where their tires have melted, even metal wheels.

    This is the aftermath of a “wildfire”, from a “hurricane” caused by (?) (global warming, or something). Right.

    Keep digging, like you always do. Love your work.

  • Alex Jones also stated that a laser beam i space could not cut through the Earh’s atmosphere, as the dust, water and other such debris that make up our atmosphere would be like cutting through rock.
    I am not that well versed on exactly what is now in our atmosphere, especially with the decades of chemtrails being pumped in almost daily, but someone needs to tell Jones that a powerful enough laser can easily cut through rock, and pretty much anything else!

    • Calm down.
      You’ve got to be realistic about power source of “powerful enough laser”, and say who? Alex Jones? a controlled opposition…

    • Investigate Maui- Help our Citizens!
      • Cars incinerated, glass melted, molten aluminum rivers – even cars not in the fire zone surrounded by homes not touched by the fire were.
      “Fire can melt glass, however, glass has a melting point of 2552 to 2912 degrees Fahrenheit. This means most sources of fire will not burn hot enough to reach that point”. No grass or forest fire gets that hot. An average surface fire on the forest floor…, reach 1471 Degrees Fahrenheit”. All the glass from all the cars and homes was melted.
      • Trees and their leaves, not burnt up as they would be in a forest or grass- organic fire. The water sucked out of them by radiation
      • Blue things survived as per the physics of Direct, the physics of DEW.
      • There is a known Air Force ‘Directed Energy Dictectorate ‘in Maui.
      • Many many, children are missing. Where are they and their parents?
      • Perfected siren system turned off.
      • People blocked from escaping.
      • Metal on boats moored in the ocean disintegrated, wood not burnt.
      • No fireboats shooting unending water into the fires.
      • Firetrucks could not get in, not alerted in time. Why was there not fire equipment there?

      1. Eric West Hawaii Real Estate reporting:
      This link is Hawaii R.E. channel, go to his ‘videos’ and ‘ community’ link for boots on the ground updates: .

  • A microcosm of what ails the nation that has lost its way.

    This is a failure of government run by narcissists who get elected by cunning manipulation of the visual media. It has become epidemic in America where everything is being reduced to spectator sports. Everything, from the state house, the court house, the school house, the church house and the family! When this happens we lose our collective common sense and our self government.

    If one has a pretty face and is a smooth talker, the world is their oyster today! A world of idolators looking for heroes to worship!

    When natural calamity devastates communities, the first thing these narcissists think of is secrecy, ostensibly to protect, but in reality to keep a lid on their failures to provide genuine leadership. It’s their own incompetence that exacerbates the natural disasters. How many lessons on this do we need to experience before realizing what happened? This oozes from the suffering of the people, but we never seem to learn anymore from our own mistakes.

    Over and over centralized donor governments are getting all of us into more and more grief. There is no substitute for participatory hands-on government that begins at the so called grass roots of all of the aforementioned houses!

    We must repent of our couch potato syndrome!

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