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I believe this is Clif High’s most important podcast, to date. He was able to crystallize and articulate thoughts that I’ve been having for the past several months, as I’ve beheld the dismantling of the institutions and the infrastructure of my civilization and the demolition of such basic Western values of critical thinking and science.

I was born and raised as a liberal in the Liberal World Order. I was inculcated in the misanthropic canons of the Club of Rome’s ‘Limits to Growth’.

During our collective bad acid trip in recent years, I’ve seen my once-powerful institutes and cities captured by idiocracy and I’ve been astonished to comprehend that many of my own long-held precepts were quite flawed.

And now, it appears that it’s our central banksters’ plan to make Russia nuke us.

All of this is what Clif High calls ‘The Big Ugly’ – and the ability to see it and to understand what it is, is GREAT NEWS!

As Clif says:

“Right now, we’re in the Big Ugly, because it’s still coming out, it’s still being exposed. It must be by both sides. The Khazarian Mafia, through the World Economic Forum is exposing it, because they’re trying to use those negative vibrations to inform and alter our behavior and change things and they’re basically throwing out an inherent expression of themselves…

“This is necessary, because we have to confront the Big Ugly to overcome it. We have to confront that ugliness within ourselves and then go on out and confront it in the Khazarian Mafia and those guys.

“The reason we have to confront it within ourselves is because they put it there. So first, we must cleanse ourselves of these thoughts, to understand that we are part of a giant, magnificent Universe-created Biosphere.

“We’re not some tenuous little ant colony of hominids, hanging on to a rock, spinning through space.”

It’s a relief, to understand how I’d been brainwashed by the Banksters’ death cult and to know that Heaven on Earth is on the other side of the imminent financial collapse and that also, there’s a very solid context in which to understand the errors of my thinking (programming) in the work of Russian scientist, Vladimir Venadsky, author of The Biosphere and The Noösphere, in which he proved, scientifically, mathematically and empirically that we humans, as active, living, thinking beings are an essential process in the life of our planet.

Obviously some religions also say this but what is extraordinary is that this is a matter of suppressed science.

Clif, again:

“All of life: grass, birds – every damned thing – microbes; microbes in the soil, microbes in the air, all of this stuff. Every little bit of life, written large is in the business of transporting horizontally and putting down minerals throughout the Biosphere.

“All of life on this planet, right this minute is moving all of this stuff that you see around me, everything out in the ocean, all of the little critters out there – the plankton, all the way up to the whales – we’re all moving materials through the Biosphere of the Earth, as a dynamic process.

“That Biosphere is so powerful, it is so large and is so massive, that if we were to take and go down 16 kilometers into the crust of the Earth and take all of that material, 16 kilometers deep, including everything on top of it, including the Himalayan Mountains, including all the ocean on top of that – all of that – if we were to take all of that material, down 16 kilometers into the Earth, it still does not equal the amount of material that’s moving throughout the Biosphere, in life, on Earth, at this moment.

“So, we are an integral part of the Biosphere. It is our job, as creatures within the Materium, as life (spirit animating matter)…it is our job to do this horizontal transport, to alter the rock that would be the Earth without life on it.

“And in doing so, we fulfill a great purpose for Universe. It creates the Biosphere, it creates us, in the Biosphere; to be active, to help in that transport, to alter the planet, to do terraforming, if you want to call it that…

“And so the Biosphere is a very, very, very powerful concept…and so, the World Economic Forum will never tell you that there’s books out there and essays that Vladimir Vernadsky had written. They won’t even mention his name.

“As far as they’re concerned, he should be thrown into a pot, like Christ and boiled for a thousand years in feces. That’s actually in the Talmud. That’s what they want to do with messiahs…

“The magnificence of what we can see in the Biosphere is so large, so great, that there’s no f***ing way in Hell that the Khazarian Mafia will ever, ever, ever win. They are just massively outnumbered in the energy transfer in the Biosphere. Their little bit that they’re trying to put out doesn’t even come close to being recognizable within the Biosphere.

In the meantime, his web bots predict a major pivotal event occurring between now and the 17th and a complete collapse of our financial system likely before the end of the year, a collapse of the food supply, Antifa and BLM paid with our tax dollars by the intelligence community to riot for the next 2 years, followed by a 7-year period of recovery.



“Today is July 12th. I expect, from my emotional tension sampling routines, that we’re gonna run into a ‘something’ between the 12th and the 17th, that I’m calling the ‘Pivot Point’, the “Stumble’, the ‘Fall’, all of these things relating to the ‘Big Ugly’.

“Because we’re in that period right now. We’re in the Big Ugly period.

“And the World Economic Forum, as the face of the global Khazarian Mafia, Globalist conspiracy to take over the world and ‘eat bugs’ and ‘own nothing’; be idiots and slaves, that kind of thing, that movement has run its course.

“It always fails. It fails predictably. They get so far and then they crash, we’ve been doing this in waves for about 6,000 years, fighting this developing pattern, I guess; working out our karma, whatever is the reason for it. And we’re there again now.

“So, I expect between the 12th, between today and the 17th…there is a larger probability that it will be 17th than it is today but I expect we’ll run into a ‘something’, a pivot, where the social order will, in essence stumble into an exposure of the Big Ugly.

“Now, the Big Ugly is how I’m labeling the two competing masses, here. So, the Khazarian Mafia are adrenochrome-swigging, child-raping pedophiles that are also murderers and do all kinds of heinous acts, alright? So they’re truly the Big Ugly.

“But it’s necessary that those people that are fighting them at this point rmeove as many possible shields to that ugliness for the rest of the population, in order that that population might wake up.

“So it’s in the interest of the Self-Organizing Collective – the SOC, that is opposing the Khazarian Mafia – it is in their interest that we become very much exposed to all of the evilness that is within that Khazarian Mafia and within that organization and everything that they do.

“So, I expect from this point on, through the rest of this year, once we get to that Stumbling Point, I don’t know what it is, I don’t know what information will be released – this is an information war, bear in mind – we’re attempting to influence hearts and minds, here – so the SOC is going to go ahead and introduce this information, in such a way as to have the maximum emotional impact that will carry forward through the rest of the year, as they pile on more and more stuff and we get to a greater and greater exposure level of the Big Ugly that is the Khazarian Mafia.

“And see, basically, what it’s going to come down to is we have revolution now, revolution around the world; Sri Lanka, Holland – anywhere that there is economic stress is now a spark point of new social action; new public actions, populist actions that will continue and then, ultimately be successful and be called a ‘revolution’.

“So, in Sri Lanka, it wasn’t a revolution until the president ran away. It was a public action in protest of the conditions that they’re undergoing at the moment.

“This breakdown phase of the financial system is the trigger for all of the populace, globally to become active and to become active and to participate in these public actions and to take on the Khazarian Mafia, which has the World Economic Forum, basically as its public face.

“So we’re gonna get into the Big Ugly now. So, the war’s broken out, we’re going to see more and more of the evil that is the Khazarian Mafia and what they’ve done and we will see an escalation of the fear porn, on the part of the Khazarian Mafia against the SOC, trying to overwhelm it. So, we’re gonna get into this period of ‘Negative Nelliness’, coming out of the Leftists and the Progressives, because they’re fed and controlled by the Khazarian Mafia through the World Economic Forum.

“And so, we’ll see a lot of negative stories. ‘Well, the human race is doomed! We’re gonna have a social collapse! It’s gonna be worse than the collapse of civilization for thousands of years! We’re all going to be swept away in a giant tide of history!’ It’s gonna be really damned negative. That’s their whole thing. They need to get everybody set up in their minds, in this battle for the hearts and minds to accept negativity, because these guys are coming at us and they want us to just keel over and die, basically.

“So they’re just gonna pour this sh!t out like mad. You’re gonna see World Economic Forum people out there, spouting out their ass about Climate Change, about the horrific aspects of life on this Earth, about how all life is gonna perish and it’s all humans’ fault, and so on and so on and so on.

“Which is all horsesh!t, OK? So, one of the things that I want to address is that, as you see those stories, remember, none of those people will acknowledge the Biosphere. They hate Russians and they hate Vernadsky more than most Russians, OK?

“They hate him, not because he is Russian but because he was a brilliant scientist who came up with this staggering mental construct that is greater in concept than Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ and evolution. Much greater than Darwin. Darwin was a little blip in history, put forth by the Khazarian Mafia and was mostly wrong about his conclusions.

“Vernadsky is the other way. Vernadsky is just not acknowledged. Nobody knows who the f*** he is. He’s just brilliant with his conceptualization and evidentiary support for the Biosphere and for geochemistry on the Earth as being a direct result of the Biosphere and life.

“So, here’s the concept: The Khazarian Mafia wants you to think that we live on a ball of minerals with some water on it and a little air around it and that, at any given moment, our existence, here on this planet is so tenuous, that we’re likely to just go ‘Poof!’ and all cease to exist. That’s the Khazarian Mafia’s viewpoint. That’s their agenda that they’re trying to push out.

“So, that’s the central bank, OK? Climate Change, you gotta eat bugs, we’re destroying the planet, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

“Now, the reason that they won’t ever tell you about Vernadsky – Vladimir Vernadsky – and his book, ‘Biosphere’ and ‘Noösphere’, the reason they won’t ever tell you about this is because they’re directly fighting what he had conceptualized and discovered, as a natural, organic process in Universe.

“And so, just get this idea: we’re not living on a ball of minerals. The minerals don’t exist without life. Vernadsky proves, in his ‘Biosphere’ book, mathematically, evidentiarily, empirically and through conclusions, that we are an essential process of the formation of planets.

“It’s life and that if you don’t have life, you don’t have a planet, no matter how big it is. But here’s something to understand: I’m sitting here and I’m breathing, as you’re breathing and we’re taking in oxygen, carbon dioxide, all this kind of stuff and so, we’re putting carbon into our lungs and we’re separating carbon dioxide, the oxygen, we’re spewing carbon dioxide back out, we’re sucking in nitrogen.

“So we’re taking in actual elements into our bodies through all of these different sources. We drink ’em, we eat ’em, we get skin contact and you absorb all of these materials. So, in that sense, the material of the Earth, here that I have absorbed, that goes into my body is in life. It’s in the Biosphere.

“And in that sense, all of this material – all 181 pounds of me – yeah, I gained some weight, I gotta get it back into muscle, because I’m gettin’ some blubber on me – but all 181 pounds of me is minerals that are actively involved in being alive.

“They’re not part of any of this stuff around here but when I die, they will return. Some of them will return to inert matter that supports the Biosphere. But get this: All of the life that you see around us – you included – we’re all carring these materials. So we can think of it as horizontal transport of minerals and materials, through the Biosphere, because, you know, basically, you get born in Washington State but you get moved all around the planet, so all around the planet, you’re shitting out materials.

“You putting minerals and stuff you no longer use into the Biosphere, in those points of the planet. So you, as a lifeform, as you go traveling and become a tourist are participating in horizontal transport of minerals through the Biosphere.

“And, funny example, you’re gonna think it’s odd, even your dog participates, when you take your dog traveling with you. Direct deposit of minerals, right on the site.

“So, here’s the idea, though, all of life: grass, birds – every damned thing – microbes; microbes in the soil, microbes in the air, all of this stuff. Every little bit of life, written large is in the business of transporting horizontally and putting down minerals throughout the Biosphere.

“All of life on this planet, right this minute is moving all of this stuff that you see around me, everything out in the ocean, all of the little critters out there – the plankton, all the way up to the whales – we’re all moving materials through the Biosphere of the Earth, as a dynamic process.

“That Biosphere is so powerful, it is so large and is so massive, that if we were to take and go down 16 kilometers into the crust of the Earth and take all of that material, 16 kilometers deep, including everything on top of it, including the Himalayan Mountains, including all the ocean on top of that – all of that – if we were to take all of that material, down 16 kilometers into the Earth, it still does not equal the amount of material that’s moving throughout the Biosphere, in life, on Earth, at this moment.

“So, we are an integral part of the Biosphere. It is our job, as creatures within the Materium, as life – spirit animating matter; matter is this stuff, here that’s sitting on this material and the material that is being sat upon – it is our job to do this horizontal transport, to alter the rock that would be the Earth without life on it.

“And in doing so, we fulfill a great purpose for Universe. It creates the Biosphere, it creates us, in the Biosphere; to be active, to help in that transport, to alter the planet, to do terraforming, if you want to call it that.

“It’s more life-forming, it’s more vita-forming than it is terraforming. You end up with Terra – Terra Firma – after the Vitae, all of the life or during the process of all of the life, doing all of this.

“And so the Biosphere is a very, very, very powerful concept. It’s mathematically powerful, because you can analyze how fast your Biosphere is going to grow, based on the amount of solar radiation coming down and the constituents of the area.

“And so, the World Economic Forum will never tell you that there’s books out there and essays that Vladimir Vernadsky had written. They won’t even mention his name. As far as they’re concerned, he should be thrown into a pot, like Christ and boiled for a thousand years in feces. That’s actually in the Talmud. That’s what they want to do with messiahs.

“Not that Vladimir Vernadsky was a messiah, he was just a brilliant f***ing scientist and much more in tune with what’s going on than people that are normally brought to your attention.

“So, if you go and read the ‘Biosphere’, if you go and read the ‘Noösphere’, which is about the elevation of calories, out of the Biosphere, into the thinking process, which augments the Biosphere and makes it that much more powerful, because we’re actually participating and reinforcing the cycles that we find ourselves in, within the Biosphere; as we go through life, and we think about it and magnify ’em and therefore, have more of an impact.

“In other words, you could think of it as ‘The Universe wants me to dig earth and re-shape the Earth and so, if I dig earth, I’m doing a good job for Universe, I’m taking the energy from the Sun and transmuting these cosmic energies, cosmic radiations directly into mechanical energy and I’m moving material around, the way that Universe would have me do, and that’s good, that’s the Biosphere, right?

“The rabbits do that, the dogs do that, all the burrowing creatures do that, right? Where we get into the Noösphere is that I’m a human and I think about it, so I invent a shovel and I dig better and then I invent a power shovel and so I can dig even more.

“And so, the Noösphere is that much more powerful than the Biosphere, because of this virtuous, positive reinforcement through a feedback loop that involves thinking. 

“And so, we know that the Powers that Be, the Globalists, the f***in’ World Economic Forum, the criminals don’t want you to think. So they’re never gonna tell you about Vernadsky, they’re never gonna educate you, at all. That’s why they school you. That’s why you go to a school, to learn how to learn to swim with all the other fishes, not to learn to think.

“At this moment, we’re dealing with the breakdown of the financial system. Understand that the activity that I do every day, when I go on in and buy food or get gasoline for my car or buy Diesel or whatever, or get sugar for the humming birds, that is economic activity.

“We exchange a currency, we exchange a species of identification for the transfer of energy between individuals at an abstraction level that is in the Noösphere.

“Money, currency and stuff is in the Noösphere. The Earth doesn’t require it, Universe doesn’t require it, Biosphere doesn’t require money, in order for the world to be transformed but it’s much more transformed once comes into existence and we can pay for sh!t to get done.

“So when I’m doing that, that’s economic activity. Everything else on top of that; loans, interest, derivatives, all of that sh!t. That’s all financial – not economic. The economic activity is that exchange of energy between individuals or between groups that allows and facilitates the transfer of that energy from party to party.

“So, you can think about it this way. So I’ve got a guy who’s in Russia right now who’s an engineer. He’s an interstellar engineer. This is Duran Interstellar, this is Jerry Duran. He used to be a head engineer and prototype developer and this kind of thing for Cirque du Soleil, he’s worked for Jacques Cousteau of the aquatic fame, all of that. So he’s very sharp. But he’s in Russia.

So we’re doing a project together, we’re doing our little 9 Amp replacement for photovoltaics, that’ll work off of biogas that’s gathered from all of this biomass around me, and fermented by bacteria – Biospheric bacteria; anaerobic bacteria – that will produce methane, then use the methane that’ll run this little turbine, a Tesla turbine and then, run a little, tiny generator that will produce 9 Amps continuously, the way that a photovoltaic will not.

“So Jerry’s in Russia and he’s doing all of this engineering. So, I can get money, species, currency and energy transfer through the Noösphere, over to Jerry. Jerry then does work, that then comes back to me in the form of thoughts that are encapsulated, written-down, archived and etcetera, drawn-out, planned-out, photographed, then prototypes tested, etcetera. Complete thoughts, precise data that comes back to me for that transference of energy.

“And so, at that level, the Noösphere is transferring energy, through me, over to Jerry and then, back again, in this complex process that will alter this planet – even more so, once we get our engineering done – and we can then put this design series out, as open source.

“Everybody can build their own, the way we’re building our own, although we’ll also provide some level of support for the tricky parts and we will have more energy through the harvest of the biomaterial, to come back and get it in our feedback loop, in a positive way for the Biosphere.

“And it’ll be harmonious, in a way that giant windmills chopping eagles to sh¡t are not. And it’ll work continuously; small, it’ll just whir around continuously, for years and yars and years. I’m anticipating a 6- to 8-year lifespan on the motive part, which is the Tesla turbine but then, you should be able to clean the f***er out and start all over again.

“It should have some level of wear, without much degradation, through that process, because of the way the Tesla turbine is designed.

“The whole point being the World Economic Forum is fighting the Biosphere. Their financial systems are with the World Economic Forum. The economic system is within the Biosphere. That’s where we all trade together.

“So, I’m trading with Jerry and we’re going to be affecting all of this by doing things remotely and so on but we’re not within the World Economic Forum, the Khazarian Mafia, the Globalists’ financial system, as a result of which we’ll persist.

“Their financial systems are failing now. That’s why everybody’s in distress, that’s why gasoline’s so high, that’s why the political system’s so f***ed up. If you have unsound money, you do not have sound politics.

“We started having unsound politics in this country in the 1930s as a result of, really, the crash of the gold system, because in 1933, the populace was forbidden from using gold anymore in economic systems and they transferred the populace that was using that gold over to the financial system, in that process of seizing that gold and so on.

“So, yeah, we’d had phony money creeping in since 1913 but it wasn’t until 20 years later, in 1933 that we see the direct result, in the first effective crash of this Federal Reserve Bank. So, the Federal Reserve Bank crashed and went bankrupt in 1933 and it was all hidden and covered-up, the inflation was papered-over with artificially-created inflation and off we go and we’re here, now.

“And so what we’re having now is the corrupt government is participating in the crashing process, because they want to bring us all into the World Economic Forum Great Reset.

“Well, we’re gonna have a great reset, whether we put a big “G” and a big “R” in front of it or not. It’s happening now because the dollar’s dying and there’s no cover. There’s no world war, there’s no pandemic, there’s nothing. There’s only those f***ers that have managed the whole financial system part, on top of our economy, all of these hundred-plus years, from 1913 until now.

“So we’re now into the Big Ugly and the World Economic Forum, these people are very much like the president of Sri Lanka, who grabbed a bunch of cash in giant f***ing suitcases and ran for his life to get on a boat to flee the country as the country erupted over the f***ing mismanagement.

“We’ve got a world that’s mismanaged and the Globalists are the cause of that. They’re very much afraid, like the president of Sri Lanka that they’re gonna have to grab bags of money and try and flee, only, at a global level, you can’t flee anywhere!

“And so, we come to this point now, where they’re doing every f***ing thing they can, dumping the Big Ugly out, trying to get us to buy into the Big Ugly, that we’re weak, trying to buy into the Big Ugly, that we’re all doomed, trying to buy into the Big Ugly, that Climate Change is going to kill us all. All of this kind of stuff.

“That’s their Big Ugly, that they’re dumping out on all of us, trying to f*** our minds over, because they’re assaulting us and there’s too many of us, so they just want us to kill ourselves as much as possible, in order that we might not overcome them, as things get worse, which they will.      

“So we’ve reached this point, right now, where for the next two years, at least, we’re in a breakdown phase, no matter what. It’s baked into the cake, because they’ve paid so many intelligence agencies to bribe so many BLM-type guys to go around and burn down so many food processing plants that we know there will be a food processing issue in the United States and in North America and in the rest of the world, for at least the next two years, because these guys are trying to create what’s known as a Holodomor or a giant starvation event.

“So we know that this is baked into the cake and we’ll have to deal with that, even if we were to overcome and kill all of the Khazarian Mafia tomorrow or capture them all and put ’em somewhere. It doesn’t matter if we kill them or not. In fact, they’re better off kept alive than made to suffer and be the education objects, so that we can understand what has happened. So I don’t actually favor killing the guys.

“So there are a lot of things that are baked into the cake. The financial system’s gonna crumble. That’s gonna take us at least 7 years to overcome, maybe 6, if we work hard and we’re adults and we face it rationally and we get a lot of cooperation.

“But so many of the people have been made dumb and have been schooled by the Khazarian Mafia, that I suspect maybe we’re gonna go 7 years, maybe 8. This is after the point that we have this crash and face up to the fact that everything’s crashed. So that might be late 2022, that might be early 2023, before we get to the point that I’m calling the end of the Big Ugly. That’s when we recognize that we’ve been dealing with the Big Ugly and from that point on, we’re in recovery.

“Right now, we’re in the Big Ugly, because it’s still coming out, it’s still being exposed. It must be by both sides. The Khazarian Mafia, through the World Economic Forum is exposing it, because they’re trying to use those negative vibrations to inform and alter our behavior and change things and they’re basically throwing out an inherent expression of themselves.

“The SOC, on the other hand is also doing everything it can to remove any barriers to the populace seeing that Big Ugly so that they will recognize the Big Ugly for what it is. And this is necessary, because we have to confront the Big Ugly to overcome it. We have to confront that ugliness within ourselves and then go on out and confront it in the Khazarian Mafia and those guys.

“The reason we have to confront it within ourselves is because they put it there. So first, we must cleanse ourselves of these thoughts, to understand that we are part of a giant, magnificent Universe-created Biosphere. We’re not some tenuous little ant colony of hominids, hanging on to a rock, spinning through space.

“So, I’m not saying external savior, here. I’m not saying that kind of stuff but what I’m saying is the magnificence of what we can see in the Biosphere is so large, so great, that there’s no f***ing way in Hell that the Khazarian Mafia will ever, ever, ever win. They are just massively outnumbered in the energy transfer in the Biosphere. Their little bit that they’re trying to put out doesn’t even come close to being recognizable within the Biosphere.

“The only way they can manipulate things is through the Noösphere, through thoughts and they make you ratchet down your efforts for Universe: ‘Back out, get yourself ready to kill yourself, abort your children, turn your hair purple, withdraw from society, all of that kind of stuff and eat bugs, because that’s what the World Economic Forum wants – not what the Biosphere wants.

“And this is where we’re at now. As I say, it’s the Big Ugly. It’s the point of confrontation. We first have to confront ourselves; for accepting the thoughts, for going along with them, for promulgating them, for putting them out there in waves and for being manipulated.

“So we have to harden ourselves, harden our will to understand that input coming in must be examined for its potential effects on us, before we accept it.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • We’re drowning and he’s describing the water!

    Everybody makes at every moment (what appears to them) the best choice given what they have been given to work with. And nobody chooses ANY part of what they have been given to work with. Everybody is just playing their part in the cosmic play; free will is a seductive illusion.

    As is the viability of Gold-backed money: every time we’ve had a gold standard we have ended up in a big Depression because people HODL GOLD which leads to a slowdown in spending which leads to unemployment which leads to the whole shebang comes to a stop because people love that pretty metal. You don’t need gold to have a stable currency: we could convert all debt to electronic credit money, making all lenders whole, clearing out all debts, and never again put our money in private hands. #nomoredebtmoney

    • Alan, the problem with Gold is Not within the people, we don’t need to be vicious lazy consumers anyways. The problem is theft by the Central Banks/Wall Street & every other entity they create within Governments. As they create falsified debt to go with these entity’s as well.
      There is No National Debt for any Nation, because we Never received our Credit Ledger. Besides if we were to do an Audit in every Nation, we would find many, many fraudulent spending.

  • Cliff is weak when he says “Keep them alive”
    He also is spreading Propaganda when he says “7-8 years recovery”. Why, we own all the Resources, no matter what Nation you are from. Look at Germany 1933, Adolf turned that Nation around in 3 years time by Bartering with Germany’s allies & putting Germans back to work in the Autobahn highway program & the “Volks Wagon” creation. He even was on the “Time Magazine” Spring 1938 for “Man of the year.
    Ask the question people, WHAT food processing plants, you might be surprised by the answer!

    • Exactly.
      Question: If the people in Equador who live close to the equator are spinning on a ball doing close to 1000 miles per hour, how fast are the people who live in the Falkland Islands spinning at?

  • Alexandra,

    You once were in Leftism’s camp ? !

    It is a very rare phenomenon to
    awake from the EMOTING Right
    hemisphere and find one’s
    L O G I C-driven Left hemisphere
    ( cross-lateralization explains the
    confusion of hemispheres and
    Left / Right political camps ).

    In any case, here’s my list about
    how Leftism has wrecked America :



    Marxist / Socialist / Feminism

    The following is a list of ongoing stratagems that the progressive/liberal/humanist left now employs to destroy Western civilization – White Civil Society – in America:

    1. Promote feminism to increase divorces, to get mothers out of the home, to
    encourage sexual promiscuity, to leave children to fend for themselves while making certain they are well-schooled in deviant sexuality; especially homosexuality.

    2. Dumb-down education, which includes attacking Western history and expelling studies in Western civilization while extolling minority cultures.

    3. Restrict parental authority and provide children with “rights” the State can use to defend against parents. Your minor daughters easily get an abortion without your knowledge and consent but their State-authorized controllers demand your permission to dispense aspirin to them.

    4. Encourage the production and sale of pornography and drugs, which products keep parents and single adults distracted from their society’s decline, and leave children hooked on escapism.

    5. Use movies, TV, music, and novels to undermine cultural symbols and traditions while promoting Marxist-based ideas.

    6. Adopt anti-American laws and regulations. Old Glory can now be desecrated and burned with impunity while the Pledge of Allegiance needn’t be said at all, and prayer and the Bible’s teachings and studies in Western civilization are openly spurned, abridged, or removed by the counter-culture revolutionaries in politics, in public schools and colleges, in entertainment, and in the media.

    7. Diminish national sovereignty and need for borders while promoting internationalism, which political/economic philosophy is a transitional phase for adopting One World government and Global Economic Socialism.

    8. Attack the language. The primary glue for holding American civilization together is being demoted to a secondary language or just one of many languages, where all languages and cultures are given equal treatment under the law, and which kind of lingual and cultural equality is crucial to establishing the Marxist stratagem for strict conformity to State control (The Supreme Court will likely rule in an Arizona case, where an employee seeks a First Amendment right to speak in a foreign language to customers, against the wishes of her employer. The decision will reveal how close the Marxists are to completing their plan).

    9. Devalue the vote and the meaning of “national citizenship.” The vote is slowly being given to non-citizens, which plan is currently being implemented in cities and counties within liberal strongholds around the nation while the idea “citizen” has been replaced with “consumer,” in order to shift the national consciousness from Cultural Man to Economic Man, the latter of which Marxists can more easily fit into their utopian socialist State.

    10. Force racial integration. White communities are being forced to accept diverse races and ethnic groups by government edict (EEOC and HUD), in order to give men in minority groups access to females of the dominant host culture, giving Arab and Latino and Asian and black men access to white women. The offspring of such pairings take on the racial identity of the minority parent and accrue to that race more positive traits (read my essay, “One-Drop Rule as Two-Edged Sword”). The extent of minority men seducing and impregnating white women is epidemic. The purpose of this is to emasculate white males as their culture is being gutted, and to dilute their political strength (More significantly, this cultural rape radically reduces the number of white women available to white men—read my essays, “White Women: Dumb as a Post” and “Restoration Revolution”).

    11. Undermine local authorities. Your culture’s lawful authorities – city, county, and state – are being undermined by feminists and minorities through federal authority, making local police appear racist and unfair in stopping the invaders and corralling criminals, tying up law enforcement with civil suits and criminal charges until those who serve and protect quit their professions or are drummed out because they lose control in the insanity; and while each branch of the military is flooded with women and minorities, using affirmative-action quotas to promote them and undermine the unit cohesion so vital to combat readiness and winning wars (read my essay, “Blacks’ Sucker-the-Man Ruse”).



  • In Kanada the 1913 funny money resulted in the bankruptcy of kanada in 1922 followed by the nationalization of th rotchild/rockefeller/bronfman bank of kanada. But that didn’t stop them, they just kept their scam going by borrowing from the tightly controlled 5 banks.

  • I agree the DAVOS CABAL is failing. Look at all the Globalist Leaders stepping down.
    The Good News the Democrates will lose the House and Senate to the Republicans. The BAD NEWS we will still have a lot Rinos to get rid of, maybe Durham has sealed criminal indictments waiting for the rest of them. We have to get back on a US National Treasury Dollar Notes sound money system backed by a basket of Commodities and Precious Metals.

  • I really like Clif and I very much appreciate hearing his perspective on things. BTW, speaking of perspectives, a little something I’ve learned…to seek out different perspectives for the purpose of broadening one’s own perspective, changes one’s perspective.

    Clif titles his videos “Explorers’ guide to Sci-Fi world” IMO, from my perspective, it more like Explorers’ Guide to the Twilight Zone.

  • Out of the laundry list of bad things that are here and coming, there are many folks focusing on and talking about how bad it is going to get financially for everyone as the old system is destroyed and a new system is installed. Exactly how bad is not elaborated on. Seems no one really wants to speculate on the details (I suppose those scenarios are just too dystopic to confront). In any case, many of these folks that talk about how bad it is going to get, promote, if at all possible, buying some gold and silver. Good advice (I guess) but what I wonder is who exactly is this advice directed to? It’s certainly not these people in the statistics below (the people that are rarely addressed by those talking about how bad it’s going to get :

    6 in 10 Americans don’t have $500 in savings.

    “American savings statistics for 2020 show that nearly 70% of Americans have less than $1,000 stashed away in their bank accounts. That number rose from 58% in 2018. Meanwhile, the number of those with savings between $1,000 and $5,000 stands at roughly 12%.” Feb 7, 2022

    The Federal Reserve estimates there are more than sixty million Americans [23% of adult population -18 or older] who are either unbanked or underbanked.

    That means around one in five adults in the U.S. rely on services like money orders, payday loans, or check cashing to manage their finances. They often avoid banks because of short-term fees, but other services can be even more expensive over time. In 2018, the unbanked and underbanked spent nearly $200 billion on interest and fees. Many also avoid traditional banking because of distrust for financial institutions.

    podcast (30min):

    Another thing I’ve been noticing is that no one that I’ve been listening to has been addressing what might happen to the Social Security payments, Medicare, Medicaid, VA payments.

    “69.1 million people received benefits from programs administered by the Social Security Administration
    (SSA ) in 2019. 5.7 million people were newly awarded Social Security benefits in 2019. 55% of adult Social Security beneficiaries in 2019 were women.”

    “Medicare spending grew 3.5% to $829.5 billion in 2020, or 20 percent of total NHE. Medicaid spending grew 9.2% to $671.2 billion in 2020, or 16 percent of total NHE.” Dec 15, 2021,beneficiaries%20in%202019%20were%20women.

    “Nearly 3.9 million veterans (19.5%) received disability compensation payments, almost 1.5 million veterans (7.3%) received military retirement benefits and more than 600,000 veterans received pension payments.” Nov 10, 2021

  • Bravo!!, Gotta appreciate couch Cliff! Not to mention that Chica Gal!! Thanks for your continued service to our awareness and our mutually shared sanity! If we are forced to eat the God awful body parts of the ruling class Elites then we should definitely label the jar as, “Potential Spam”!!!

  • Thank you, Alexandra for the work you are doing. We should all be grateful for people like Cliff High, who has a deeper understanding of what’s REALLY going on and is willing to impart his knowledge to those of us who are willing to listen. This was a good download, thank you.

  • Love Clif!
    Thanks for your knowledge! 💯🤍👏🙏❤
    Omg it’s a brand new comment!
    Am I still living in the Ds 🤦‍♀️
    They try say I’ve sent this comment, I’m sorry if I hit the button twice accidentally but it’s definitely a brand new comment for Cliff..
    He’s my 1st Hero! ❤❤

  • I still believe involving the public more overtly with the Truth will move this along faster. There will be distress but the people will assimilate it. What I’m experiencing is that it seems the sleepers still rely on tv news so something needs to happen in that media but what do I know? I’m just one of the people going through this who should have a say, no?

  • I’m not eating bugs. If it comes to that, I’m eatin’ thugs. A nice, big, fat globalist thug sammich.

    • In Sri Lanka that is what they are doing🎉I want some big fat Billy Gates chicken finger fries.JK,or am I?

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