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Last Friday February 9th, Stephen Paddock’s autopsy report was finally released. It was signed by Clark County Medical Examiner Dr. Lisa Gavin MD on February 5th, six days after District Judge Timothy Williams ordered its release, and four months after the autopsy was performed on October 6th 2017.

The Mainstream Media all echoed that the results offered “no hint of a motive,” as if to distract from the fact that the report listed the time of death as 12:00PM on October 2nd, a whopping 14 hours after Paddock’s reported suicide in the LVMPD’s official timeline of the worst mass shooting in recent US history.

Did Dr. Gavin mean to enter “00:00 hours” for an estimated time of “Dead on Arrival”?

In the Las Vegas case of the century?

The Coroner’s Office had 4 months to get the details right and fought several news agencies and a county judge to keep this information private.

The Associated Press (AP) initially published the PDF of Paddock’s autopsy results but it was quickly removed from the article. Strange, considering that the AP had actually sued Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg for these very autopsy results.

On January 31st, Fudenberg had refused to obey a court order from District Judge Timothy Williams to release Paddock’s autopsy report. The judge then ordered Fudenberg to pay $32,000 towards the legal fees of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which had also sued for the release of these public records.

Ignored by the Mainstream Media were notes in the autopsy that, in addition to the point-blank “intraoral” gunshot wound to the head, Paddock suffered “Blunt force injuries to extremities.”

In a case already riddled with irregularities, new discrepancies have emerged from the autopsy release, in addition to a time of death listed at 14 hours after he was said to have been found and photographed by LVMPD, just after 10PM on October 1st.

The autopsy lists the height of the decedent as being 6′-1″ (185cm) and a weight 224 lbs (101kg), with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 29, which is clinically obese. Meanwhile, a 2010 Alaska Sport Fishing License listed Stephen Paddock’s height as 6′-4″ (193cm) and his weight as 225 lbs, which is overweight but not obese. Paddock’s details would have been verified by an authorized Alaska fish and game vendor using data from his driver’s license. This photograph indicates that Paddock was taller than 6′-1″ and his BMI here looks closer to 25 than to 29.

Another interesting detail is that Paddock’s fishing license lists an address at the Central Park Apartments in Mesquite, Texas which is a Dallas suburb. Stephen Paddock is still publicly listed by the Texas Secretary of State as the Manager of the Limited Liability Corporation that owns this apartment complex. This is not to be confused with the home in a Mesquite, Nevada subdivision 90 miles from Las Vegas, where MSM camera crews filmed the FBI busting down Paddock’s garage door. Paddock apparently collected real estate in places named Mesquite…’s all too strange and unfair to the families of the 58 killed.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I know you have no interest in anything a Christian has to say, but it might be worth your while to read this excerpt from a recent video. This is the second video, where he mage this statement, and it makes perfect sense to me, especially given the large number of FBI agents, who had checked into Las Vegas hotels days before the shooting. I personally believe there is meaning in the fact that Jupiter was seen “being born” from Virgo, but I’m still working on it. Maybe you know a little more about the cultic meaning surrounding Jupiter. In Roman times, Jupiter was closely associated with the eagle, which is one of our symbols also. Zeus, Jupiter’s equivalent, was well known for the thunderbolts he hurled at the sun god, when the sun god had messed something up (I don’t remember the exact story right now). These gods have their equivalents to people in the Bible, too, so Sep 23, ’17 was a significant day for Christians and Jews, the latter calling that day “the day of returning”.

    Las Vegas, the Blood Sacrifice and the Sign
    Dr. Stephen Pidgeon

    127:10 (actually 2:07:13 ……and then, the Messiah would come 62 weeks later, which would put it…where….at 17 AD, when he (Jesus) proclaims the year of Jubilee, the acceptable year of YAH (God), and that would establish the sequence of 1767. 1767, now 2017 says. Okay, that means the Messiah is coming back. Yes, except that Matthew 24 clarifies it’s not Messiah coming back on that date – it’s the sign of the coming of the Son of Man, and will be seen in 2017, and the sign of the coming of the Son of Man was, in fact, seen in 2017. It was seen on September 23rd 2017, where the Revelation 12 sign, in its entirety, see the video of Scott Clarke, was seen in the heavens – all of it. The woman (Virgo) with the 12 stars in her head, the sun behind, clothed in the sun, with the moon at her feet, giving birth to the child, which was Jupiter, in this case. With Satan waiting at her feet to devour the child, and archangel Michael, doing war with Satan in the heavens. That entire sign was seen on September 23, 2017 – for the first time in history, the whole sign had been seen. That date, September 23rd 2017, exactly eight days from Yom Kippur.

    Remember under the Torah, a woman is unclean for seven days after giving birth to a male, and the child is to be presented on the eighth day. The eighth day was October 1st, Yom Kippur, and we had certain people in this world that knew that the child would be presented on that date. Satan stretched out to devour the child, but the child was taken up to heaven, and taken away, and the woman was put into the wilderness, but guess what happened. There was a ritual sacrifice on that day in Las Vegas, with this blood slaughtering on American soil that has gone unanswered. No one’s been arrested, no one’s been accused, no one even talks about the crime anymore (not quite true). It’s gone unanswered, but that sign in the heaven was given, when was it given? …. in 2017, so the sign was completed on Yom Kippur in 2017.

    Note: Israel attacked who on Yom Kippur, I think, in 1967?

  • OF Course there are discrepancies in the autopsy, because THIS WAS A FLASE FLAG, done by gun control traitors or worse, the corrupt cops, FBI, and possibly ex-Seal – now Blackwater assassins. Paddock was a patsy, just like:
    – OSWALD
    – Bin Laden
    – LANZA

    It’s all a goddamn lie by these sick fucks. And I KNOW, because I was right next to SHES when that bs ‘incident’ occurred!

    • Well , yeh. Two weeks prior to even adds in Las Vegas looking for crisis actors for an event coming up in LV in 2 weeks. Body shorter than the person they told us who it was. Large amounts of agents checking in days prior to . But yes, nothing to see, nothing interesting. Move on, nothing to see.

  • Without a doubt this case reeks with political intrigue. It’s anything other than represented on a par with the Sandy Hook Frankenstein horror movie, but I think for different reasons. This was likely a private gun show gone south. Whatever it was it wasn’t as officially speculated. Like other deep state ops, the crime scene was not protected, preserved and publically presented honestly.

  • Apparently, none of the authorities or journalists involved in the report’s release were detail people. Not surprising.

  • It’s time for a new government. Of the people, for the people. Not of the corporations for the corporations, like we have now. Need I say more?

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