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On 60 Minutes last night, UFOs were casually acknowledged as real by a US Senator, a former Navy Lieutenant and a former DoD investigator, ahead of the expected release next month of a government report on such sightings.

Clif High’s predictive linguistics have long forecast this moment and the restructuring of the social order that will follow.

In this video, he echoes the views of Catherine Austin Fitts that a large part of our national debt is connected to the UFO cover-up. As he explains, “Because we’ve had to pay all these corporations to deal with UFO sh*t, because they had to pay them under the table, because they couldn’t get the authorization, because they wanted to keep it a secret, so it was the secrecy part that caused all this to happen…it never came up on the books. There was never any public debate, there was never any public acknowledgment, there was never any public audits…Anything done in secret allows for theft…

“Because they kept it secret, they inflated money and brought vast quantities amount more debt in this weird relationship between our government and the banksters…and so the banksters created money to loan it to the government and vice versa, buying the bonds and so on.

“A lot of this debt went into maintaining the infrastructure that kept secrets around UFOs for seven decades, at least. So could we have done this without the Federal Reserve and paper money? Could we have done the UFO secrets on a gold and silver standard? My argument is, no, it could not have happened, just as you could not have had World War I or World War II on a gold or silver standard. It would have happened. When you pay for war with hard money, wars are short…

“It’s the secret part that has inflated everything, because the corporations are saying, ‘Government isn’t reporting this on the books. Add another 20% on there!”

He explains that the “Woo Deal” is the deal that the military is making; the controllers are making. “They’re going to surrender the woo in order to get a deal that they don’t have to pay for the secrecy anymore, because it is a crushing burden and it has crushed them and they’ve actually come to the end of their ability to deal with it, primarily because of ‘wooflation’…

“We will learn about what our government thinks it knows about the UFOs. We may learn something that it actually knows about the UFOs but I doubt we’re going to learn very much of the UFOs, in terms of their own internal secrets…

“The big benefit for everybody is that the debt bubble is now released, relative to the secrecy, once this has occurred…They want to keep the secrets but they’re just no longer interested in keeping the secrets about the [existence of] UFOs…

“The controllers are sitting on a dying money system that’s hyperinflating in response to the vast quantities of debt that’s already been created and it’s a known process, how fiat money dies and we’re in the latter part of that now…

“Wooflation is actually the hunt for value and we’re in that period of time now. We don’t know what the value is, because we’ve been suckered for so long, in dealing with paper that has a decreasing amount of purchasing power, as they inflate the quantity…A key aspect of value is timing, speed and location…

“The Woo Deal is going to…participate in the debt bubble losing air pressure, because they’re not going to be able to hyperinflate through all of these hidden projects anymore, which was an aspect of hyperinflation…The big process kicks off next month, in June, as the secrets start coming out and that’s when the debt bubble is going to slowly start deflating.

“All of our economic issues are going to change, the social order is going to change, because there won’t be people being bribed anymore. They won’t have money, they’re going to have to find some new line of work, because it won’t be necessary to keep those kind of secrets, etc. Plus, we ‘re going to learn things about UFOs that are going to change the nature of our thinking about ourselves, about our planet, about our interaction with each other…”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • There are no such things as “UFO’s”. All mechanical flying or floating devices are man-made, so don’t fall for the nonsense about (the non-existent) mysterious extra-terrestrial beings and their doings. Just because you or I don’t know what’s in the air is no good reason to assume that the thing in the air isn’t from Earth. Someone knows what it is.
    It is written, that Nikola Tesla built a “flying saucer”; after his death, his papers were appropriated by the CIA and they’ve been building and experimenting with flying machines–people have seen some interesting things up there…

  • Caves where Flying chariots, etc are depicted, the finding of mechanical pasts of machines from the future/past, reports of abductees, secret off-world exploration, mining, etc which are censored from public knowledge, as is the current info on transhumanism and the vaccination push, suggests that all of our Earth problems stem from secrecy. Alex Jones has called this a slave planet and indeed it appears that it is and based upon the suppression of our powers. It boils down to the rape of Earth and all life which exists upon it. As a former UFO abductee therapist, reports of US military along with Alien lifeforms indicates we live in ignorance.

  • Facts. Swiss Billy Meier of theyfly dot com, has had over 1700 face to face chats, since 1943 with a group of human ets, here on a now completed 37,000 years mission. They have left us with 45,000 pages of data, some still not translated from German. Before you scream FRAUD, note that USAF Intel Lt. Col. W. Stevens and his team failed to debunk Meier after years of research. The investigation is here. ”YouTube. Contact: Billy Meier Documentary (1982)”. Would like some close-ups from only METERS away, instead of distant blurs? These were shot with a Ricoh camera onto Kodak film. Here’s the analysis by a Maths. Prof. of a high speed craft landing in Meier’s yard for a chat and photo shoot. This ship is on loan from these ets much higher tech friends, in the Twin Dal Universe. It gets here in a millionth of a second over a 500 light years distance, while their own craft take 7 hours. The analysis was based on reflections of trees and houses, in the 3 rows of highly polished spheres around the craft. Search. ”Analysis of The Wedding Cake UFO by Rhal Zahi’. Once you get through that data, and will ask WHY Meier? Here’s the early contact with Sfaath,. an elder in charge of their Planet, Erra, and this sector, (he being aged close to 1000, their max lifespan and dying just a few years later), giving Meier his recorded initial briefing in the early 1940s. Search..” A Billy Meier Wiki. The Future of Mankind. Sfaath explanations”.. and another rather lengthy chat, many years later, between Sfaath’s son and Meier, of our humankind’s 12 billion years history etc. . search on the site for contact251.

  • Yes the oligarchs have undergone their Damascus road moment. They are good guys now and want to share. See they are telling us about UFO’s we simply must believe them because they are woke.

  • If we have been visited by UFO’s for 20+ years, then the aliens are far more civilized and restrained than we are. (or there are no UFO’s…)

    If the roles were reversed, and we had the technology to visit another inhabited planet, it would be within the second visit that we began exploiting the inhabitants and their resources, even if we had to kill them all off to do it.

  • This whole UFO thing is coming out because the oligarchs are terrified their day in the sun is ending. They want a one world government where they get to keep all the resources and you become a serf. Don’t fall for it. they are born liars.

    • so far they are in absolute power,because 97% of people believe in “virus”,that was never proven in Koch ,Rivers Postulates,even the CDC said,that was NOT yet isolated,the Rockefeller Foundation in the scenarios, from 2010 said also clearly,on page 18 in the Locksteps,that Common cold will be the deadly virus.The UFO is just a distractions,to the massive depopulation by VAXXES and absolute slavery and control via Liquid Crystals,delivered, via Vaxx,with Magnetized Hydrogel,that the BRAIN will be Hosted and via Very low EMF-5G,they achieve 100% of zombies ( Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 1995- google it)

  • Disclosure project

    “Secret Knowledge: Probably one of the most important videos of our time; On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena.”

    Or not?

  • Thought-provoking discussion about magnetism.
    Thanks also for the chaga tea recommendation, I really like how i feel when I drink it, now a fan.

  • I love Clif; I really do! BUT……..ANYONE who ‘believes’ (I didn’t use the word ‘THINK’ because, obviously, THINKING Humans KNOW better), that the EVIL government is going to give you ANYTHING REAL (aka FACTUAL) about UFOs/ET, need to go and start a new ‘Heaven’s Gate’ and do exactly what the Orig HG did!! Only MENTALLY ILL CHILDREN look to government for ‘VALIDATION’!! I’m an ADULT; a THINKING ADULT (THAT is what ADULTS do…..they USE THEIR BRAINS!)…..I do NOT need a CRIMINAL MAFIA, aka the government, to tell me that there ARE, indeed, UFO’s and ‘Aliens’. ‘ET’ has been coming here for MILLENNIA!!!! GROW UP, CHILDREN!!!!…….STOP looking to Mommy & Daddy for VALIDATION!

  • From what very little I was told…
    The German bell uses 2 particles of pink mercury placed in 2 tubes at absolute zero degrees.
    A very powerful electromagnetic force accelerates them in opposite directions.
    This is supposed to create a massive magnetic field called a wormhole Portal.
    I’m sure the exact science is much more complicated but this is all I was told.

    Supposedly UFO’s use similar technology and may have other technologies.
    Oddly CERN uses 2 counter-rotating particles traveling in opposite directions in a absolute zero degree circular tubes.
    This makes some people wonder if CERN is a huge portal that could connect to an alternate reality where Demons reside.

    • Oddly, a Satanist I worked with put a curse on me because that’s what they like to do to Christians. Another co-worker actually saw a Dark Figure following me.
      Coincidently, the possession started on Sept. 23, 2015.
      This was one of the dates that CERN was supposed to open a demonic portal.
      I ended up in jail 3 months later with no memory whatsoever of what I had done to get there.
      It was like a split-personality. But the other consciousness was obviously a demon.
      (From the stories I was told.)
      Yes, this is a true story that actually happened.
      I lost my Job, Home and Family.
      This Satanist ruined my life from that day on.

      If you know someone who gets enraged when you talk about religion, stay far away from them.

  • All nasa, seti, Military and astro-whtaevers have too do is DENY, DENY, DENY and that costs NOTHING. Disclosure is yours, if you have an open mind like millions had. Facts. Swiss Billy Meier of theyfly dot com, has had over 1700 face to face chats, since 1943 with a group of human ets, here on a now completed 37,000 years mission. They have left us with 27,000 pages of data, some still not translated from German. The contacts were conducted in German. These ets claim Ancient German was one of their former languages. Before you scream FRAUD, note that USAF Intel Lt. Col. W. Stevens and his team failed to debunk Meier after years of research. The investigation is here. ”YouTube. Contact: Billy Meier Documentary (1982)”. Would like some close-ups from only METERS away, instead of distant blurrrrs? These were shot with a Ricoh camera onto Kodak film. Here’s the analysis by a Maths. Prof. of a high speed craft landing in Meier’s yard for a chat and photo shoot. This ship is on loan from these ets much higher tech friends, in the Twin Dal Universe. It gets here in a millionth of a second over a 500 light years distance, while their own craft take 7 hours. The analysis was based on reflections of trees and houses, in the 3 rows of highly polished spheres around the craft. Search. ”Analysis of The Wedding Cake UFO by Rhal Zahi’. Once you get through that data, and would like to move ahead.. for the actual contacts with et.. here’s a lengthy chat between Meier and the et in charge of their Planet, (beyond Star Taygeta), AND ‘looking after’ our sector. On meier’s site, search.. ”Contact251”.

  • A Constitutional solution is to assemble as in the 1st amendment on your state. With; people that will do the work; people that will form a Lawful grand jury and bring a true bill against these evil doers. On Oregon we bring Article I Section 1. We need; people to populate a VII amendment jury of peers to bring forth a verdict that has no appeal in law in Our Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction. There may be other solutions!! However, this one works; it is we the people in assembly, forming a civilian court of record, implementing Ex Parte Milligan which nullified Lieber Code/martial law.. DOJ, FBI, USMS, USMC, STATE OF OREGON all acquiesced and defaulted. Will you help your state assemble? You have a pulpit. It only takes 45. Americans on a state in a minimum of 21 days.. Invite all non evil Americans. It only takes 45 people, no persons.. all the best of every good fortune for the good,

  • So, we see you attach your micro phone, and the first sound you offer us is you disgustingly slurping your drink? For the small amount of time that you are making a video, can you not resist drinking….? Thank you!

    • Sorry, but possible life-altering presentation and your hot take is on 3 seconds of aural-oral aesthetics? 🤣

    • It’s OK Kathy. I have a similar problem with the sound made by people chewing things. Try to get over it, it is a past memory that has been buried in your subconscious mind and acts as stress trigger in present time, without you knowing why that is. Just get over it and try to ‘listen’ to the big picture. Peace and blessings to you.

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