Antivax Attorney breaks it down to Tom Renz.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Now I want the reader to understand: focusing on any one or another parts of the Daddy Warbucks end game can cause confusion. All major endgame players intensely desire to dominate the other players out of a baser natural tribal instinct!

    These human cattle ranchers per se’, compete with each other as corporations. We’ve got the American corporation, the British corporation, the EU corporation, the Russian corporation, the China corporation and you can go right down the list of corporations competing with one another to get to the top of the mountain firstus with the mostus. At this point in history the alliance between the District of Columbia, the City of London and the Vatican appear to dominate all the rest, especially the EU corporation which they’ve already beaten into submission by a hostile corporate take over. The Anglo-American pact has been doing everything in their power for at least a century to bait the Russian Corp. into war after first being denied it’s former alliance with China in order to either completely run the Russian corporation out of business or outright destruction of kinetic war. Obviously they were betting the Russians would cave in under threat of nuclear annihilation, but thus far the Russian corporation has called their bluff.

    It’s like a multi level game of chess between masked men who operate in secret to deceive competitors and their respective herds of human cattle.

    The above cited troika of power blocks, having succeeded in neutralizing the Sino-Russian power block and collapsing the Russian corporation, have clearly demonstrated their intentions by arrogantly rejecting the Russian corporation’s olive branch of peace and safety. Do not make the mistake of second guessing any of this. While from one perspective Putin appears to be the victim, but from another he appears as the beneficiary and you have to ever and always ask who stands to benefit the most to know who is the perp. Presently it’s not the American corporation which is clearly the loser in denial!

    This is not to say that the newly formed alliances in opposition to the Anglo-American consortium the are the winners either, and it aint over yet.

    Ask yourself – if I were the Devil what would I do? I’m not going down that rabbit trail, just a suggestion to think more deeply about the rock and a hard place our political and religious leaders have gotten us.

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