
Welcome to the world of “Fake News”, a concerning development which indicates that the US is marching towards Chinese-style Internet censorship.

Many reading this are aware of the pernicious propaganda campaign launched a week ago this Monday, when the MSM closed ranks and began bombarding the pubic with its new “Fake News” motif.

The CIA weaponized the term “Conspiracy Theory” in 1967 but the “Conspiracy Theory” weapon just isn’t cutting it, anymore. Last week heralded the launch of “Fake News”.

It’s all good, because Obama legalized propaganda against the people of the US in his NDAA, back in 2012.

Both of the two excellent websites linked above made a community college professor’s blacklist, which received entirely too much mainstream media attention. Then, the Washington Post endorsed the heinous Prop or Not website last week.

This clip I was trying to post covers the NY Times’ article that defended the owner of Comet Pizza the other day (The Washington Post published one of these, as well). The NY Times article was not written by an investigative journalist but by Cecilia Kang who pops up in 133 of the John Podesta’s emails published by WikiLeaks. She’d previously written articles about AirBnB, Uber and reviews for Samsung phones and was patently not qualified to cover this story. Is Kang yet another one of the paid “Hillary workers disguised as reporters,” to quote John Podesta?

The NY Times has slunk to irredeemable lows and they’re not doing anything to stop their own death spiral. Their ad revenues last quarter are down 20% – and with articles like the one mentioned, I’ve got the popcorn ready to spectate them and their ilk, while they crash and burn.

Yesterday’s vlog is by journalist, David Seaman who was fired last August by HuffPo because he  expressed doubts about Hillary’s health. He’s written for BusinessInsider and other respected online publications. He believes that the “Fake News” campaign was launched specifically to distract from the emerging DC pedophilia scandal and I agree.

Pedophilia and the attendant blackmail have afflicted governments for decades. The Hacktivist group, Anonymous claims that Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” and “Orgy Island” are/were a blackmail operation backed by the mossad, which if you look into Epstein’s background, as the longtime accountant of multi-billionaire, Les Wexner is plausible.

The #PizzaGate story and the traction that it is receiving from lots of young people and parents represent the possibility that that there may finally be some light cast on this grave issue, in the US. (There have been big recent exposés in both the UK and Australia).

It might be a good idea to check on the welfare of the alleged goddaughter of James Alefantis, whose photos, as both an infant and a toddler were posted numerous times to his Instagram account, accompanied by lewd, suggestive comments, including #hotard. All of those who commented and liked Alefantis’ posts are childless, including Arun Rao, Assistant US Attorney, whose jurisdiction in Maryland focuses on child p0rnography and racketeering cases (!)

Thousands of concerned individuals have studied the Podesta emails and the people and businesses revealed and their connections, which ALL go back to the Clintons, their campaign manager, their other appointees and senior advisers.

Many independent investigators are hopping mad and feel that the case merits a legal investigation.

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Alexandra Bruce

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