With this video, Devon Stack has cemented his position in my mind as the most on-point Alt Media YouTuber of the moment, with postproduction chops and commentary that’s like a baseball bat to the face.
Stack was swift to download dozens of hours of surreal video from YouTube shooter, Nasim Aghdam’s channels before all of the social media companies moved in Fascist lockstep to disappear her down the memory hole.
One of my subscribers joked to me yesterday that he was glad it wasn’t me who shot up YouTube HQ. (Ha ha). I will remind readers that I have not experienced censorship or filtering on YouTube as I am loathe to create my own video content and there’s not much of mine to censor on there. However, for 5 years, I did make a spectacular living from AdSense, the same advertising platform used by Google-YouTube and which is owned by their parent company, Alphabet. The ads ran not on my YouTube channel but on my website, where the split was much more favorable to the publisher and you made much more money from ads than on YouTube. It was a dream come true, to get paid $$$ to be totally anti-establishment!
Then from one day to the next, as I’ve recounted numerous times (kind of like Nasim Aghdam did), they “turned off my chip”. It was just like Aaron Russo said. Chips, of course are no longer necessary. For me, it happened in early 2015. I felt like a lab animal. They’d gotten the data they needed and were tossing out my carcass.
What I understand in retrospect is that it was all about the 2016 Presidential Election and Silicon Valley’s policy to squelch web traffic and earnings away from all anti-Hillary rhetoric. This has progressed now to any rhetoric that does not align with a certain globalist agenda.
This is not paranoia. It’s as plain as day when you do what I do for a living. It’s especially obvious if, like me, you’d been a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal your whole life. Talk about getting “red”-pilled! When Liberals algorithmically filter me and morph into spooky Fascists in the shadows, that’s when I stop being whatever “Liberal” passes for these days.
It’s utterly impersonal and implacable. They’ve sicced their vaunted “machine learning” to excommunicate a growing set of key words and phrases from the Internet. For years, I’d written all kinds of antiwar and critique of the US Government. AdSense remained my friend until I didn’t like Hillary when the 2016 Election got underway.
This algorithmic filtering is intensifying with the ongoing coup d’état against the elected President. It doesn’t matter whether you’re for or against the guy. There is a coup d’état underway and a technocratic policy that was implemented by Silicon Valley in late 2014 has since propagated to TV news, comedy, print, you name it. Congress for Cultural Freedom, eat your heart out!
It’s hard to describe how spooky it is to have your chip turned off with no notice. My father had just died after I’d gone to care for him and my mother was terminally ill, then with zero warning, I stopped earning money for no reason and I snapped.
If there’s a bright side to this sad tale, it’s that when I snap, I don’t want to kill people.
Aghdam’s chip got turned off. Before you say her content was terrible, ask yourself if it was any worse than YouTuber Big Marvel‘s, who continues to garner millions of views?
There is no justification for Aghdam’s actions but with the ongoing Facebook scandal and now this, it’s beyond clear that there needs to be more transparency in Internet advertising.
I love Devon’s Black Pilled, but now I love Nasime Sabz. Will someone translate/dub her site into English? I am fascinated by her. I’d like to see how she got to such depths.
You Tube, Facebook. – be on notice – you will lose half or more of your business if you continue censoring us.
Let’s get Nasime’s life to live in empathy & eternal infamy.
To the TRUTH deniers – only by shining the light of reason onto our shared experience will our species survive your selfishness.
He is a shill like Trump who was put in by Nina Rosenwald, Robert Mercer, Robert Spencer, John Bolton, and other Ziocon supporters of the fake alt-right and Trump. When they and the NRA start pushing psychiatry and “mental illness”, arming teachers, putting cops and of all things traumatized veterans “with PTSD” in schools (despite the fact they want to Baker Act and put millions in Gulags) I know it is time consider supporting the “Democratic” Party and gun control. I am that pissed at these fake red-pilled shills that are part of an even darker corner of the matrix they pretend to wail about.
Who are you referring to? I know some folks are telepathic, but unfortunately, I am not.
U Tube and it’s economic warfare is kind of like the US government and it’s economic war against other countries. I wonder how many can at least see that. Basically set up by the same folks at the Counter Intelligence Agency … Maybe it is the same sick minded folks that want to take away your right to bare arms.
The tech giants are integral components of the most expensive, vast military empire that money can buy. They function as vital sensory organs of the Military Industrial Complex and have increasingly begun to function as subtle yet powerful weapons in the mindwar. The medium is the massage. The Internet’s Wild West days are over, it’s all been algorithmically gamed-out.
As Aghdam herself said in one of the surprisingly fair articles being published by the NY Times: “‘There they kill you by ax,’ she said of Iran. ‘Here they kill you with cotton,’ referring to an Iranian expression meaning dying by something that you do not know is dangerous.
“In another video, she responded to viewers who had begun to wonder if she was mentally ill: ‘I don’t have any special mental or physical disease, but I live on a planet filled with disease, disorders, perversions and injustices.'”
YouTube is slowly learning that when you play tyrannical economic war games with peoples’ economic lives, there is a thin percentage of responses that play the game according to the rules of Sun Tzu.