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As the creator of some of the finest independent documentaries on YouTube, TruthstreamMedia have been on the leading edge of our descent into censorship, at times chronicling their own struggles with Google’s algorithms.

Under the rubric of countering misinformation, Google has been making presentations on their new “anti-fake news system” at places like the Munich Security Conference, a venue that’s supposed to be about countering the threat of terrorist attacks in Europe.

The goal is to build an Artificial Intelligence that will authorize and verify all the information being shared in the videos on their platform, for the purpose of categorizing and suppressing anything that contradicts Google’s Corporatist politics. The ultimate goal appears to be to make the Alternative Media disappear, despite this genre being what built YouTube and what continues to make it so great.

Their automated censorship systems, of course will do nothing to suppress or de-platform such “news” outlets CNN and MSNBC for aggressively lying and broadcasting seditious propaganda for the past 2 years and putting the world and especially Americans through the Hell of a psychological civil war, in their conspiracy to overthrow the President.

For Alphabet-Google-YouTube, treason against the US is OK but dissidence against Globalism is not.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Thank you so very much for making this video.. I only hope that it doesn’t get censored or backpaged.

  • “The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.” – T Jefferson

    Well then, I guess we’ll all go to jail or get killed for speaking the truth. They might de-platform you but democracy (and the market) will demand alternative voices. ALWAYS, and the market will (in time) bring forth a system to support this need.

    Any fool can learn from history that people will be free, one way or the other. Of course, social fascists are so much more than fools.

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