Former FBI translator, Turkish-Born Sibel Edmonds is adamant that the attempted coup against Erdogan, which she’d long-anticipated was orchestrated by the US Deep State. She is fuming and she would like to see the Turkish people move to shut down all US embassies, consulates and think tanks in Turkey until these show proper respect for Turkish sovereignty.

Edmonds has a vast knowledge of geopolitics, especially pertaining to Turkey, both from her heritage as the daughter of Iranian-Azerbaijani father and a Turkish mother. She is fluent in in Azerbaijani, Farsi, Turkish and English. From her tenure at the FBI, she learned plenty about the profound relationship between the US and Turkish Deep States.

Her opinions are 180º from what are generally being reported in the West, so they’re of great interest and important to be made known. Moreover, her views about the Turkish attempted coup are shared by “The Saker”, a pseudonym for a high level American military analyst who lives in Florida – or in his own words, a “legal alien currently living in the Imperial Homeland.” His blog, receives tons of traffic and he is extremely well-respected for his incisive analysis of geopolitics, particularly relating to the sphere of Russia (which includes Turkey).

Edmonds describes Fethulleh Gülen as an “extremist”, “Ayatollah mullah”, “terrorist”, currently under criminal investigation by the FBI for money laundering, among other things. She describes his allegedly “moderate” charter schools as “madrasas”, that are spawning extremism worldwide and she describes Gülen as wanting to see Sharia Law implemented in Turkey, quite contrary to the “moderate” public front of the Gülenist Movement. She describes Gülen personally as a senile figurehead for a real fundamentalist Islamic movement support from the Clinton Foundation.

She does not see the coup as “staged” by Erdogan so much as his taking advantage of his foreknowledge of it, as it was so long in coming. She opines that he’s using these events as an opportunity to clean house. She does not see Erdogan as being under US control and she points to the incredible support for Erdogan shown by the Turkish people, who followed his call to take to the streets and by bravely climbing on the military tanks while completely unarmed.

As for The Saker, in his opinion, “..this coup is an embarrassment for Erdogan who had already purged the Turkish armed forces many times over and who could not take the risk of having a planned ‘false flag’ turn into the real thing: even General Bekir Ercan Van, the commander of Turkey’s Incirlik airbase has been detained by Turkish authorities, accused of complicity in the attempted coup. Turkish Navy Admiral Veysel Kosele has not been heard from since Friday. Reports from within the Turkish military claim that he was tricked onto his ship by those supporting the coup who told him a terrorist attack was taking place.

So not only did this coup show that Erdogan was hated at the very top level of the Turkish armed forces, but the failure of the coup has now resulted in a huge purge, which will tremendously weaken the Turkish armed forces who are involved not only in Syria but also in in a bloody civil war against the Kurds. So, the notion that Erdogan triggered this coup himself appears very far-fetched to me.”

Edmonds asks how did 42 Turkish helicopters go missing from Incirlik Airbase, just 62 miles from the Syrian border? What does this say about the 90-odd nuclear warheads located at this base? Could local terrorists, including ISIS get their hands on nuclear weapons?

RT is additionally reporting that the Turkish navy cannot account for 14 ships plus 2 helicopters and 25 special forces troops, which are missing and suspected of being under the control of coup plotters, heading towards Greek ports.

Like many, Edmonds is concerned that this could bode for another coup effort underway, the half-cocked one over the weekend having been a dry run for a bigger CIA/NATO/Gülenist coup yet to come.

According to RT, “Prime Minister Binali Yildrim says 7,543 people have been detained, including 6,038 soldiers. A court also remanded 26 generals and admirals in custody on Monday.

A senior security official told Reuters that 8,000 police officers…had been removed from duty.

About 1,500 Finance Ministry officials had been suspended…and CNN Turk said 30 governors and more than 50 high-ranking civil servants had been dismissed…while close to 3,000 judges and prosecutors have been suspended.”

This doesn’t sound like an environment in which a coup can reboot, in my opinion.

As for the Saker, he doesn’t consider another attempted coup, although he sees a weakened Turkey, consumed with its own crisis as “…a good thing for Russia, Syria and, really, the entire region.”’s Spiro Skouras weighs in, along with James Corbett, in this still-breaking story, asking: what are we to make of this would-be Putsch?

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • It’s not about rebooting the coup, jailing as many judicial judges, lawyers, military personal, government employee’s

    local police forces, and controlling banking and financial systems in Turkey, taking control of the country will be

    a cake walk for the patsy prime minister of Turkey..

  • Just another attempted coo, by the person in question, that shows he can, and will do anything to keep power, and notice how the media is able to put many a spin on it. Just like in the Your Ass A. By the CIA, or NSA or ABC or NBC or CBS or CNN or any other and make big noise about Turkey cleaning house. Just as I am sounding off, because I can, for a while yet, not sure about for how long. I don’t need to elaborate any more, do I? We folks are all in trouble, and I don’t see a way out of the mess that is coming. I just “feel” it.

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