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Alex Jones has changed his mind and recanted his earlier statements, in which he claimed that the Maui fires were caused by arson with an assist by the electric company.

Now, he’s saying that the images of toasted cars sitting in the middle of green fields tell him that Directed Energy Weapons were used.

Stew Peters joined The Alex Jones Show on Tuesday to break down the evidence of directed energy weapons being used against Maui in the recent deadly inferno.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Nice DEW / Alex spew proof suit Stew . Alex performs his comedy act du jour coitus interruptus spilling his new not knew version FU DEW opinion all over stewys nice blue suit.

  • I don’t know about DEW matter yet though at least, if he can admit his mistake and correct himself, that’s a good sign.

  • “Alex Jones has changed his mind and recanted his earlier statements, in which he claimed that the Maui fires were caused by arson with an assist by the electric company.”

    Making bank with t-shirt slogans:

    “Arson is not Climate Change”.

  • Not sure why there is a picture of a military jet with a supposed DEW. Can we get anymore surreal and unrealistic? And what of Maui and the Lahaina residents? Where are the parents and/or grandparents voicing there concern about the missing children? How come the Lahaina people (who remain) do not come together and provide critical information on who lives and who is missing and likely dead?? What th fck is going on over there? where people bribed beforehand to play along with this? Did they quietly buy homeowners for 10+ million if they went along with a script?? Why havent they tracked down the water boy guy and beat his ass? the siren guy? the governor guy?

    Yeah, there’s something wrong alright. when nothing makes any sense, its a plot of sorts.

    • Either they bought of the native Lahina population at $10M per family…which means several parties are lying to the nation (and world)on a massive scale….or they murdered upwards 2000 men, wonen and children.

      Neither one smells of roses.

    • dogismyth said:

      “Why havent they tracked down the water boy guy and beat his ass? the siren guy? the governor guy?”

      Recent FKTV video, with Todd Callendar,
      discusses “invalid oaths of public office”.

      The Maui-HI WEF Middle Managers/15 Minute City Henchmen need to be reviewed…

      The police Chief/Coroner of Lahaina
      Mayor of Lahaina
      Govetnor of Hawaii

    • you should shut your trap and quit repeating such nonsense, for it maybecome the inexplicable truth you do not desire. Many of you are so easily manipulated, as demonstrated by the parroting of such nonsense.

  • Circus barkers.

    Sober, intelligent people, who don’t consider Lahaina entertainment, got there before Alex or Stew.

    I haven’t watched it yet but Ed Dowd has done a very recent video with Mike Adams of the Mental Health Ranger….Ed says US cities will soon be in collapse and run by “warlords”.

    This stuff is doom-porn designed to stampede the sheep.

    Qui Bono?( ” Who benefits?”)

    I’d say these 4 guys, among others.

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