Alexandra Bruce
September 8, 2013
Veterans Today Senior Editor, Gordon Duff discusses the present-day reality of ETs, UFOs, advanced technology and the vast network of underground bases in the US, which are inhabited by a separate population, not all of which are human beings. He says there has long been an alien presence – of several species – on Earth, especially under the Pacific Ocean, which has subtly affected all of the countries surrounding it.
So far so good: I’ve heard most of this before – but I’ve never heard anything like the following statements he makes:
He claims that investigations are currently underway in the US and other areas to increase agricultural output tenfold, in order to feed millions, if not tens of millions of what are technically human beings, although not from Earth, in addition to beings that would be definitely be referred to as “alien”, which would brought here by an alien group and that Sub-Saharan Africa is being targeted for large-scale colonization, in addition to underwater bases in the Pacific Basin.
He says that the technologies we have received from extraterrestrials could restore the deserts of the world to full agricultural capacity and to entirely do away with the hydrocarbons that we rely upon for energy (and the wars that the control over these resources generate). He says that if you look at the arc of the development of technology in the 19th and 20th centuries, we have been at a comparative halt for the past 40+ years because the current energy cartels are suppressing their deployment.
But the bad news, he claims is that we have been intentionally dumbed-down on purpose because we are being herded and ranched by ETs who are looking to take the Earth and to get rid of us
He also revealed that he has brought together a group of high level officials to explore the ET issue and hopefully deal with this “inconvenient” and potentially tragic situation.
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