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Saudi Arabia was the locus of many developments over the weekend. A missile fired from Yemen penetrated deep into Saudi territory, before it was intercepted near Riyadh’s airport by the Kingdom’s air defense, with Iran being blamed. A Saudi Prince and deputy governor of Asir province was killed in a helicopter crash near the Yemen border, with no information being released about the cause of the crash or about the welfare of the other officials who were on board. Dozens of Saudi Princes and ministers, including one of the richest men in the world, Prince Alaweed Bin Talal were suddenly placed under arrest on Saturday at the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton and at other 5-star hotels for an alleged corruption probe.

Although the purge is being presented as a reformist maneuver by the young heir apparent, Prince Mohammed bin Salman (aka MBS), this seems particularly odd in the case of Bin Talal, who is a Liberal Feminist, in addition to being a major shareholder of Citigroup, 21st Century Fox and Twitter.

These moves are seen as a coup to sideline all contenders to the Saudi throne and to cement the reign of MBS, as he seeks to bypass the previously established Saudi rules of accession.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Corrution?
    Corruption is said to be illegal, where corruption is legal until it is discovered by the “police”.
    When will the “police” discover a legal corruption by being a whealty royal queen or king of any kind?
    Is being rich on the costs of the poor not a corruption?
    What about businesss?

  • Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah was the favorite son of the late King Abdullah. Mutaib’s arrest is intended to remove a potential powerful rival of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Mutaib’s ouster is the most crucial part of a large-scale wave of arrests because he controls the Saudi Arabian National Guard that was the creation of King Abdullah in the 1950s and 1960s.

    This action in KSA by King Salman suggests deep opposition to the young Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ambitions for the new direction of KSA.

    • Yes. If it were really about corruption, those rounded up by MBS would all be separately indicted and facing prosecution in legitimate cases against them.

      While on the one hand, MBS seems like a young reformer who wants to bring Saudi into the 21st century, on the other hand, he’s being a very heavy-handed with these arrests and also with the horrid and ill-advised war against Yemen.

  • Don’t have to watch it. The title was enough to know that this “prince” is simply going about his business of consolidating power. In SA he can do anything he wants because no justice exists there for anyone but the ruler . . . and he makes the laws to please himself on a daily basis. It’s no a live or even be. That’s for sure.

    Never, ever underestimate the US Constitution. As this coup is happening in SA our Constitution is preventing the same rampant USA corruption from jumping the fence, running free and doing whatever the an illegitimate government wants it to do.

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