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Fundraising Campaign Launched for FBI Whistleblowers Who Were Suspended Without Pay for Over a Year for “DISLOYALTY” – Please Donate

by Jim Hoft

A fundraising campaign was launched for FBI whistleblowers who were suspended without pay for exposing the FBI and DOJ’s corruption.

Kyle Seraphin, a recovering FBI Agent and federal whistleblower, created a GiveSendGo campaign to help Marcus Allen and Garrett O’Boyle financially.

“We will be fighting to regain the rightful employment of “purged” conservative FBI employees who have been suspended or terminated simply for making protected disclosures in accordance with federal law and exercising their First Amendment protected rights to free speech,” the campaign read.

Adding, “This fund will be used to support 2 whistleblower families who have been suspended without pay Garret O’Boyle and Marcus Allen as seen testifying on Congress on 5/18/2023. Standing up for the America we want to live in has come at great cost to these men’s families. We are so appreciative of the outpouring of support and prayer since this journey became public. 100% of the money raised here will be split between these men to support their families as they have been without pay for nearly 300 and over 400 days respectively.”

The House Weaponization Committee held a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI testified before Congress on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday, Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who espoused questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters, conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday.

FBI agents Marcus Allen, Garrett O’Boyle, and Steve Friend had already been suspended for questioning the agency’s handling of the January 6 case and stating their beliefs that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives.

These agents shared their concerns over the handling of January 6 cases, specifically that they were instructed to pursue “domestic violent extremism,” disregard standard investigative procedures, and pursue Jan. 6 investigations over child sex crimes which were deemed “no longer a priority.”

The whistleblowers also accused the FBI of inflating statistics on “domestic violent extremism” to align with the Biden regime’s political narrative. They did this by targeting pro-life groups, Catholics, and parents attending school board meetings to make it seem like they posed a domestic terrorist threat.

Democrats on the Committee ran interference for the FBI. The Democrat members were openly hostile to the witnesses and attacked them continuously.

Rep. Matt Gaetz called out a House Democrat for calling into question Marcus Allen’s allegiance to the United States.

“It seems to me your allegiance to the United States is pretty well established over multiple decades wearing the uniform, fighting for our country. And I am proud that you continue to fight for our country,” said Gaetz.

Below is Marcus Allen’s background:

I served honorably in the United States Marine Corps from 2000 to 2005. I was deployed to Kuwait and served two tours in Iraq and contributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

During my deployments, I was exposed to live enemy fire on numerous occasions. Even though I served primarily in analytical and intelligence roles, I was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. I eventually joined the FBI and was Employee of the Year in 2019 in the Charlotte Field Office as the holder of a top-secret security clearance. Since 2001, I’ve been trusted with the nation’s greatest secrets. So why am I here today?

Despite my history of unblemished service to the United States, the FBI suspended my security clearance, accusing me of actually being disloyal to my country. This outrageous and insulting accusation is based on unsubstantiated accusations that I hold conspiratorial views regarding the events of January 6, 2021, and that I allegedly sympathize with criminal conduct. I do not. I was not in Washington, DC. On January 6, played no part in the events of January 6, and I condemn all criminal activity that occurred.

Instead, it appears that I was retaliated against because I forwarded information to my superiors and others that questioned the official narrative of the events of January 6. As a result, I was accused of promoting conspiratorial views and unreliable information. Because I did this, the FBI questioned my allegiance to the United States.

I was suspended in January of 2022… I have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit, which is pending, seeking to recover my livelihood and restore my good name. Recently, my counsel filed a whistleblower complaint with the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General. The complaint set forth retaliation through misuse of the security clearance process, as well as reprisal against me for making a protected disclosure. Interestingly enough, in the wake of the filing, in the wake of filing the complaint, I received correspondence from the FBI indicating that my clearance had now been formally revoked.

According to Allen, the committee should be concerned about the FBI’s use of the security clearance process to retaliate against whistleblowers.

**You can donate here:

Another whistleblower is FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle. He revealed in a shocking testimony that he and his family had their belongings confiscated by the FBI and were subsequently left homeless after he was suspended from the bureau for speaking out against them.

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Alexandra Bruce

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