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The director of this film, James Allen was killed for making this documentary. The film is the story of Mark McCandlish, a successful aeronautical illustrator for Popular Mechanics magazine during the 1980s.

One day, McCandlish was commissioned to make a drawing of a Top Secret craft, which, to his surprise he found that didn’t have the security clearance to draw. Big trouble ensued.

This is a story with detailed information on the history, physics and technological mechanisms regarding faster-than-light travel and antigravity. Zero-point energy is also covered in detail.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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Leave a Reply to patrick gallivan Cancel reply

  • So, has anyone actually tried to build a prototype of this type of device. I’m an electrical engineer and to my knowledge the science and theories kind of make sense. At least enough to take it seriously and try to start experimenting with prototypes.

  • This technology has been around since turn of the century, per the film. And it didn’t come from ET. Real science is exclusively owned by Luciferian Bankster Gangsters, confined to the underground cities as James McCanney explains in his broadcasts.

    This Disclosure stuff is bogus. There are not any ‘aliens’ or ‘alien aircraft.’ Human beings are building all of it, and the ‘aliens’ are chimeras bred in the underground cities. Don’t be a dupe. They are mixing plants, animals, humans, bugs, reptiles together to get all kinds of monstrosities they will pass off as ‘aliens’ when they get to their big scam Disclosure.

    We don’t need aliens to bring us technology. Grays cannot even speak, only emote, like animals. They are smart enough to fly the saucers, to abduct people and steal their egg and sperm and run them through shocking to erase memories. They make good slaves. But they are not aliens and not so very clever either.

  • These craft an the underlying natural technology are real. The craft energy fields mimic the natural forces of nature. They operate on simple methods once the methods are understood. We are interested in sharing advanced(natural) technology with like minded good will people. Technology should enhance life on earth not deplete or destroy it.

  • I totally believe with ZERO doubt that we have been “visited” and Big Brother has retrieved craft from spots all over the globe. I’m certain that vehicles and devices have been ‘reverse’ engineered. The sheer number of stars, that we can see, should cause any thinking person to accept the reality of other worldly travelers.

    This film is an amazing compilation of facts and ‘theories’ that should be willingly shared with the worlds people. I have no clue why our and other countries leaders are so afraid of the truth. With all of today’s technology and what “they” have ben holding back, we could be so much further evolved. Imagine a world where “all” of us got along and were no longer warring at home AND abroad, and just worked together to help each other.

  • Dr. Ronald Eastwood: Yes you are correct. Appalling isn’t it. Moreover, for many videos on YouTube, not necessarily this one, many simply refute it because they don’t understand. THAT is what they call debunking, without any at least empirical information to substantiate it.

    We need to start thinking outside the box people!!

    Typical humans: “I don’t know or understand, therefore it can not possibly be true.”

  • To Dr. Ron, sarcasticly ; Youenz haint not bean Sean
    nutten yets, youse nose. Hit done bees gotten worser. I news, I done saw hit.

  • Is anyone other than myself dismayed at the terrible inability of many who post comments to know how to use the proper English language. Complete gibberish when tenses do not reflect intention. I do not even want to discuss incorrect spelling. If much of what I read on the internet reflects the average American’s use and understanding of English then all I have to say is God Save the Queen!

  • Sorry about the comment below didn’t watch the whole film, my mistake. However I believe we all have to just built the free zero point energy machine ourselves. Without the approvable of any government criminals/murders. If everybody just did this, and start disconnecting from hydro, oil etc not much will happen, I believe. It’s only when you go public, and want to make money, you get knocked off.
    Interesting how those metals got into his system, chemtrails, food, water, vaccines comes to mind, also the wireless radiation (cell phones) + wireless computers are location devices, they can send an overdose of incoming radiation to your location anytime and as long as they want. We live in dangerest times.

  • Nice docu.

    However, I discovered that at 1:24:10 from the start of this video, it states that “Arie DeGeus died in a parked car incident in 2007” because of his involvement in the Free Energy Movement.

    Well, mentioned person, Arie DeGeus, is still alive and kicking!!
    Check out his linkedIn site:

    Can someone explain this to me please??


  • Oh for pete sakes. That’s Hitler’s space craft. He also had two microwave ovens, one when to USA and the other when to Russia.

  • I hope the criminals people, and corporations hiding those technology’s from us must be punish or kill like they do to other .
    Money rule democratic country’s therefore is no Democracy , only Plutocracy

  • This film is very very interesting. I would like to have it in my collection and purchase a copy of the film, not just a down load. Can you put me in touch with the producer? I would like to wirte him. I would like to buy a copy of the film. any information you can give me i would be grateful. thanks Jennifer stein

  • My only comment is that I am unable to see the craft referred to.
    Any hope of seeing it. I’m in my mid 80s with little money.
    Ah, well!!

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