Four months ago, Sarah Westall had me on her show, in early January, after the story I posted about the infrasonic tracks discovered in ‘Leave the World Behind’ went semi-viral.
I had just been fired by AMP and I was losing money, due to being blacklisted by all the major advertising networks and by being price-gouged by a hostile mass email service, the combination of which caused me to lose $50k publishing this website in 2023.
I was so depressed, I told Sarah I thought I’d come to the end of the road with That after 13 years, this was all I had to show for it: I’d have to become a DoorDash driver to make the rent. I didn’t have the heart to watch this video, let alone post it.
But incredibly, I appear to be making an unexpected comeback!
After my contract with the malevolent mass email company expired in late April and I declined to pay them the $34k/year that they were asking, I found another company with nice people who would take me (despite my non-wokeness) but they were taking forever to set up my new account, so on May 3rd, I started posting on Substack. 26 days later, I broke 1 million views!
It’s so weird to see tangible evidence of how suppressed I’ve been. I think it helps that my name appears nowhere on my Substack.
Not only does Substack charge $0 to send emails to 80k people, they actually PAY you half of the yearly paid subscriptions that you’re able to convert, up front!
And now, I just realized that 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, which is my Chinese astrological sign, so hopefully, things are turning around for me.
I joined my buddies, Josh Reid and James Grundvig to talk about the new documentary that James and I are working on, ‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom’, which is about how COVID PSYOP inadvertently revealed the hidden history of the past 80 years: The United States did not win World War II; instead, occult Nazis founded the major postwar global organizations, including NATO, the United Nations, and its many evil agencies, like the IMF and the World Health Organization and they had just now deployed their long-planned “Final Solution” for the human species.
The Nazis founded the Central Intelligence Agency, the CDC, and NASA, while also infiltrating every agency and echelon of every other Western government. They achieved this through bribery, blackmail and the CIA’s MK-Ultra program, among other ruthless tactics.
‘Splintering Babylon’ also reveals the hidden history of the brave American presidents who warned us and who tried to thwart the Cabal’s evil agenda and connects the dots of a global military alliance that designed a counterplan, set on a parallel track, and timed it to destroy the Babylon Beast system before humanity plunges into the abyss. The Books of Daniel and Revelation uncannily prophesied this final battle — God’s law versus man-made Maritime Law, as foretold by the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.
If you’d like to get involved in the project, go HERE. Thank you!
And of course, because it’s Josh Reid and James Grundvig with me in this interview, the rest of the conversation is off-the-chain interesting.
Someone did a video that Mythraism was about contracts so that says a lot!n Do you have anything on that? If that is the case Christ promise is the breaking all withstanding contracts binding down the Human race. Their fake debt is also a scam and we are not bound to any of it! This was so rocking, 100%!
Well, that was epic! Not even close to an exaggeration for me to say that. I’m going to have to watch at least 2 more times. You mentioned flight 800 in one of your replies. My sister lived across the street from a pilot that was put in a circling pattern that day. He has since died of pancreatic cancer. Great guy who loved aviation. He told her that the word going around with the other pilots that the flights were shuffled around to accommodate Netanyahu’s plane, to change the flight order.
Fascinating discussion at the end. The great flood that destroyed that ancient civilization was probably incredibly more advanced technologically than we can even begin to imagine. Probably even more technologically advanced civilizations before that.
That bloodline nobility is likely the current “breakaway civilization” as it is commonly referred to. Freemasonry is full of references to the Phoenix. The bloodline “Black nobility” went underground because they know once every 138 years the Phoenix event returns to wipe out civilization. That is why they are going underground in DUMB facilities. The last Phoenix event occurred in 1902 only it wasn’t as severe as past Phoenix events. All the major corporations we see today had their start in 1902.
They will then reemerge with all the technical knowledge and “revered as Gods” to restart civilization.
If we are living in a simulacrum as Jason Breshears at Archaix has discovered as a chronologist and we are avatars in this construct, then AIX in Archaix would never allow a competing AI to be fully developed. Are the technocrats developing AI to prevent the coming next Phooenix event in 2014 as Archaix suspects?
Any references to extraterrestrial aliens is a false interpretation. Are we dealing with ancient AI or entities that are subterranean?
Someone, please help me get Alexandra Bruce and Jason Breshears connected so they can have a dialogue on this because many of the subjects discussed here overlap perfectly with Archaix.
BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street & most other big corporations started with oil money. In the early 70s, economists globally were saying : “60% to 70% of every dollar spent
on goods and services, in 1st, 2nd & 3rd world countries, goes to the Big Oily People. There are mining energy costs, refining energy costs, transportation energy costs, manufacturing energy costs, heating, cooling, & refrigeration energy costs, etc.
How will Free Energy change money flow ?
Free Energy will be the biggest tool to free ourselves from the NWO bankers control.
How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World ?
Revelation 21:23 The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it:
for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. [ = free energy]
King James Version
Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with ‘miry clay’,
they ‘shall mingle themselves with the seed of men’ . . .
‘miry clay’ – very muddy or boggy: swampy, oily [bubbling crude oil ?]
‘shall mingle themselves with the seed of men’ – causing genetic defects ?
Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides made from petroleum causes genetic defects.
RoundUp Glyphosates, Atrazine, DDT, and 1,000s of other toxic chemicals
made from ‘miry clay’ petroleum causes genetic defects.
This is happening today.
Needs more historic info. Study here: (watch all 12 hours if you can, this is only part 1)
Why Socialists Want to Destroy Western Civilization and Christianity | Prof. DiLorenzo 12:35
Here is a short synopsis of what needs to be front and center of political discourse!
Instead what do we hear from both sides of the New American Century mouth, war, war, war and if any one of you oppose us, we will take you to court and wear you down and out! Such are the children of the flesh, after the flesh and for the flesh in the service of Destroyer Lucifer who is their supreme god setting in the temple disguised as G-d! Would to our G-d that even one pulpit be manned by such an economist as this!
Instead what do we have? Pie in the sky in the sweet bye and bye with promises based upon twisted intepretations of the Bible to which they falsely claim fidelity. Instead they walk in the way of the flesh, which loves all that the world has to offer like the tribe they adore and emulate. Without giving one iota of authentic godly concern for their neighbors well being while fleecing their flocks in the service of their dearly adored carnal gods! This is the philosophic root of the political problem before us!
The solution is deliverance from evil-doing and healing of the American heart from all the carnality it has learned at govenment and university schools that has been reinforced 24/7 by television evangelists for the wide way that leads to destruction.
I apologize for this partizan sounding post, but someone needs to stand against any distraction away from what we are facing DEAD AHEAD! May it be clear that I am not a Trumper, but once again we appear to have been corralled into choosing the lesser of two evils! Maybe, beware there is an astonishing flow of cross currents.
I’m ninety and have never seen anything so alarming as what we are now facing over the coming weeks and months—not years, not yet.
But what are we facing? The end of America as founded and maintained for most of its life until this present generation which has lost its way. Talk of the Black Nobility is a distraction, perhaps responsible for our present sorrows, but far more responsible are current twisted radical religionists of two opposite but seemingly similar stripes in league with private investment banking interests who are yet on another crusade to take dominion of the nations. This is the MAIN THING!
Americans do not stand under any of the 3 Federal Constitutions – U.S. Citizens do… know the difference. Americans stand under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence – correct your political status now!
BTW, 14 Amendment was added to The Constitution of the United States of America (Inc). A Scottish chartered incorporated commercial corporation booted up in 1868 and later bankrupted in 1907 after the “Greenbacks” scandal.
Riddle me this….do privately owned commercial corporations have any authority over you if you don’t work for that corporation…let alone a bankrupt corporation? If a corporation you worked for at some point, but no longer work for, and that corporation later went bankrupt would you still have to adhere to any corporate policy they required? Duh
General Order 100 – The Lieber Code. The “District” system is Military. The British have the bulk of all our military contracts since 1789. SERCO is the paymaster. The Constitution of the United States of America is the British Territorial contract. Early 1800’s Webster’s Dictionary defines Federal as a synonym for contract. Federal Government = Contract Government. Our national capitol is Philadelphia, the District of Columbia is the headquarters for our subcontractors to meet on neutral turf and handle international commercial needs of the states and people. There are 3 subcontractors in DC: American, British and HRE (Holy Roman Empire) are all handling different services in different jurisdictions – each subcontractor has a Constitution ( equity contract) – there are 3 constitutions, one for each subcontractor.
1 – The Constitution for the united States of America (American Federal Republic) out of office
since 1860 Sine Die
2 – The Constitution of the United States of America ( Territorial British)
3 – The Constitution of the United States (HRE Municipal)
Oh boy, more history in a firehose, too much unsubstantiated speculations is dangerous and it has the potential to wreck the foundations upon which FKTV has been cautiously, circumspectly building. Adversarial interest are as I write, building a case against this, picking it apart to take FKTV apart.
What has happened in the past few days? It takes my breath away.