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Thierry on Twitter wrote: “Everybody who touches Zelinksy resigns.”

Which is interesting.

After failing the UK at every opportunity to serve Globalist interests, Boris Johnson resigns as prime minister, to which the Russian Kremlin expressed, “Good riddance.”

Italian prime minister, Mario Draghi, who helped deliver Italian weapons to Ukraine and rallied support for Ukraine’s entry into the EU announced his resignation.

Last month, Estonian prime minister, Kaja Kallas expelled the populist center-left Center Party, claiming that she needed to form a new government to support Ukraine in their war against Russia and on Thursday, Kallas officially resigned as a formality to form a new government, which she has already reached a consensus between the center-right Reform Party, the Social Democrats and the Conservative Fatherland Party, to form a new three-party government to support Ukraine.

And Sri Lanka’s president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who supported the Ukraine, despite sanctions crippling his own nation, emailed in his resignation after fleeing the country.

Beyond resignations and beyond meet-and-greets with Ukraine’s puppet president, Zelinskyy, we have also just seen the assassination of popular anti-Globalist leader, Shinzo Abe and the dramatic loss of confidence expressed by the people towards Macron, Trudeau and Biden.

What is happening, here?

On Celia Farber’s The Truth Barrier, Catherine Austin Fitts explains that, “We are seeing a clean-out or political castration of leaders – Draghi, Johnson, Biden, Macron, Abe.

“Their political capital is exhausted and/or they will not push the next wave aggressively.

“Mr Global is looking to bring in a whole new round of fresh, meaner leadership.”

The next wave is total collapse and it’s not easy to find people willing to be the fall guy for the destruction of a nation. It takes a special type of person, which might explain why California governor, Gavin Newsom visited the White House right after Joe Biden was shuffled off to Israel to mumble about the Holocaust.

Biden is even unsettling to the stupid and this entire operation requires stupidity.

So things are going to keep getting stranger but it probably won’t last much longer, because the global financial reset is not imminent. Sri Lanka was just the beginning and it looks like South Africa could be next, followed by everyone.

The fiat fractional reserve banking scheme has been robbing the people blind for decades but eventually, all the money runs out and the financial are all saying it’s this year.

The dollar has just reached parity with the euro and fudging the numbers will no longer work. They have only one solution left. And that’s war.

War has often been used to save failing fiat currencies and having no other options, the psychotic bureaucrats in charge will go to war with Russia, which will only hasten the financial collapse of the West.

If it comes to World War III, then it will be the final death blow, making way for a new system, which means that, unless you’re holding onto real money, you will soon be broke, because all that paper in our wallets and numbers on our screens is going to soon be worthless.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The current model of banking and currency is based on the Bank of England model, founded in 1694. Benjamin Franklin stated that the main reason for the American Revolutionary War was the insistence by George III that the American colonies accept Bank of England banknotes, which were issued as promissory notes, rather than use the increasingly successful American fiat script, issued by the colonies in the CORRECT quantity and not bearing debt! We must be prepared for a new monetary system, an honest one, when our present debt-based banking cartel collapses. Kindly read and critique this proposed Constitutional Amendment. But first, a little background…

    From “The Truth in Money Book” by Theodore R. Thorsen and Richard F Warner:
    QUOTE Someone had to borrow at usury to bring that money [checkbook balances, bills and coins] into existence. The money goes out of existence as the usury and the debt principal are paid back to the bank. These amounts are huge: several billion dollars go out of existence each day. [Actually this money goes into the reserve accounts of the Federal Reserve Banks, out of the hands of the public! This book was first printed in November 1980. The amounts which are withdrawn presently are much larger.] If the money is not replaced with new loans, a shortage occurs. Soon individuals and businesses experience serious cash flow problems. These result in more and more loan applications to banks—the only place where money is being created to replenish the supply” UNQUOTE

    Here is one possible solution—-To Hell with Fractional-Reserve Debt-Based Banking Constitutional Amendment

    (1) Rescind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and rename existing Federal Reserve notes and check book balances, in all U.S. banking and credit-creating institutions as well as foreign holdings of dollars, on a 1-to-1 basis, as U.S. Treasury Dollars and U.S.Treasury-Denominated bank balances. All currently existing financial contracts of the Federal Reserve Banking System, including United States Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, and Inflation-Protected Securities, remain in effect.

    (2) Henceforward, ex nihilo credit creation by banking and financial institutions in the United States is prohibited. Loans are required to originate from previous savings of U.S. Treasury Dollars and U.S. Treasury-Denominated bank balances, which for each loan are held in and paid from specific sequestered loan accounts by the various financial institutions, with interest charges and term limits for each loan to be determined solely by the contracting parties. Non-cash reserves held in the regional Federal Reserve Banks in accounts of the member institutions of the Federal Reserve System no longer form the basis for credit creation and are extinguished via accounting erasure. Any further payments of principal and interest on currently-existing promissory notes owned by any bank are required to be distributed to holders of savings accounts and checking accounts in that bank in a manner to be determined by each bank, such procedures to be transparent to savings or checking account holders at that bank in terms of amount and frequency of payment. Regional Federal Reserve Banks continue to provide check-clearing operations for the member banks.

    (3) Monetary transactions of the regional Federal Reserve banks or of its member banks with international banks, including the Bank of International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund, can not include ex nihilo credit creation.

    (4) The U.S. Treasury supplies Treasury Dollars as needed to any member bank of the Federal Reserve system to satisfy demands for cash by deposit and savings account holders in excess of cash reserves held by banks at the time of enactment of this amendment.

    (5) Fund the U.S. government and its agencies and projects directly via Treasury Dollars authorized by the Congress in its yearly federal budget. The borrowing of money from the Federal Reserve system of banks or from other institutions or individuals to pay for federal government expenditures is prohibited. All outstanding Treasury Securities are henceforward redeemed on demand via payment with U.S. Treasury Dollars.

    (6) Abolish the Federal Income Tax on individuals, corporations, and business enterprises while maintaining a social security tax on individual incomes. Social security retirement revenues are strictly sequestered in Federal Government Retirement Accounts held by the U.S. Treasury and managed by the Social Security Administration. The Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is hereby rescinded and the Internal Revenue Service disbanded.

    (7) Institute a federal sales tax with a varying yearly tax rate adjusted by the U.S. Congress in session, the sole aim of such adjustments being to maintain a stable or decreasing Consumer Price Index based on data collected by the Federal Government. Any such federal sales taxes taken in by the Federal Government are extinguished from the currency supply to keep the Consumer Price Index stable or decreasing and are not utilized for further funding.

    (8) Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution is amended to read as follows: The Congress shall have Power to collect customs duties on imports and exports, uniformly applied throughout the United States, and to provide for the Defence and general Welfare of the United States.

    (9) Article 1, Section 8, Clause 2 of the U. S. Constitution is rescinded.

    (10) The adoption of this amendment does not prohibit the use by the citizens of the United States of any alternative currencies they should choose to use in their private or commercial transactions, provided both parties to the transaction agree to the medium of exchange.

  • The words of Putin are positive, but in today’s world, who knows what is real? Rudolf Steiner predicted Russia would be the Hope of the World and the US appears to be involved in its own demise, especially since Biden became titular head of the country. The US gov is full of WEF trained operatives similar to Peter Buttigige, head of the powerful Transportation Dept. What better position for a Klaus Schwaub stooge (golden boy) to destoy the system which is basic to the US supply chain base of our whole economic system. Reminds me of the book, The Enemy Within.. can the US become more self Destructive? Putin’words sound like hope….but that could be an illusion.


  • This coming week central banks, beginning with the European Central bank, embark upon yet another round of debt market SUPER-RIGGING. This new round of debt market manipulation, ON AN UNLIMITED SCALE, is to further allow central banks to continue to inflate. Furthermore, to also push off for now an immediate lock up of the system.

    Just this past Friday it was Bloomberg who first broke the story of the ECB to begin UNLIMITED BOND BUYING, which reads as below.

    The European Central Bank will unveil an unlimited bond-buying tool next week to help markets better adjust to steeper and faster interest-rate increases.

    Look at the wording of the Bloomberg statement/report above. This unlimited bond buying TOOL is being sold as a way to “help the markets better adjust to steeper and faster interest-rate increases.” What is being left out of this report is this; an unlimited bond buying move by the ECB, which will be followed up by the Federal Reserve, IS MASSIVELY INFLATIONARY.

    Moreover, this announcement by the ECB sparked a stock market rally on Wall Street last Friday. Unlimited bond buying is massively stock market positive, as it further artificially suppresses rates therefore fostering a “risk-on” environment- and subsequently cash makes its way back into equities/stocks.

    Understand… at its core the global financial system is rapidly becoming illiquid, that is for the current debt-based system to function, debt must unrelentingly be added to the system exponentially.

    The literal nanosecond that a single dollar of debt is not added to the system, the system itself dies.

    Death of the current financial system will result in a “locking up” of the entire system, and ALL TRANSACTIONS STOP. Not only do all transactions stop, but people will lose their ability to access any of the cash in their bank accounts, savings accounts, checking accounts, money markets, annuities, stock portfolios, CD’s, etc. Inter-business lending also stops. The result will be pandemonium in the streets. People will then look to the same entities who allowed this to happen, by design, for help- and out of the ashes a new system will be introduced- a system of extreme control.

    The current debt based economic model is dying by design, and this can be easily seen by simply observing the current action of central banks- and unlimited bond buying is a BIG tell.

    There are other ways as well to see that the system is dying. The Federal Reserve is deeply engaged in a scheme where it moves VAST amounts of debt overnight between institutions. This REPO, or “repurchasing agreement,” moves TRILLIONS of dollars back and forth between institutions in an effort to “trick the system” into thinking that there is more liquidity in the system than there actually is.

    The current global financial system is insolvent, and without constantly fueling it with vast amounts of more debt, the current system dies. And it is dying now.

    • The current model of banking and currency is based on the Bank of England model, founded in 1694. Benjamin Franklin stated that the main reason for the American Revolutionary War was the insistence by George III that the American colonies accept Bank of England banknotes, which were issued as promissory notes, rather than use the increasingly successful American fiat script, issued by the colonies in the CORRECT quantity and not bearing debt! We must be prepared for a new monetary system, an honest one, when our present debt-based banking cartel collapses. Kindly read and critique this proposed Constitutional Amendment. But first, a little background…

      From “The Truth in Money Book” by Theodore R. Thorsen and Richard F Warner:
      QUOTE Someone had to borrow at usury to bring that money [checkbook balances, bills and coins] into existence. The money goes out of existence as the usury and the debt principal are paid back to the bank. These amounts are huge: several billion dollars go out of existence each day. [Actually this money goes into the reserve accounts of the Federal Reserve Banks, out of the hands of the public! This book was first printed in November 1980. The amounts which are withdrawn presently are much larger.] If the money is not replaced with new loans, a shortage occurs. Soon individuals and businesses experience serious cash flow problems. These result in more and more loan applications to banks—the only place where money is being created to replenish the supply” UNQUOTE

      Here is one possible solution—-To Hell with Fractional-Reserve Debt-Based Banking Constitutional Amendment

      (1) Rescind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and rename existing Federal Reserve notes and check book balances, in all U.S. banking and credit-creating institutions as well as foreign holdings of dollars, on a 1-to-1 basis, as U.S. Treasury Dollars and U.S.Treasury-Denominated bank balances. All currently existing financial contracts of the Federal Reserve Banking System, including United States Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, and Inflation-Protected Securities, remain in effect.

      (2) Henceforward, ex nihilo credit creation by banking and financial institutions in the United States is prohibited. Loans are required to originate from previous savings of U.S. Treasury Dollars and U.S. Treasury-Denominated bank balances, which for each loan are held in and paid from specific sequestered loan accounts by the various financial institutions, with interest charges and term limits for each loan to be determined solely by the contracting parties. Non-cash reserves held in the regional Federal Reserve Banks in accounts of the member institutions of the Federal Reserve System no longer form the basis for credit creation and are extinguished via accounting erasure. Any further payments of principal and interest on currently-existing promissory notes owned by any bank are required to be distributed to holders of savings accounts and checking accounts in that bank in a manner to be determined by each bank, such procedures to be transparent to savings or checking account holders at that bank in terms of amount and frequency of payment. Regional Federal Reserve Banks continue to provide check-clearing operations for the member banks.

      (3) Monetary transactions of the regional Federal Reserve banks or of its member banks with international banks, including the Bank of International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund, can not include ex nihilo credit creation.

      (4) The U.S. Treasury supplies Treasury Dollars as needed to any member bank of the Federal Reserve system to satisfy demands for cash by deposit and savings account holders in excess of cash reserves held by banks at the time of enactment of this amendment.

      (5) Fund the U.S. government and its agencies and projects directly via Treasury Dollars authorized by the Congress in its yearly federal budget. The borrowing of money from the Federal Reserve system of banks or from other institutions or individuals to pay for federal government expenditures is prohibited. All outstanding Treasury Securities are henceforward redeemed on demand via payment with U.S. Treasury Dollars.

      (6) Abolish the Federal Income Tax on individuals, corporations, and business enterprises while maintaining a social security tax on individual incomes. Social security retirement revenues are strictly sequestered in Federal Government Retirement Accounts held by the U.S. Treasury and managed by the Social Security Administration. The Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is hereby rescinded and the Internal Revenue Service disbanded.

      (7) Institute a federal sales tax with a varying yearly tax rate adjusted by the U.S. Congress in session, the sole aim of such adjustments being to maintain a stable or decreasing Consumer Price Index based on data collected by the Federal Government. Any such federal sales taxes taken in by the Federal Government are extinguished from the currency supply to keep the Consumer Price Index stable or decreasing and are not utilized for further funding.

      (8) Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution is amended to read as follows: The Congress shall have Power to collect customs duties on imports and exports, uniformly applied throughout the United States, and to provide for the Defence and general Welfare of the United States.

      (9) Article 1, Section 8, Clause 2 of the U. S. Constitution is rescinded.

      (10) The adoption of this amendment does not prohibit the use by the citizens of the United States of any alternative currencies they should choose to use in their private or commercial transactions, provided both parties to the transaction agree to the medium of exchange.

  • WWIII will not require anything more than a weapon for protection and food, and a lean-to for shelter. We will not need money – nothing to1 buy. There will be more aggressive humans who want more stuff and they will become the new leaders by force. Your hope for a better future by castrating the current (democratic) leader’s power is a hopeless endeavour. Anyone, far right and left and all in between will vie for a higher societal position and our society will continue as it always has. We are all ignorant cave-dwellers circling a campfire-do you thing we wil change? Sheesh!

    • and Abe was not “anti-” globalists (from context and Wikipropagandia)

      Here’s a VERY simple solution:

      Convert all public and private debt to electronic credit money (the EBT SNAP system could be converted for use almost immediately). That becomes the base.

      Wealth is thereby captured.

      Then we replace all income-based taxation with an “infrastructure maintenance fee” of 1% per month off EVERY account.

      Use part of the collected fees to funds the various levels of govt on an equal per capita basis, part to compensate every legal resident with $500 in credits for the govts “taking” of their right to free access to land sufficient to support their currently-problematic “right to life”, and use what’s left to incentivize other populations to join up with us.

      (The compensation for minors born after implementation would be held in trust; that of minors born before implementation would be 50% available for current needs, giving the banks something to do.)

      [The $500/wk compensation would replace all forms of personal and corporate welfare, including Social Security and Minimum Wage Laws. It also would incentivize businesses (looking at you Jeff Bezos) to treat employees really well as they will no longer be able to extort their employees to work for crap wages under unsafe working conditions.]

      An analogy can be made to the blood delivery and control system of the human body: the heart (govt) pumps the blood (money) around to every cell, making sure there is enough, but not too much.

      The current system is analogous to cancer: a few cells collect way too much blood and jeopardize the survival of the body.

      [Supply can be easily controlled by multiplying the balance of each account by a factor greater (to increase supply) or less (to diminish supply) than 1, in order to keep a benchmark price (of gold or Bitcoin or a basket of commodities or other goods) stable.]

      The breakeven point in the system is a bit over $200,000: up to that point your monthly compensation will be more than your monthly fees. Under this system, no matter how much you start off with, if you don’t add anything to your wealth in 10 years you will be at the “just over $200,000” breakeven point.

      More at

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