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Former candidate for Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District and producer of ‘ROUTE 91: Uncovering the Cover-Up of the Vegas Mass Shooting’, Mindy Robinson presents the strange discrepancies in the appearance of our fearless leader, Joe Biden, as seen in recent videos uploaded to the White House official YouTube channel.

Mindy says, “There’s this video going around where Biden gives two speeches the same day, and it doesn’t even look like the same person. No one knows if it’s a deep fake CGI thing, or they just gave him a bunch of Adderall and cocaine.”

Perhaps the most shocking part is how – straight from the White House official YouTube channel – the video contains a jump cut in the middle of his speech and Joe Biden’s face and tone of voice appear to transform into those of a completely different person.

Mindy’s video also includes clips of the top of Joe’s head disappearing, as he walks through the White House and that time when his hands passed through reporters’ microphones, in two flagrant green screen failures.

Then she reminds us about how the Fake News was finally forced to admit that the Biden Regime was using a fake Oval Office for their press briefings, after denying it for several months.

Mindy quips, “Honestly, at this point, if Biden’s face fell off and there was a lizard there, it would make more sense than anything else going on right now.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Does it really matter whether theis psycho is a reptilian shape shifter or cocaine addict or CGI?

    Whats not fake is the f*ckery of the government no matter whose face it is.
    Face off

  • Presidents always have doubles to use in dangerous situations. It is TREASON to use doubles to hide the fact you have an alzheimers,pedophile idiot as fake president. They better pray to their God Satan that we never get back in power. We will will try and then execute millions for TREASON!

    • Queen Obama the dictator/antichrist now in office since 2008-2023 is all you need to be concerned with, other than the Nazi $$ man George Soros… sLo-jOe is just another zoo animal to keep you distracted, former janitor, dumber than a rock, the only reason the corrupt dictator Obama was not impeached was because next in line was the impaired slobbering, stuttering parot for Obama/Soros.
      sLo-jOe Biden, was purposefully placed as Obama vp for a impeachment insurance policy. (it worked, the only assignment this Elmer Fudd, Mr. Magoo, corrupt retarded illegitimate. corrupt, pedofile has accomplished.)

    • Queen Obama the dictator/antichrist now in office since 2008-2023 is all you need to be concerned with, other than the Nazi $$ man George Soros… sLo-jOe is just another zoo animal to keep you distracted, former janitor, dumber than a rock, the only reason the corrupt dictator Obama was not impeached was because next in line was the impaired slobbering, stuttering parot for Obama/Soros.
      sLo-jOe Biden, was purposefully placed as Obama vp for an impeachment insurance policy. (it worked, the only assignment this Elmer Fudd, Mr. Magoo, corrupt mentally impaired, illegitimate Nazi WEF, Luciferian pedofile has accomplished.)

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