Cannibalizing the Truth Movement and attacking Everyone
Not a good day

by Sarah Westall

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Looked up Sarah Westall video’s & tried watching the entire one with Dave Hodgekins titled “Is There a Border Standoff.” I knew about this fat cat Dave dating back to Donald Trump’s first election, & I found historical events being repeated then, just to keep a certain Narrative among the populace, meaning keep them Dumb Down. So in today’s time, I found him to be your typical Propagandist to promote fear in the wrong categories, namely, the Border, which he states “Russia & China were in the waiting to carve out the United States.” So, I now Know where this piece of misinformation came from.

  • The most important minutes in this interview is 6:30 -8:30.
    Navy Seal quote to Sarah “All Navy Seals work for a Mercenary Company. The government is now outsourcing most of that work.”
    This has always been the case! My father in-law from Mexico received his U.S. Citizenship for fighting in the Korean War.
    My daughters husbands Mexican uncle received his Citizenship to the United States for fighting in WW2, to go kill Germans. & Had a U.S. postal job waiting for him in California.
    Perhaps this is why the Texas Border is wide open. Question, who are they going to be hired to fight…..

  • I have been a longtime fan of her research, which should be clear to everyone. When I saw what a sadistic bully she was toward Sarah Westall, I did a double-take and I found she has a history of being a sadistic cyber bully.

    I don’t know if she has self-agency or not. I don’t know if she is a full-blown psychopath who enjoys inflicting pain on others or if she has split personalities who enjoy inflicting pain on others but either way, I do not abide bullies.

    She has many, many aliases and personas. It’s not normal. Something odd is going on with her.

    Her name is Sherri Nelson. “Polly St George” is the full name of her “Amazing Polly” persona.

    Here is her 2013 bio on her website on the WaybackMachine:

    It includes photos of her and it says she lives in Kingston, which is where “Polly St George” lives.

    Here’s her art site, BonesNelson, which also includes a photo of her from 2014:

    Here’s a 2012 local news article on Sherri Nelson with a photo of her and her daughter and that same Día de los Muertos art:

  • This not the first commentary I have presented on what is by far a bigger threat to our republican form of government than any of this brouhaha, and not a peep from anyone. Soooo, follow the bouncing ball here.

    Let’s start with something upon which we can all agree. Numero uno, Bernie Madoff made off with investors money, right? But Bernie was not alone, yet you never hear of Jeffry Picower, who allegedly conspired with fellow billionaire Madoff to defraud investors! Picower died in 2009 in his swimming pool in Palm Beach FL unconvicted of anything. Jeffrys billionaire wife Barbara continues peddling influence as one of nation’s top foundations, the JPB Foundation. Now the plot thickens.

    Another billionaire by the name of Steve Schwarzman and his private equity (PE) firm, the Blackstone Group is said to be one such beneficiary of the JPB Foundation. Living Cities is another. These funds insidiously undermine our social order and our republican form of government by paying for political campaigns and worse, paying for social programs people don’t want. But, Schwarzman hardly needed JBP’s assist. His holdings in easy money nameable Las Vegas casinos is well known, at least to some who bother to look into these things. Blackstone, is also reportedly involved with the present gov of Ukraine and planning involvement with China in 2024. Schwarzman also “worked” with the Trump administration.

    Another senior executive in the Blackstone private equity firm, is also a huge billionaire investor in multiple sports teams and trustee in Donald Trumps alma mater the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Economics where students are taught how to pull the levers of private equity funds. I hope I’m not putting anybody to sleep with too much information.

    One last tidbit then—Larry Fink, CEO of another PE rocker, BlackRock private equity firm is in the top third of all investment fund managements, w/apparent cozy relationships with the CIA, is also an influential stockholder in many corporations, money management schemes, finance, trustee NYU and an active member of the World Economic Forum.

    Now that you have a baseline, be advised that hedge fund billionaires and private equity fund billionaires are sucking the financial lifebood out of our nation with easy money ventures that skim the cream off investors milk! And that their like ilk have infiltrated such universities as U of PA, U of Chicago, Harvard and Columbia where they teach their craft as a respectable business practice.

    Private equity and hedge funds are proliferating at an alarming rate and too few are paying any attention while old fashioned “worker bees” squabble over lesser matters.

  • This was great!! Thank you for standing up for so many of these courageous people who are being attacked by Not so Amazing Poly.

  • I didn’t even bother reading 99% of these messages though, is this an X-treme version of cat fights or what LOL

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