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Poking fun at Millennials has become a popular sport even for some Millennials.

Every generation since the Boomers has been called puerile and lazy by its elders however, the “slacker” GenXers have ended up founding the most start-ups per capita than any other, so it’s likely that Millennials will eventually pull through (we hope). The comparatively small cohort of GenXers, formerly known as “Latch-Key Kids” are largely the children of The Silent Generation, who themselves were born during the Great Depression, largely as the children of The Lost Generation.

The Silent Generation was the first generation in American history to be smaller than the generation that preceded them and they’ve been called “The Lucky Few” because they came into adulthood during the relatively prosperous 1950s and early 1960s. Although they also came of age under McCarthyism and are considered to be conformist, they did initiate the mass wave of divorce, which continues to this day.

Millennials are for the most part the children of the Boomers and have recently overtaken them as the largest generation. As the Boomers’ children, Millennials share with them descriptors like “narcissistic” and “entitled”. Contrary to what the PBSIdeaChannel’s Mike Rugnetta states here, the Millennials’ grandparents are largely of The Great Generation, so this figures.

Of course, boiling down an entire generation of people into a neat set of descriptors is ridiculous but it’s driven by marketing and has therefore also resulted in the pinning of blame on Millennials for the collapse of entire industries, like automobiles and fast food items, like the Chicken McWrap (!)

This would be predictable in our current “clickbait dystopia” as Rugnetta calls it. His riff here is very amusing and the piece is pretty hilarious.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • As time goes by; we can use it, we can abuse it, we can call it different names, but, it is what we have to play with. You can make things, destroy things, find things, and loose them as well. But to find something that you just “need” to do, to find a calling, something that winds you up, gives you a reason to be, “that” is what I have been looking for. I’m a boomer, from the early 50’s I have seen this world go through some minor changes. And hope to see much more. I don’t really care what generation you are from, just enjoy the ride, make changes for yourself, your loved ones, think of a world where we can learn from each other, instead of kill each other, for someone else to profit from. May you live long, and prosper from the past. Build, learn, have an open mind, be kind to all.

  • I’ve no doubt there is a website that explains the numbers used above to describe the generational information presented. However, this is what Boomers grew up knowing.

    Boomers are the Millennials grandparents, not their parents. The US marketing machine has continually pressed the Boomer timeline forward, pushing it out to include the birth of Boomers’ children in this case. I hear 50-somethings and sometime 40-somethings call themselves Boomers. Not. Boomers ended with those born in the early 50’s. Boomers grew up in the 50’s and 60’s, went to college in the late 60’s and early 70’s. The MSM machine used to state 1955 as the birth year cut-off of the Boomer generation. Our parents were from the Great Depression and the WWII. Most of the Boomers were born in the latter part of the 40’s into the early 50’s following that war. Our children are the GenXers and their children are the Millennials–hence our grandchildren. Of course, the delineation is approximate but the continual pushing forward of the official MSM Boomer birth timeline now ekes forward into our children’s generation; the mass is in their 40’s today. I’ve watched as this marketing machine has changed the timeline again and again. I can only surmise it’s attached to monetary gain somehow.

    And one more item. The term “latchkey” kids was forged in the press during the early 60’s to describe children whose mothers worked. I was one. I was called this by the neighbors. It was considered reprehensible that the children of these bad mothers had to came home to a “cold house” and worse? They actually had a key to enter the family home–unheard of then. Of course, within a decade most mothers were working outside the home as a necessity and the term quickly dropped out of use

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