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This latest video by Greg Reese is absolutely hair-raising! It looks like we’re being given major disclosure about UFOs, Antarctica and exotic technology to distract us from the revelations about the Biden Crime Family and the Deep State’s pathetic efforts to stop Trump.



During World War II, the Nazis’ most classified project was known as Die Glocke, “The Bell”. Secret documents found years later reveal that the Bell was a new kind of exotic energy technology that could affect time and defy gravity.

In 1939, the Nazis set up a secret base in Antarctica known as  [Neuschwabenland] “New Swabia”.

Starting in 1945, Operation Paperclip secretly brought hundreds of Nazi scientists into America, where they were hired by the Military Industrial Complex.

In 1946, Admiral Richard Byrd led a military expedition known as Operation Highjump to seek out Nazi base, New Swabia and other Antarctica bases. On his way back to the US, Admiral Byrd told Chilean newspaper, El Mercurio that in the event of a new war, the US would be facing military craft that can fly from one pole to another with incredible speed.

In 1959, a dozen nations signed the Antarctic Treaty, making it illegal for anyone to travel south of the 60th Parallel without government permission.

Since then, curious videos have circulated that show what appear to be Nazi UFOs. And just last Monday, Dr Steven Greer introduced Antarctica whistleblower, Eric Hecker:

In 2010, I was selected to go down to the South Pole Station in Antarctica for an entire year by Raytheon Polar Services as an employee of a third party contractor for the National Science Foundation. I functioned in a dual capacity as a tradesman and a firefighter. My responsibilities required me to be more informed than most of my crew and offered me complete access to the facilities. What I learned from this unique experience needs to be shared with the entire world.  

The technology at the South Pole Station certainly can do what is its primary purposes – and unfortunately, much more.

The IceCube Neutrino Detector is presented as a ‘passive listening device’ for the purpose of the science as presented but I’m going to skip right through the chase, Folks. I have provided documentation that proves that 5,160 what they call ‘DOMs’ that are embedded in the ice can actually transmit at 2,057 Volts each.     

That gives a long list of things to consider. It is effectively a multi-faceted Directed Energy Weapons platform that I will list, rapidly a few things that it can do:

Vehicle detection – we’re learning that these off-world craft, on-world craft, ours or from any other nation are also emitting neutrinos, so this makes the South Pole Station effectively an air traffic control station for this new level of equipment that nobody’s discussing. 

In addition to the ability to detect neutrinos and the exotic vehicles, I provided documentation that this is also a system for the faster-than-light communications.

In the past, Gary McKinnon has hacked NASA, found the off-world fleet, the list of captains and it’s apparent that if we have faster-than-light vehicles moving throughout the system, we’re going to need faster-than-light communications. This is that facility.

Unfortunately, I have other bad news. The season that I was there, in 2010 to 2011, we converted from construction to operations in maintenance in both the elevated station and the Detector Array.

Unfortunately, when they fired it up, that was when we had the earthquakes [1 & 2] in Christchurch, New Zealand.

There were two incidental shots, where they were able to target it correctly. This is an earthquake-generating device, as well.

These are the weapons of war we have to deal with now – and what Raytheon’s hiding. 

There’s an ELF system at the South Pole Station and when I arrived, I was told it was off, dismantled and completely defunct. In my work, I will rapidly just tell you that I had to figure out the circuitry for certain other repairs and I found that this system is, in fact completely energized, up and running and being utilized with the other systems for nefarious purposes, as well.

The Atmospheric Research Observatory is in what we call the ‘Clean Air Sector’. I witnessed myself a very powerful green laser shooting out of the top of this facility into the cosmos.

This, I believe is a secondary form of long-range communications and/or a defense system.

A question of power comes into play for all of these facilities that are present. I assure you, I knew what was going on, I knew the load demands of the facility and all of these new items exceed the demand for the systems that I was presented. 

In doing due diligence and research, I believe there is a secondary power supply there that is either nuclear, that was there prior to the start of the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits such things and/or that there is some sort of exotic power supply system there that is not in the verbiage of the Treaty, so it negates the responsibility to the parties that are involved.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Would we need to have a super duper secret space force if we didn’t already have crafts that can operate in space. The off world fleet makes spaceX , NASA’s space out house station and any future rocket ship returns to the moon or Mars a monumental fraud . Launching the Disclosure Industrial Complex narrative during pride month to support the good guy gay space aliens and the deep state gay space initiative . Kamelhoe the new gay space ambassador has ordered new knee pads to welcome the very foreign dignitaries when the proper pronoun policies apply. The south pole alien service station (truck stop) will finally get the attention it deserves.

  • Any tie in to this re the high powered visitors to the South Pole, including the Pope, Kerry, etc.?

    Was a “peacetime” demonstration held that showed they could communicate on a trans-dimensional basis with entities on a higher frequency or something along those lines? The elephant in the room was the Pope and the Eastern Orthodox Pope’s presence. Why?

  • If you don’t like anything going on by the banksters, big tech, big farma, government, tough shit. There’s absolutely nothing you can do. Just move along. But if you actually had a voice, a real voice, And Not your slave bah bah, bullshit, you could stop this crap. But the globalists set up this Representative form of government, modeled after the Roman slave senatorial system, to fool and control us. All Representatives are bought off, blackmailed, compromised and controlled by The East India Trading Company, from The City of London and their banksters. We desperately NEED Direct Democracy. And people like Alex Jones and Mike Adams, who claim that direct democracy is mob rule are controlled opposition. Because of course it’s mob rule. It’s the whole damn mob of us Daring to make our own laws and run our own affairs. Why would a free human allow others to make their laws and run their affairs? No one is more hopelessly enslaved than he who thinks he’s free. Thanks for allowing me to speak, Capt Joe Kelley.

  • The word that I get is that this is exactly what caused the monster Turkey – Syria earthquakes a few months ago, along with the monster Tornadoes that cut a 200-mile swath a mile wide.
    These unnatural events are created by Geoengineering like that by HAARP. However…
    I’d pay good money to see a major earthquake at DC. Talk about “Wag the Dog”! I’d love it.

    • Nope, the earthquakes were of natural phenomenon caused by the Magnetic North Pole slowly moving, as it does every 2,000 years.

  • “The technology at the South Pole Station certainly can do what is its primary purposes – and unfortunately, much more.”

    “..certainly can do what is its primary purposes..”

    im sorry, WHAT?!?

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