Alexandra Bruce
December 27, 2014
Richard Williams, stage name Prince Ea has lived in St. Louis Missouri ever since he was born there, in 1988. He’s won numerous prizes for his style of Conscious Rap and has a successful underground clothing line. I ran a video of his, last September, which was spectacularly well-received:
In this clip, he responds to the recent international spotlight placed on his personal neighborhood of Ferguson, Missouri.
The question is: “How do you fix Ferguson?”
He says, the way that we fix Ferguson is the way we fix everywhere else. He says, “We have to stop and be open to the possibility that we’ve been brainwashed, on every single level of our lives. Brainwashed with conditioned thoughts; thoughts that we’ve killed over, died over, gotten angry, sad and depressed over.
“We’re so loyal to these thoughts, right? But we’ve got to question them, because they were created by the culture we were born in. Look at that word: CULT-ure. And it taught us that there was ‘race’ and we believed it. It taught us that ‘war and violence was peace’ and we believed it. It taught us that ‘Love was weakness’ and we believed it…we ate it up!
…”Just because our parents or grandparents believed something or did something doesn’t mean that we have to continue that cycle. This is our time, here, right now, as I stand here, right now. This is our time. Billions have come before us and billions will come after us but we have a chance, right now to make a real difference – or we could die, doing the same thing that we’ve been doing, expecting different results.
“Everybody’s worried about changing…the outside. But we’ve forgotten about that which is *looking* outside, which is ourselves.
“Who are you? Is the question. Who are you, in the deepest sense? I’m not talking about your [redacted] race or your ethnicity or your heritage or your [redacted] ancestry – I’m not even talking about your experiences or your memory. Who ARE you, in the deepest sense?
“…There will never be external peace, without, at first, internal peace. And once you figure that out – I promise you, the entire world will transform and change. And as More and more people find themselves find themselves, mankind has the opportunity to transform into Kind Man.
“Jesus once said, ‘Forgive them, for they know not what they do,’…they know not what they do, because they know not who they ARE!
“A lot of people won’t understand the words that I’m saying, they just won’t hear it. Some people will respond negatively.
“But for the few of you guys watching this – wherever you’re watching this – I urge you to try it.
“Try to find out who you are, inside of your body…what have you got to lose?”
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