The story about the Fed merging with the Treasury, with the Fed OWING the $22 trillion debt and the Treasury OWNING the secured assets and interest on the US’ $22 trillion debt, thus making the debt “the asset of the American People” has really gotten a lot of us excited. Wouldn’t that be amazing, if true?
My Internet-illiterate, yet investment-savvy friend (who gave me garbled info about the Federal Reserve website’s URL change) insists that the Treasury hasn’t “taken over” the Fed. However, he does say that “the man in the White House figured out how to cut a deal and get things done – it will save a lot of businesses.”
He says that what the Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) devised by the Trump Administration will do is enable the Treasury to finance this $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package WITHOUT INTEREST.
Another person who does not believe for one second that our national debt has become our national asset is Catherine Austin Fitts.
She responded on Sunday about the Q post, that it “Described turning over enormous Fed Powers to BlackRock and described that as putting Patriots in charge of the Fed. The guy who runs BlackRock was going to be Clinton’s Secretary of Treasury. I used to work with BlackRock. NO PATRIOTS THERE!”
BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with $7.4 trillion in assets under management. It is a leading player of the Globalist financier establishment.
Still, Q posted about these SPVs for a reason…
Remember ten days ago, I told you about that weird phone call my retired Marine friend received from a 3-Star General? This friend has had an asset recovery business for years and the premise of the phone call was to potentially hire him as a contractor to transport massive amounts of prisoners – people who were about to be arrested. To whit, “160,000 in 90 days.”
Clearly, the briefing was laden with disinformation. The General said the financial assets of the Globalist bankster cabal would be seized to repay the US Government’s $22 trillion debt, the IRS and the Fed will be abolished and thereafter, there would only be a consumption tax. There would be medical breakthroughs, the release of suppressed information about alternative energy and the long-awaited disclosure about extraterrestrial life – plus travel to planets outside the Solar System for regular folks.
All of this is straight-up NESARA. Why was this general talking about NESARA?
Have any of you ever received those starry-eyed emails about NESARA? I have. Ten years ago, I was being deluged with emails from folks who were positively enraptured by NESARA. It’s the original Hope Porn. I guess they didn’t do a very good job of explaining it to me, because I came away associating NESARA with proponents of Hatonn, the Arcturian Council and the Ashtar Command.
Well, I just found out something crazy.
NESARA, which stands for the National Economic Security and Recovery Act was conceived by Harvey Francis Barnard, who held a doctorate in Systems Theory that he applied to economics.
NESARA was an economic recovery proposal based on the root causes he identified, namely that debt is the number one economic factor inhibiting the growth of the economy and that compound interest is the number one “moral evil”. In the mid-1990s, he sent copies to members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits – but it was ignored. In 2000, he released the proposal into the public domain on his website.
NESARA was subsequently hijacked by a New Age “cybercult queen”, Shaini Candace Goodwin (aka “Dove of Oneness”), who claimed the act had been signed into law by President Bill Clinton and that it was about to be implemented at 10AM on September 11, 2001 – but that the computers and data on the beneficiaries of the trillions in “Prosperity Funds” were destroyed in the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, which she claimed were orchestrated by President George W Bush for the specific purpose of distracting everybody from NESARA.
NESARA mushroomed into a dominant theme of an entire international ecosystem of New Age luminaries and extraterrestrial contactees, including Sheldon Nidle, Jennifer Lee and Sherry Shriner, who all published about it regularly and still do.
On his deathbed in 2005, Harvey Barnard heard about Goodwin’s claims about NESARA and denied NESARA had been enacted into law, condemning Goodwin’s allegations as a disinformation campaign. Goodwin, in turn, dismissed Bernard’s NESARA Institute as a disinformation front for the Bush family (!)
But here’s where it gets REALLY crazy: The title of Bernard’s NESARA proposal is Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.
One of Trump’s top three slogans is associated with all of the craziness above – and we are living it now!
Godfather of the Rothschild banking cartel, Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”
In a recent Bloomberg article, ‘The Fed’s Cure Risks Being Worse than the Disease’, Jim Bianco explains what is now happening with the Federal Reserve Bank in their response to the coronavirus. He writes, “This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization, so meet your new Fed Chairman, Donald J Trump.”
Did President Trump just nationalize the Federal Reserve Bank? On June 4th, 1963, President John F Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110, which many believe was an effort to transfer power from the Federal Reserve Bank to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve notes with silver certificates, thereby taking the power away from the international banking cartels. Less than six months later, President Kennedy was assassinated and his move against the Fed was reversed.
During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln printed $400 million worth of Greenbacks, a debt-free, interest-free money, independent of international bank control. In response, the London Times wrote that, “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic should become indurated down to a fixture then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
The bankers were not willing to lose power and the Bank of England went on to fund the Confederacy. Weeks prior to Lincoln’s assassination, assassin John Wilkes Booth spent time in Montreal, known as the “Confederate capital of Canada” and was found after the assassination with a banknote from Ontario Bank. Booth’s personal manager, was banker, Joseph Simonds. After Lincoln was killed, power was restored to the international banking cartel.
The National Economic Security and Recovery Act, known as NESARA was a set of proposed economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Bernard. Bernard created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s. He sent copies to members of Congress but was ignored. In 2001, he established the NESARA Institute and published the second edition of his book in 2005, re-titling it, ‘Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform’.
The policies included replacing the Income Tax with a National Sales Tax, abolishing compound interest on unsecured loans and returning to a “bimetallic currency” (gold and silver), which he claimed would result in zero percent inflation and a more stable economy.
There is a big buzz on the Internet that President Trump is implementing this plan. There is also speculation that this is part of a huge global economic reset, GESARA to be decided at the international World Court of The Hague. If this is true, certainly this decision has been decided years ago and we are just now feeling the effects.
The coronavirus scare is beginning to look like a false alarm but the reaction is looking just like a false flag and it seems that when we come out the other end of this the world will be different.
You have misinterpreted the NESARA acroynm. The true NESARA acroynm stands for:
not Recovery Act. The twist on the meaning was meant to be a ‘misinformation bite’ to distract readers from the truth.
The true words that make up the NESARA acronym, are:
not Recovery Act as stated in your article. The Recovery word was substituted by the ‘misinformants’ many years ago, in an attempt to derail the public’s knowledge of the true law.
Mussolini… first comes to mind…combining private banks and government…fascism…His Excellency Donald Trump…has a ring to it…His Excellency Joe Biden…I can see the picture…horseshit on both accounts…merging of a new world…to merge…
Well, isn’t this what Bernie has been trying to do his whole life?
Shouldn’t all of this make the “Democratic” Socialists happy?
What do they even have to offer, anymore?
Trump already gave them their Socialist Totalitarian State!
Not to be Debbie Downer, but who wants to bet that these secretive arrests are NOT going to happen?
I’ll put $10 that the lies will continue through the summer, with no significant (i.e., “high profile”) arrests.
I sure wish it was true, but there is NO tangible evidence, no hidden signals, no governmental behavior, that suggests the Deepers are going down.
And if I’m wrong, I don’t mind!. In fact, I WANT to be wrong.
My bigger concern is, when the arrests don’t happen, what will? We’re still being sprayed, we’re being EM-radiated, and crazy vaxxers are trying to “chipsinate” us. Could the Virus be a cover to roll out enough 5G to control us?
We’re on the Razor’s Edge right now. Whichever way we lean, we risk getting sliced in half. So we all remain immobile. We ought to be mobilizing to get our country back, and the authoritarians surely don’t want that. All we can do is to prepare.
How will we communicate when they shut the web down? How can we devise a means to re-capture our country, if the criminals weaponize the police & National Guard against the citizens? When the system is trying to further divide us and to prevent group gatherings & communications, you HAVE to be suspicious. And all signs are more indicative of a coup of the government against the people by the NWO/ Global Illuminaughty perverts.
If Trump was on our side, wouldn’t he have given SOME indication that Q is True? Wouldn’t he have vetoed the $2.xTrillion ‘Stealulus’ Bill? Wouldn’t he have fired Barr by now? Hell, I could have prosecuted Hillary with all the evidence in the public domain, and they have the NSA data (“they have everything”). Really? They have it, but won’t use it?
Something STINKS here, and it’s not Swallow-well’s farts.
You summed it up perfectly, Dr. Moebius!
word. I could not be more spishus than I am today and it is now April 28, 2021, a full year down the road and they are preparing to do their worst to us on perpetual lockdown.
Spot on!
Vampirempire is an epic drama taking place in your simulation, not merely a book or movie.
First t h i n g s first.
* The v is 5 letters from the final letter z. Similarly, the e is 5 letters from the a.
* The clue to the star actor of this saga, soon to inherit the crown, is that his former life name was Vlad. Impaling; his chosen sport.
As the Queen’s Reich winds down with her appointed, prearranged day of death, MadChuck is just winding up. The steam from his cage so unbearable at times, that his keepers can barely stand the smell.
It has been a long wait for MadChuck but such is his karma. We find that his sense of blood gets quite unquenchable once the decades have snapped him out of his initial earth trappings. Later this year, MadChuck will be crowned.
The emerging worldwide fascism much to his liking. Mommy built the wall.
“IF” this could be true, it would give our country back to us.
Well, I still have HOPE!
But, I’m not holding my breath.
Breaking these chains is almost impossible.
It CAN be done.
Best wishes to all of us!
Make it so.
Full speed ahead captain!
If it sounds too good to be true,
It, most likely is.
I am sending you this information that I have received now;
As you know, I am reading your BS stuff on April 16 2021, a full year after you believed all the lies, and written your comments in all capitals to assure your readers that you know your sh’t? The entire story is theater? You, and I watch the plots, and SPECULATE a conclusion? I hope you learned your lesson NEVER to believe in anything 100%. Always have “some” doubts.
hahahahahahaa me too what a hoot. the leaDERs are still definitely screwing us and setting us for a good shearing i doubt with the track record of history that we tax serfs will ever have any sort of jubilee unless it’s cherries jubilee.
Yes, when the dust settles things will be different.
For one, there will be a lot less of us. The ones left will be those who fit into the sheep mold, completely brainwashed and controlled- programmed to never leave their homes due to fear of the never-ending viral threat. Isolated, dependent on technology and virtual reality and living on a basic world-government-sponsored income, those survivors will earn extra tokens to supplement their income by “liking” or participating in surveys.
Secondly, speaking of tokens…..everything-including people- will be tokenized. The financial system will be completely controlled and digital.
Thirdly, robots, and infertile (control-cloned) transhumanists (us) will serve the elite in the fashion to which they are accustomed. Everyone will live forever….in their assigned roles.
The list could go on and on……there are a lot of foreshadowing books, tv shows and movies …..Possibly a Star Treck type of space force will be created that will pillage planets and fight battles for the elite. If you can think it….so can our controllers.
Is it possible to avoid this distopian future ? I suppose……but with each passing day, the future looks increasingly bleak.
I’m old. I have been blessed with and made for myself a beautiful life. Change is inevitable. But I remember, before chemtrails and in between the distraction of wars, when the air and water were clean, the sun was yellow, the skies were clear blue with real clouds, and there were unbelievable quantities of fish in the ocean. I remember the magnificent mountains and beaches….all the beauty of sights, sounds and smells. I remember the joys of loving, living, and creating. The children of today and tomorrow will remember an altered past. Yesterday and today will be lost in a sea of lies….as they have always been….
More likely war with international central banks than NESARA.
If Catherine Austin Fitts used to work at Blackrock then she’s saying SHE’S rotten if ALL the people working at Blackrock are rotten. Logical fallacy there. Also the screaming tone of some of her tweets suggest fear and panic – is she concerned for Trump?
Are same CEO’s in place that were in place at BR when Fitts was there? If BR is as dirty as Fitts claims they should have at least a few indictments against them for human and drug trafficking.
The disinfo and kneejerk reactions from many formerly sane, astute analysts re this financial transition from DARK to LIGHT is truly astonishing. What’s going on is precisely what Q predicted – a FedRes RESTRUCTURE.
I believe it does have the same CEOs as ever, yes.
Ok. Thanks for letting me know that.
The financial game being played in this now is NOT the game that has been played since 1913. Mnuchin worked for the dirtiest in Wall Street yet is doing a fantastic job restoring America to fiscal health and wealth (under Trump’s leadership).
Re Black Rock – Joseph Kennedy was 1st Chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (appointed by Roosevelt) because he knew the crooked game being played, having played it masterfully himself, and would be the best guy to catch the crooks. Same is likely true here re BR – OR some deal has been made for them to either play clean or GO TO JAIL.
Time will tell about everything and not too much longer to wait.