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The food wars have gone hot. Even Tucker Carlson did a segment recently about the fires and explosions that have destroyed over 20 major food processing plants in the US in recent months. Now, the FBI has warned of cyberattacks on farming infrastructure.

Every dog has his day and it’s vindication time for Christian Westbrook, who’s been a lone voice crying in the wilderness about a major impending food shortage on his Ice Age Farmer YouTube channel for four years.



My friends, welcome. The food wars have gone hot. Very hot and by that, I don’t just mean the spontaneous combustion of farms and poultry operations and food warehouses and grain elevators and sugar refineries and distribution centers and meat packing facilities and the Port of Beirut and so on and so forth.

Indeed, in the last 24 hours, the entire alternative media and even Tucker [Carlson] in the mainstream media are talking about this. There’s an explosion of awareness of the fact that our food supply is under relentless attack; that there is a manufactured situation going on, an engineered food shortage ahead.

Indeed, when I talked about this in this report: Food Supply Spontaneously Combusting back in 2020, many people dismissed it as a conspiracy theory.

After all, it was only a Two Sigma event back then. That’s why I created this map, the Food Supply Incident Map, to try and keep track of all of these things and indeed, some of these events are still impacting us today, over two years later. I’ll pull some of those up tonight, briefly.

But now that it’s a Three Sigma event – meaning off the charts, nearly impossible statistically, from an actuary standpoint – no rational person would conclude that there is not something going on; that these are not deliberate attacks on our food supply.

Not to mention the fact that there are people at work who have the means, motive and opportunity to damage our food supply, in order to take control over it. Everyone is finally getting the picture.

Now, all of these explosions don’t even mention the fact that there are hundreds of millions of chickens being killed in the name of PCR tests for a bird flu that no one can prove exists – or the fact that Union Pacific has cut off shipments of fertilizer – or any of the other terrible policy decisions that have limited agriculture’s ability to produce food that we’ve talked about here, on the Ice Age Farmer channel.

And indeed, the FBI just today warned that even more attacks would be coming to food production – now, in the form of the “cyber pandemic” that Klaus Schwab promised, with ransomware attacks upon grain elevators and other facilities that would cripple production during the critical planting and harvest seasons and we’ll talk about that too.

But again, we are under attack and everyone knows it now. And so the question is, how do we respond?

And in that regard – and I think most important tonight – we’ve just seen what could easily be dismissed as one chicken farmer somewhere doing something crazy but what, in my view is a seismic shift in the awareness of this food attack on our planet and that is this: the chicken sale heard round the world.

When the State of New York, like 28 other states and other nations, for that matter announced a ban on the sale of live birds, Clucking Ridge Farms responded, “No. No, we will not comply.”

Their reasoning is quite simple: “We cannot run our farm without selling our poultry. That’s what we do. What you’re talking about as ‘biosecurity precautions’ actually translates, in reality to: ‘Shut down your operation,’ and we will not do that.”

Now, this is a major milestone. It marks, in my view, the first divergence from the mainstream food supply, which is being taken over by the technocrats and reshaped and an emerging what they will call “black market of food”.

People who will not comply with this takeover, because feeding your family is a basic human right. Raising animals, whether for meat or for manure; to feed your garden is a basic human right. These are inalienable rights. You cannot sell them, though they are certainly trying.

I’ve covered, before the government in the Netherlands trying to buy pig rights from farmers; bribe them, effectively with $700,000 for the sale of the right to ever raise pigs, ever again, which basically means they’re making it illegal to raise animals, right?

I’ve covered this before, in a report entitled “Criminalization of Raising Animals”, as the Dutch are selling pig rights.

But again, this is expected. And even last week, we saw the World Economic Forum come together to talk more about how “We’re going to reshape agricultural systems, create zero-emission food systems,” which of course, means a zero-animal economy. That’s why they also call it a “post- animal economy” and now we are witnessing them execute on that agenda through these contrived bird flu scams and pig rights – all of these things.

Just like the warehouse fires that everyone is talking about right now are abundantly, clearly a takeover of human food production and I think now, everyone sees it, which also means now, they’re going into hyperdrive and so now, we all must work together to reboot a decentralized, regenerative food system and that’s where we are now, Folks.

Welcome. I’m Christian and this is the Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

(Plays video from AgDay):

FBI is putting the ag industry on alert to watch out for cyber criminals, the agency warning that potential ransomware attacks could impact farmers and ag cooperatives during planting and harvesting seasons.

Now, they say cyber actors may perceive cooperatives as lucrative targets with a willingness to pay due to the time-sensitive role they play in agricultural production.

The FBI says six grain companies were targeted last fall and two others have already been attacked this year in a public advisory. Federal officials say a significant disruption of grain production could impact the entire food chain.

Now, he tells me hackers are generally opportunistic.

FBI also mentioned that an attack on grain production would cascade into the rest of the entire food chain. Now, I find the timing of this announcement spectacularly salient, given that everyone is talking about attacks on the food supply right now.

So, when better for the FBI than to come out and announce they are going to be cyber attacks, as well? Of course, we can trust them. They keep a close eye on things. Just ask Gretchen Whitmer.

Now, speaking of that conversation about things blowing up in the food supply, I’m thrilled that it’s happening, like I said. It does have a relatively a recency bias to it and so I want to flash back just to a couple of the major incidents that are still on this food supply incident map at:

You can find that there. I haven’t added the most recent incidents, because I think we get it. I think everyone gets it. Everyone’s talking about it but a couple that stood out to me: the biggest egg factory in Ireland, burned completely to the ground. You can tell there’s no chickens anymore laying eggs in this facility. This was in October in 2020 and it processed several million eggs per day for all of UK and Ireland, where we are now hearing about egg shortages, right?

So these are lasting, impactful events and that’s why I’m bringing them back up today – and to illustrate that this has been going on for some time – this, that everyone’s talking about now, mercifully, finally – so we can all respond, finally, so that we can go to everyone and this is why we’ve been saving seeds for seasons now and say, “Oh, you’re seeing it? Great, here’s some seeds. Start your garden now. Everyone, everyone: start your garden.”

Another one: massive Kent Foods warehouse in the UK, which was responsible. It was Europe’s largest independent supplier of sugars, sweeteners, dairy products, oils and fats, much like Azure Standard was the largest independent distributor of groceries here. They just had their headquarters burned down. Seems like the independent aspects of the food system are particularly explosive right now, spontaneously combusting.

Another series of fires that’s worth our attention are these grain elevators. Here’s one in Saskatchewan that burned down. This was on October 15 of 2020 and here’s yet another, in August of 2020 in Iowa, where the farmers were explicitly saying, “Hey, we can’t produce grains now! This is going to slow down our harvest!” Quote: “main concern among farmers is a lack of grain storage. I don’t have a place to put my grain.”

OK, so you see, this is not just things exploding and then we can re-route. We have some tolerance for errors or for problems but when there’s a systematic degradation of facilities exploding around the world; a chunk here, a chunk here, pretty soon we’re talking about these sorts of events that are impactful.

The Domino sugar refinery in Louisiana was another facility where two billion pounds of sugar every year were coming out of that factory and burned down completely and of course the more high-profile grain silos exploding in the Port of Beirut.

Now, two years later, Lebanon has plunged into food shortages, food riots, economic collapse, because that’s what happens when you destroy a nation’s ability to feed itself – and that’s what’s being done around the world right now.

We should also step back and remind ourselves among all these conversations about things exploding, that these explosions are happening against the backdrop of a food crisis already, where multiple nations in Europe have stopped their exports of grains; the most recent being Kazakhstan – again, a net exporter – stopping their exports, leaving the net importers high and dry, without a place to find food.

This is a recipe for disaster and it is the formula that was explicitly laid out by John Podesta’s Food Chain Reaction Game: Food crisis, food prices rising, nations stop their exports, “we need global government to save us and a carbon tax”; that script and we’re walking through it, now.

It’s worth mentioning, as quickly as I can, that production in South America is down right now, with USDA and other agencies writing down their estimates of corn and soybean crops coming out of Argentina and Brazil, respectively.

We all have heard by now that the wheat crop in the US has been devastated by the drought, particularly in Texas. It’s basically a write-off. That means that the hard red winter wheat crop is the worst condition in a decade.

Of course, that is about 40% of the total US wheat production we’re talking about, right now. So when you’ve got the Black Sea region offline because of the war, the US having the worst year in a decade.

Adding to global supply worries, as Reuters tells us here, we’ve got China claiming – if you believe them – that they are having the worst wheat harvest in history. And even if that was a lie when he said it last month, right now, what’s going on with Shanghai and beyond; being locked down, farmers being arrested if they even try and to get to their fields – Folks, the stories we’re hearing out of China right now are so extreme, that I dare not even speak them. It’s just out of control and it is having very real effects on food production, already. It remains to be seen how they handle that, you know.

They’ve been stockpiling for years, including from the US, who’s been more than happy to sell all of our grains we have. No grain reserves. It was eliminated jus before Obama. There is no strategic grain reserve in the US, anymore. China was stockpiling and has more than half the world’s grains saved up over there but now, they’re destroying their production this year.

It doesn’t exactly make a lot of sense. Something crazy is going on in China, though like I said, no reasonable person could look at this and not see an attack on our food supply and so, that’s why it’s time to start growing food, no matter what they tell you about bird flu, PCR tests or seed saving being dangerous unless you buy from Monsanto.

Just ignore all of this nonsense and get that garden in and grow it and save seeds and give it to your neighbors. If this conversation is starting to go mainstream and Tucker is talking about attacks on the food supply, then people are ready to have this conversation.

So go out and have it and let’s all start growing food.

Now, I asked a couple weeks ago, “How are you growing more food than ever before?” and I got a thousand plus emails. I responded to a couple hundred but to everyone, thank you for your emails. I really appreciated hearing them and I want to share just a couple tonight to give some examples of how people are growing in all sorts of different circumstances.

So here’s one from Elaine, who writes about how to have a garden without soil. She didn’t you know the soil where she lives was terrible and so what they did was grow their leafy greens mostly using the Kratky method, for which you do need hydroponic nutrients but it’s still a great way to grow a lot of stuff in a smaller amount of space and it’s easy to start up, so this is this is a fun one to try, especially when you’re in an apartment. It can still work for you.

She also mentions that she’s using Hügelkultur to start building up huge cultures, where you bury a piece of wood and then cover it with dirt and it will hold lots of moisture down in there and as it decomposes, release nutrients to the plants that you’re planting into this mound and that builds up a new layer of soil and organic matter on top.

Again, all this is about growing the soil, which is going to feed you in the future. Here’s another one I received from someone in Sweden who has an apartment there she has a balcony and on this balcony, she hung these baskets over the edge and was able to harvest a half kilo of beans but the key here is that most people wouldn’t even think that they have space to grow, right? This is space that did not exist before. She put those baskets there and created the space and so that’s why I wanted to share it, because so often, I hear, “Oh, I don’t have room to grow or I’m in an RV and I can’t.”

I was like, “Dude, put stuff on your roof, hang baskets over your ledge.”

Imagine if every apartment building, every floor had this kind of stuff growing up? This is an impactful difference, right? Just like every street median, when you start repurposing these things, you can make big dents in food production and that’s what we all need to be doing right now is softening our landing as much as possible.

This is the rest of her Sweden apartment balcony garden, where she’s actually built a little raised bed, even though she’s not even on the ground floor, right?

So you can do a lot wherever you are, I promise you. Just maximize what you’re doing.

Aquaponics is another thing you can do in a small apartment space here’s what she gets out of that: some beets and other awesome stuff. It’s looking beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

I also got a note from Billy over at Perma Pastor’s Farm about his awesome mutant chicken tractors that he’s built and has a video explaining. Check out his channel. Chicken tractors are a great way of keeping chickens but also distributing their fertility across your space, so check him out.

And then, stepping back, many, many notes that I received and this is part of the reason that I was so touched by them – and thank you again for them – mentioned that as people started their gardens and started transforming their lives and their spaces, neighbors and family would come and they would see this.

They would witness this transformation. They would taste how delicious food sovereignty is and they would go home and start gardens, too. So this is contagious. It is a food freedom movement that’s happening here that’s why I say the food wars have gone hot and now, more than ever before in history, even more than the victory gardens in World War II, now people get it. They see the attacks on our food supply they understand that we all eat every day and that this is not acceptable and they are ready to go to work to help with your garden or start their own.

So go have those conversations and grow as much food as you can this season and raise as many animals as you can sanely keep and spread the word.

Thanks for watching, Folks. You can find this report and all my reports on Many of my reports are no longer on YouTube so you must go there or even to to find the years, now worth of videos about other attacks to our food supply and why they’re doing it, which is also very important.

The great transformation of food; this desire to disconnect people from cultivation, which is part of the Transhumanist Movement; disconnecting us from food is a very primal thing.

Again, years worth of research on what’s going on at, so check it out.

Thanks for watching, Folks. The food war has begun. Whose side are you on?

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Article: (3 May) Talk Business & Politics – Planting off to slow start; Arkansas rice acreage may fall to a decades low

    Three major crops in Arkansas – rice, soybeans, and corn – are behind planting schedules after heavy rains soaked agriculture fields repeatedly in April, according to Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

    He said this could be the first year that the state’s rice acreage falls below 1 million acres in nearly 40 years if the wet weather doesn’t let up. As of April 25, 14% of Arkansas’ estimated rice acreage had been planted, compared with the five-year average of 48% for this time of year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

    I think most people will read this article and probably have some questions. However, I doubt that all that many will have the questions I have; for example, Is this Mother Nature just doing her thing or is this man doing his thing through weather control technology? If the latter is the case then the obvious question is “Why in the hell would man do such a thing?” Could it be part of a plan; a planned global food shortage for example?

    Personally, I just recently purchased 150lbs of AR non-GMO rice for $90. And 150lbs of pinto beans for $135. Glad I did. They have more where I bought mine but with this report being out I expect the price will soon go up.

  • FYI: find a farm near you at

    Also, food shortage situation is discussed on the HighWire’s show (episode 265 – the hunger wars) on 28 April. This discussion includes an interview with a rancher that tells it how it is from his perspective as well as an enlightening interview with Catherine Austin Fitts.

    Another thing….however large or small your place of residence is, if you need ideas about how to create a garden and grow food in and around your home, go to Pinterest and do a search on home gardens/apartment gardens. You will discover that there is a plethora of ideas that will inspire you and hopefully give you a direction to go in with your garden. When you look at the myriad ways and means people have come up with to grow food you can’t help but be astonished and impressed at how incredibly creative we humans are.

    • Sure you will, already proved it through Covid mandates & vaccines.
      Ya don’t even know when or how to use a gun, already proved that as well, sorry to say, the day to have used them was when Franky Roosevelt came looking for your grandfathers gold.

  • We’ve got to CUT OFF THE HEAD of this monster than the arms the legs and start grinding them up for good until we get things straightened out🎉We know who they are and they’re criminals!!We can’t wait👉👹⚔️

  • And these a$$holes are saying “sustainable life” on Agenda 2030?

    How much more would it be sustainable when those parasitic globalists are wiped out from face of the Earth?

  • Two more videos I recommend regarding this topic are these: (34:41) (10:02)

    Out of all the attacks that are being waged against humanity from myriad angles, this one has the potential to be the proverbial final nail in the coffin! A food shortage on any level is problematic to say the least but a severe food shortage that involves most of the planet will be devastating. At best we have six months and I think that the most formidable barrier (at least for those in developed countries) for us to possibly mitigate this dire situation is that, generally speaking, we have no personal familiarity with famine and starvation. It is this condition of unfamiliarity that makes the situation too incredible to take seriously. However, as more and more people talk about the situation the realness of it will begin to take hold with those who are more aware.

    Also, a big problem with a food shortage is that a person or a family or even a community cannot just take measures to safeguard themselves and omit others. Meaning, if your family is the only family in your neighborhood or community that has been preparing for this by stocking up on food, planting a garden in whatever scale you could, etc., when those around you run out of food and begin to get desperately hungry, they are going to notice that you and your family seem to be having food to eat so they will come visit. And being in the desperate condition of trying to survive they will be in, they are not coming to have a reasonable conversation. As this is a very likely scenario, it will be in anyone’s best interest to include as many people as they can in their preparing for what’s coming and coming fast.

    Unfortunately, bad farming practices incorporated in the US and around the world has destroyed much of the soil on the planet. In other words, the soil has been turned into dirt. Thus, the need for synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. Soil is what plants grown in and become nutritious food to consume. Dirt is what you build a building on and it is used by conventional farmers to hold the plants up, but that’s all dirt will do for a plant. This being noted, I highly recommend that you take a couple of hours or so and watch this presentation by Gabe Brown (a farmer in North Dakota) and learn some vital information about farming that can be applied to ANY size of growing operation. Even though, it takes longer than the time we have to convert dirt back to soil, it is my opinion that, it is essential that this information that Gabe presents needs to be in the mental data base of every single person on the planet regardless of where they might be on the food chain. (2:30:59)

    Note: This YT channel Living Web Farms that Gabe’s video is on has an abundant collection of some really good videos re farming and gardening.

    Because we don’t have the time necessary to turn dirt back into soil, we’re going to have to use other growing methods including hydroponics. Of course, every method has its challenges but some methods have many more challenges than others. That noted, when it comes to a hydroponic method that has minimal challenges I encourage you to research the Kratky Method (lots of videos about this on YT).

    Finally, I encourage folks to immediately begin to seek out like minded people in their immediate community to begin working together, learning together, planning together and doing things together to help mitigate this really bad storm that’s coming. A storm where we can’t evacuate an area and avoid, or go down into a storm shelter until it blows over; we’re going to have to deal with it head on from wherever we happen to be with whoever we happen to be with.

    Most towns and cities have empty buildings that groups of people could get access to and convert these spaces into urban farms. The more the better. Note: if you do attempt to do this and meet up with a lot of resistance, definitely take note of exactly who is doing the resisting and know that this individual(s), whether intentional or not, has taken on the color of the enemy. Converting empty buildings into urban farms is something city governments should be spearheading, but I very much doubt that will be happening. Indeed, from what I can see this isn’t even on their radar, and if it is they aren’t saying anything about it. In any case, they won’t say or do anything until it’s way too late. Of course, it could be the case too that many city governments have a plan in place that involves letting the situation get very desperate and then sending in the buses to take everyone to facilities where food is available. All I can say about that scenario if it does come about is…whatever you do, regardless of how hungry and desperate you are, don’t get on the bus! I know, easier said than done.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot a very important thing…SEEDS! Go out right away and buy as many vegetable seeds as you can afford and keep buying them until there’s no more to buy. Obviously you won’t be able to plant all the seeds you get but you can use them for trade.

    • Monte
      An absolutely inspiring thesis on the current situation.
      Hydroponics is the way to go in inner cities and many other places. It doesn’t require a lot of space or harmful fertilisers.
      Those that are familiar with the work of Les Brown, in his large Pyramidal Greenhouse, will recognise the huge advantage this shape of building offers.
      Thank you so much for your words of wisdom.

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