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Fast and Furious whistleblower, Jeffrey Prather, a veteran of the DEA and the 4th Psychological Operations Group in the Army Special Forces describes the latest intelligence he has received from his community and goes through a checklist of ways to prepare for the acute social unrest that may be inevitable.

He says, “I’m officially declaring that the Communists are here. They have infiltrated every aspect of our society: our schools, churches news media, entertainment industry, city, local, state and federal, executive, judicial and legislative governments have all been infiltrated, bought-off, blackmailed, brainwashed, extorted and turned against us.

“We are being censored, lied to, threatened bullied and intimidated to submit to the evil of godless, faithless total slavery of behavior and even thought.

“Every phase of our lives is mocked, disdained and humiliated…that is really what brainwashing is…it’s just a constant, consistent destruction of morals, ethics family and all that is good; on television, in the news, in books, in churches, in schools and in government.

“American culture, society and government, all of it has been MKUltra’ed. Let that sink in: Spirituality must be destroyed, so there is no higher authority than government. Morals must be replaced so that there is absolute submission to government command.

“It’s happening before our eyes. We must stop it, resist, stand up, push-back, defend, protect – now. If we don’t, America will end. The Republic has already fallen. American culture is being destroyed, right now, in our younger generation.

“So, how do we do this? What do we do? Here’s the lesson: the Deep State is a covert counterinsurgency run by Obama. That’s why Obama’s CIA, FBI and media minions attempted a soft coup on Trump.

“I just was watching Newsmax today, where they were saying, ‘Oh, the Obamas are going to have a comedy show.’

“Why? It’s not a comedy show. If you look at late night television, it’s a psyop. If you want to be cool, if you want to be ‘in’, if you want to be ‘hip’, then you need to criticize any values, any moral structure – or Trump, Christianity…

“Well, that’s what this new Obama comedy show is going to be about and it’s, again, a clandestine effort to psyop the American public and the target is the younger generation. It has nothing to do with comedy. Modern comedy is rarely funny. It’s mostly mean and obscene…

“When Obama has his residence set up a few blocks from the White House with [Valerie] Jarrett, that’s the Shadow Government’s headquarters. When he’s putting on a comedy show on Netflix, that is psyop and that’s going out to everybody’s phones. He’s trying to influence the younger generation…

“So the psyop is preparing the battlefield; its intelligence preparation of the battlefield, of the human terrain. The COVID shutdowns are to prepare the physical terrain, so you can’t meet and so then, if you’re violating a curfew, then you can be arrested.

“Because the Left is very nervous right now, with all of the Trump car parades, all of the witnesses coming forward, this is far from over.

“The ‘New Normal’ of isolation and social distancing is designed to destroy the last vestiges of non-governmental alliances.

“So, find out where your neighbors stand. Find out if you know a doctor that will issue hydrochloroquine. Who knows self-defense?…This is the 30th anniversary of my dojo. Who’s proficient in firearms? I’ve been teaching firearms since ’93. Who was military? Who is a nurse? Who has skills and resources to offer your neighborhood quick reaction force?

“Next, organize a neighborhood watch…talk through and then practice your actions. If Antifa and BLM show up, create and distribute a phone tree. You can wear masks and glasses that reduce facial recognition, too. Block your neighborhood roads with cars, garbage cans or people. Keep your kids away and inside…

“When they fail, we win. Remember Churchill’s piece, that ‘We’ll fight in the streets, fight in the fields, fight on the beaches until in God’s good time, the New World comes to save the old.’ He was talking about us. And so, in God’s good time, this time we have to come and save ourselves and we are not alone. There are, in California and New York, both police departments and sheriffs are refusing to enforce these illegal and unconstitutional [COVID] orders…

“In order for an insurgency to succeed, it has to have the people. This Communist insurgency – it’s run by Big Media, Big Data, Big Pharma, big politicians – is not winning. It is losing.

“Otherwise, Dorsey on Twitter wouldn’t be censoring everybody. Fox and CNN wouldn’t be censoring everybody. They are desperate. They are losing. The AP wouldn’t be calling the election.

“What this has turned into, besides an information war…as well and psychological operations, which is Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare and the Chinese doctrine of Unrestricted Warfare – but this has also become a War of Law.

“And that’s how the the Left locks up everything in the courts. We saw the DOJ stand by the side. I talked about Ezra [Cohen-Watnick] as Q because Barr was going to indict him. So, I outed him to warn him and the Q team.

“And right now, there’s just Senate hearings on Obamagate, just happening now. So, all they do is slow down everything in the courts, so nothing is happening. That is using the law as a form of warfare. And so this is unrestricted warfare, Fourth and Fifth generational warfare, which doesn’t look like warfare, it’s covert…

“It’s very difficult to see all of that and perceive all of that but every citizen journalist show that comes out, including mine and many others; it’s becoming clearer and clearer and what is happening.

“That is also intelligence preparation of the battlefield of the human terrain. That’s why Fox preemptively called the election for Biden. They were prepping, they were brainwashing, they were MK-Ultra’ing…they were prepping the battlefield of the mind, the human terrain…So, every time citizen journalists are doing a show, they are also prepping the battlefield…

“What the enemy always wants you to think is that, ‘Oh! It’s all over, you can’t win! We’re so powerful! Nothing is going to happen!’ And that is not true, at all.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • There are many problems with his thinking.

    IMO he is half right and three quarters wrong. He is often blaming the wrong “why”.

    Yes, China is a serious problem, but they are not causing the problems he is complaining about.

    The communists are not causing the school problems.

    The problem in schools is a result of the break down or degeneration of society.

    The problem is caused by women’s liberation and feminism.

    Back in 1980 when women’s liberation was starting to get traction, a wise man told me that when
    women begin to run the world we are finished.

    Well we are just about there now. Prophecy come true.

    There is no greater crime than women’s liberation and feminism.

    Only women can destroy the world.

    • Mr. Pally, your insistence on the women’s movement being the only bad actor in the current milieu is very much off the mark. Whatever corrosive effort you find in feminism is just a small portion of the Marxist efforts to overthrow the world order. I suggest you read Blair’s two posts below and do some further research into the methods used by the likes of Lenin and Saul Alinsky to attack capitalist society through multiple insidious streams of propaganda. I wish you well, sir.

  • Look, look over there. It’s the ‘communists’!

    Don’t look here at the US ‘plutocrats’ and the M.I.C., there is nothing to see!

    • Learn some history. Communism arose from Fabian Socialism and the Fabian Socialists have infiltrated every sector of government and Western society over the past 100 years. It is the “social engineering” virus that was implanted into America so those plutocrats who run the banks, control the corporations and create war for the Military Industrial Complex could subversively take over what was supposed to be a constitutional republic. So, yes, it is the “communists.” You just don’t understand who they are or where they came from…

  • Good to hear someone telling it like it is. However I am less optimistic than this gentleman. I think he said they, the communists, don’t run the gov????? I think those on the Left DO run the gov. Perhaps some drastic move by Trump can slow this takeover. Martial Law? I don’t know but from my field of vision things looks pretty bad. When I see Hillary in an orange jump suit and or Comey and some others I’ll trust something. NO ONE is held accountable of those on the Left.

  • And you never hear about when we win cuz all they want is the false narrative to take our God given rights away.

  • George Floyd incident was in Minneapolis, MINNESOTA not Michigan (42:00). If Mr. Prather did a “deep dive” he should know that.

    • I spent over 1000 hours of my own, personal and unpaid time this year (since June) documenting who “they” are and how this nation was infiltrated and taken over. If you want a simple answer because most Americans have lost any attention span whatsoever and refuse to actually take the time to educate themselves, there isn’t one. To understand who “they” are, it takes time, effort, personal responsibility and research to understand. You will never be told on TV. I have made it incredibly simple for everyone to connect the dots if you TRULY want that question answered.

      You’re welcome for my service…

  • Dear Alexandra,

    Whilst Jeffrey clearly understands how we got here, the idea that we are going to have to fight on the streets to save our world is way off the mark!

    There are forces at play that he cannot even imagine fighting ‘Evil’ silently on our behalf.

    Nothing has been left to chance! The war is not down to the average man and woman to win.

    The only war the average person has to fight, is to dismiss the relentless hype being pushed by the despicable MSM aided and abetted by this man-made Pandemic. A pandemic that very few will suffer from! Other than, the fear that the MSM has instilled in our minds!

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